CLEMONS, Norma Jean 1a

Birth Name CLEMONS, Norma Jean
Gender female
Age at Death 52 years, 11 months, 21 days


Birth & death dates verified by my personal knowledge (DB).

Died of a rare form of leukemia.


Social Security Death Index
Name: Norma Johnson
SSN: 478-34-1856
Born: 19 Mar 1933
Died: Mar 1986
State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (Before 1951)


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1933-03-19 Nevada, Story Co., IA.    
Death 1986-03-09 Boone Co. Hospital, Columbia, Boone Co., MO. Sun.    

Age: 52y 11m 18d

Burial 1986-03-12 Memorial Park Cem., Kansas City, MO. Wed.    
Christening 3B8C5271924E4F34BE45ECE046770DFD8388 31 Jul 2010    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father , Nip Jr.1893-03-181947-10-03
Mother NORMAN, Vera ****1896-06-091970-01-26
    Brother     CLEMONS, John Marvin 1915-09-01 1941-05-09
    Sister     CLEMONS, Mary Louise 1919-06-07 2001-04-11
         CLEMONS, Norma Jean 1933-03-19 1986-03-09
    Sister     CLEMONS, Darlene Ann **** 1935-01-20


Family of JOHNSON, Harold Eugene and CLEMONS, Norma Jean

Married Husband JOHNSON, Harold Eugene ( * 1923-04-03 + 1991-07-17 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1951-09-00 Jackson, MN.. Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
JOHNSON, Jeffrey Blayne1961-03-292004-03-29

Source References

      • Source text:


        ID: I1240
        Name: John C. **** NORMAN
        Given Name: John C. ****
        Surname: NORMAN
        Suffix: Sr.
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1732 in Hampshire Co., Virginia Colony
        Death: Abt 1824 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Burial: Virginia
        _UID: 9E22A31DEF6742D8BAF45D87D54A912052CF
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011 at 10:32
        There is a possibility that John was married 2 times. This is per Shirley Norman Gunn @ Norman @ Rootsweb.

        Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783, with his son, William..

        He inherited 1 shilling sterling from his father.

        Norman notebook: Indenture copy for the sale of land by Isaac Means & his wife Ann to John Norman for the sum of 2000 pounds (current money of Virginia). Document dated Nov. 9, 1779.

        Son William served as a Private with the Virginia Troops. From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment. William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.




        Father: Courtney C. **** NORMAN b: 1705 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Mother: Mary Frances **** BROWNING b: Abt 1721 in Orange Co., Virginia Colony

        Marriage 1 Sarah **** MCMURRIN b: in Hampshire, VA.
        Married: Bef 1760 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011
        Has Children Benjamin **** NORMAN b: 12 Apr 1760 in Culpeper Co., Virginia Colony
        Has Children John NORMAN b: 1761 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Has Children William NORMAN b: 23 Sep 1763 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Has No Children Isaac NORMAN b: 1767 in Virginia
        Has No Children Ann NORMAN b: Abt 1771
        Has No Children Sarah NORMAN b: Abt 1772
        Has No Children Mary "Polly" NORMAN b: Abt 1773
        Has Children Henry NORMAN b: Feb 1781 in Hampshire Co., VA.

      • Citation:
