Mallory, Sir William Knight 1 2a

Birth Name Mallory, Sir William Knight
Gender male
Age at Death 77 years, 2 months, 21 days



1 AUTH During Rising of the North he was on side of Queen
1 AGNC Gave news and advice to the Earl of Sussex
1 DEST 1585 MP for Yorkshire
1 MEDI High Sheriff of county in 1592

Va. His. Genealogies, p. 109.
Sir William Mallory of Studley and Hutton succeededhiselderbrotherChristopher, who die d M a rch 23, 1553/54. WilliamMallory,Esq.,wasfound by the Inquest P,M. to be his next of k i n , thenbeing 23yearsofage and more. During the Rising of the North in 1569, hewas on t h esideof the Queen, giving news and advice to the Earl ofSussex. In1570hewas appointe d H i gh Steward of Ripon, which he heldforlife.(C.S.P.)of the county in 1592. He was excee di n glyzealousinsuppression of theCatholics. In 1575 the Commissioners atYorkforEcclesia s t ical Causesrequested him to pull down thegoldentabernacle atRipon, Brest Lowe,and to u s e t he same in repairingtheChancel. SirWilliam is said tohave been very keen in advanci n g thReformation.(Troubles of OurCatholic Forefathers, Sec. 3, pp. 46, 69,83,92) (13V.32 8 ) . He marriedUrsula, daughter of Sir George Gale ofYork,Master ofthe Mint andsometime L o r d Mayor there. George Gale, inhiswill, 1536,gave hisdughter Ursula and her husband twe n t y pounds.
In the following year "Dame Mary Gale" bequeathed toherdaughterMalloryher "Tabette of go l d s" and to her goddaughter,JaneMallory, her"flowerof gold." (Wills York Register) (13V.3 2 8 ).
Sir William was buried at Ripon March 22, 1602/03. His willwasdatedJune15, 1586 and pro b a ted April 5, 1602/03. His will wasdatedJune 15,1586and probated April 5, 1603. Willi a m M allory ofHuttonConyers,knight."To George Mallory my son, one annuity of 18 poundsou t o f mymanor ofWashington; to Thomas Mallory my son, one annuity of19poundsout of thesam e ; t o Charles my won, one annuity of 17 poundsoutof mylands atHutton Conyers; to Robert Ma l lor y my son, one annuityof17pounds out ofthe same; to Francis Mallory my won, one annui t y of17pounds out of mylands at Great Studley; to Anne my daughter,300pounds;to Dorothy Ma l lory my daughter twelve score pounds; toJulianMallory mydaughter 300pounds where of she h a t h already paid untoher 50pounds toremain withher mother until she be so, if she marrie s w ithoutherconsent she tohave but 200 markes, and the other 100 markes tobepaidto Elizab e t hMallory my youngest daughter for ten years 10 poundsayearand for herfurther advancem e n t I rest in the mercy of Godandhermother'sgoodness. My wife to have all my plate and af t e r herdeathtoJohn if hebe living, if not to William Mallory his son. TheresiduetoDam e U r sulamy wife and John my son exrs." (13 V. 328-29)
His heir was Sir John Mallory of Studley and Hutton whoseeldestsonandheir was Sir Will i a m Mallory, Esq., of Studley andHutton.SirWilliamwas five years old at the time of the H e r ald'sVisitationtoYork, 1585.(13V. 442). Therefore the statement in theVirginia Magazi n e(14 V. 101)that Thomas Mallory, ancestor of theVirginia Mallorys, wasasixth sonof Si r J o hn Mallory of Studley (above)was in error.Thisprobably arosefrom the fact that pages 4 42 - 443 of themagazineweretransposed (See 14V. 101). Thomas Mallory was born about1566 . Therefore, he could not bea younger brother of William Mallory,Esq.,whowas born in 1580.



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1525 Studely Yorkshire England    
Death 1602-03-22 Ripon, England    

Age: 77y

Christening B0BAED4BA88B4927913E9052100FEDCED006 20 Dec 2005    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Mallory, William, Sir14981547-04-27
Mother Norton, Jane1500
         Mallory, Sir William Knight 1525 1602-03-22


Family of Mallory, Sir William Knight and Gale, Ursula

Unknown Partner Gale, Ursula ( * 1529 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Mallory, Thomas15661644-04-03


  1. Mallory, William, Sir
    1. Norton, Jane
      1. Mallory, Sir William Knight
        1. Gale, Ursula
          1. Mallory, Thomas

Source References

  1. gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005 gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005
  2. Richard Remme: Ancestors of R.H. Remmé, the Netherlands
      • Source text:

        # ID: I200675
        # Name: William Constable
        # Given Name: William
        # Surname: Constable
        # Prefix: Sir
        # Suffix: Knight
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 1358 in Halsham Yorkshire England
        # Death: Y 1 1
        # _UID: 3AE72025018C4616B8353DF693DF31F30509
        # Change Date: 30 Jul 2009 at 00:39
        # Note:



        Father: John Constable b: Abt 1347 in Halsham Yorkshire England
        Mother: Maud Hilton b: 1352 in Hilton Yorkshire England

        Marriage 1 Elizabeth Metham b: 1362 in Metham Yorkshire England

        * Married:
        * Change Date: 20 Dec 2005


        1. Has Children Robert Constable b: 1385
        2. Has Children John Constable b: 1388 in Halsham in Holderness, East Riding Yorkshire, England



        1. Abbrev: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005
        Title: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005



      • Citation:
