Molyneux, William Huntly 1 2a 3a
Birth Name | Molyneux, William Huntly |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 67 years, 1 month, 15 days |
(Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He distinguished himself at the battle of Flodden Field, 1513, and took, with his own hand, two standards, which are still preserved in the family.
1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
Media: Book
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1481-02-00 | Sefton, Lancashire, England | 1 | |
Death | 1548-03-16 | Sefton, Lancashire, England | 1 | |
Age: 67y 1m |
Burial | Sefton Parish Churchyard, Sefton, Metropolitan Borough of Sefton, Merseyside, England | Burial | 4a | |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Molyneux, Thomas | 1445 | 1483-07-12 | |
Mother | Dutton, Anne | 1449 | 1520-10-22 | |
Sister | Molyneux, Ellen | 1462 | 1536 | |
Brother | Molyneux, James | 1464 | ||
Sister | Molyneux, Alice | 1466 | 1538-08-27 | |
Brother | Molyneux, John | 1470 | 1548-03-16 | |
Brother | Molyneux, Edward | 1473 | 1535-08-14 | |
Sister | Molyneux, Elizabeth | 1473 | 1508-11-27 | |
Sister | Molyneux, Joan | 1475 | 1520-11-30 | |
Sister | Molyneux, Jane | 1475 | 1520 | |
Brother | Molyneux, Richard | 1478 | 1561 | |
Brother | Molyneux, Thomas | 1478 | 1479 | |
Molyneux, William Huntly | 1481-02-00 | 1548-03-16 | ||
Brother | Molyneux, Edmund | about 1482 | 1552 | |
Sister | Molyneux, Isabel | 1490 | 1568-05-24 |
Family of Molyneux, William Huntly and Rugge, Jane Countess of Selfton |
Unknown | Partner | Rugge, Jane Countess of Selfton ( * 1481 + 1521-10-22 ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
Molyneaux, Thomas | ||
Molineaux, Alice | 1486 | 1538-08-27 |
Molyneux, William | 1495 | 1541-10-31 |
Molyneux, Richard | 1495 | 1569-01-03 |
Molyneaux, Jane | 1499 | |
Molyneux, Anne | 1500 | 1569-01-03 |
Molyneaux, Eleanor | about 1504 | |
Molyneaux, Daniel | about 1508 |
Source References
- - Sir William Molyneux
Source text:
Sir William Molyneux
M, #690179, b. circa 1481, d. 1548
Last Edited=24 Feb 2018
Sir William Molyneux was born circa 1481. He was the son of Sir Thomas Molyneux and Anne Dutton. He married Joan Rudge. He died in 1548.
Child of Sir William Molyneux and Joan Rudge
Sir Richard Molyneux+ b. b 1528, d. 1568 -
Source text:
Sr William, in the reign of King Henry VIII was a great commander in the Co. of Lancaster and brought a considerable strength to the seasonable succor of the Duke of Norfolk, with whom he performed signal service at the battle of Flodden Field 1513, taking there with his own hand two streamers, which are still in the family.
He m. 1st, Jane, dau. of Sir Richd. Rugg, in Co. Stafford, by whom he had Sir Richard, his heir. Jane m. Richard Bold, Lanc., Esq. Annie m. Alexander Standish of Standish Hall, Esq.
m. 2nd, Elizabeth dau. of Cuthbert Clifton in Lanc.; by whom he had William and Thomas, who died without issue, and Annie m. Henry Halsal, of Halsal, Esq.
Source text:
Source text:
Temp. William I. to Victoria."He was the great progenitor of all."
Isaak Walton."The knights are dust, their good swords rust;
Their souls are with the saints, I trust."
"The venerable lore of olden time,
Black letter tomes, and ancient chronicles."WILLIAM DE MOULINS, Lord, by grant from Roger de Poictiers, of the Manors of Sephton, Thornton, and Keurdon, at the time of the Conquest, and whose name stands 18th in order on the Roll of Battle Abbey, was the common ancestor of the Molyneux Family, of which the Earls of Sefton represent the eldest house, and Molyneux of Thornton the eldest cadet; Robert of Thornton being the progenitor of the Molyneuxes of Mellinge1.
The Molyneuxes of Dorsetshire, according to a visitation made in 1565, are said to have come out of Cheshire. Hugh Molyneux, however, who was possessed of the manor of Cranbourne Holwell, in the fifteenth century, was the son of Richard Molyneux, of Halsall, Co. Lancaster. He died in 1508, and was buried within the chapel of Our Lady, in Cranbourne Church. He was succeeded by his sons Thomas and Henry, and the latter by his son Oliver.2
Playfair, in his British Family Antiquity in Ireland, states with reference to William de Moulins, — “In the most ancient written chronicles of the Duchy of Normandy remaining on record, he is placed as a most especial and principal man in nearness and credit with the Conqueror, at the time he undertook the Conquest.”
Vivian, son and heir of William de Moulins, was the trusty friend of Roger de Poictou, Earl of Lancaster, and was placed by him in his castle at Liverpool, to act as his governor and castellanus, in the utmost limits of his earldom. He was succeeded by his son Adam de Molines, Lord of Sefton and Speke, who by his wife Annota, daughter and heir of Benedict le Gernet, Lord of Speke, had three sons, Robert de Molyneux,3 Gilbert, and Henry. Robert married Beatrix, daughter and heir of Robert de Villers, Lord of Little Crosby, by whom he had two sons, Richard Molyneux, Lord of Sefton, Little Crosby, and Speke; and Simon. Richard, by his wife Edith, daughter of Aumary le Boutiller, had two sons, Adam and Robert. Adam de Molyneux married Letitia de Brinley, and was commissioner for the peranbulation of Forests in 1228, and in 1255, being possesed of £15 a year in land, was knighted. He held Simons Wood of Edward Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster.4 William, his son and heir, married Margaret, daughter of Sir Alan de Thornton, and held by knight's service 15 libratas terre, equivalent to 3,600 acres. He received knighthood at the hands of Phillip de Uluceby, Sheriff of Lancashire, in 1256. He was succeeded by his son, Sir Richard Molyneux, Knt., whose son and heir, William, was created a Knight Banneret in 1286. He died anno 1289,5 leaving his wife Isabel, daughter of—Scaresbrecke of Scaresbrecke, a son, Sir Richard Molyneux, Knt., who married Agatha, daughter and heir of Sir Roger Kyrton, and died anno 1363. His eldest son and successor, Sir William Molyneux, married first Joan, daughter and heir of Jordan Ellall, Forester of Wyresdale; and second, Margaret, relict of Sir Robert Holland, K.G. By his first wife Sir William had seven sons—Sir William Molyneux of Sefton; Sir Thomas Molyneux of Kuerdale,6 (Constable of Chester, slain by Sir Thomas Mortimer at the Battle of Radcot Bridge,7 1388); Sir John Molyneux of Crosby8 (returned to the Great Council at Westminster 17 Edward II.); Richard, Parson of Sefton; Robert, Peter, and Simon. Sir William Molyneux, the eldest son, greatly distinguished himself in the wars in France and Spain under the Black Prince, and was made a knight Banneret in 1367, after the Battle of Navarret. He died at Canterbury on his return home in 1372, and was there buried, the following epitaph being inscribed on his tomb:—
"Miles honorificus Molyneux subjacet intus:
Tertius Edwardus dilexit hunc ut amicus.
Fortia qui gessit, Gallos, Navarrosq, repressit,
Hinc cum recessit, morte feriente decessit,
Anno milleno trecento septuageno,
Atque bis junge duo, sic perit omnis homo.”By his wife Joane, daughter and heir of Sir Robert Holland, Knt., Sir William Molyneux had an only son, Sir Richard Molyneux, Knt., High Sheriff of Lancashire for life, and M.P. for the Shire 20th Richard II.,9 who married Elinore, daughter of Sir Thomas Urswick, Knt., by whom he had three sons, Sir Richard Molyneux, Knt. Of Sefton,10 Adam, and Robert,11 and two daughters. During his minority he was a ward of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster.
Sir Richard Molyneux, the eldest son, signalised himself in the French was of King Henry V., particularly at Agincourt, in consideration of which services Henry VI. Granted to him and his son Richard by patent, dated at Brandon, 26th July, 1446, the chief forestership12 of the royal forest13 and parks in the wapentake of West Derbyshire, with the offices of Sarjeant or Steward of that and the wapentake of Salford, and also the office of Constable of Liverpool. Sir Richard married as his first wife Joane, daughter and heiress of Sir Gilbert Haydock, Knight and relict of Sir Peter Legh, Knt., of Lyme, Cheshire, by who he had eight sons—Sir Richard Molyneux, Knight, of Sefton (ancestor of the Viscounts Molyneux and Earls of Sefton), Sir Thomas Molyneux, Knight of Hawton, Co. Notts (ancestor of the Molyneuxes of Teversal and Thorpe, and of the branches seated in Staffordshire and Sussex), John, Rector of Sefton, William, Robert, of Altcar, Henry, Edmund, whose wife was Agnes, Lady of Cheneys, Bucks, and Gilbert; and three daughters:—Elizabeth, married to Sir Thomas Southworth,14 of Sawlesbury, Catherine, wife of Sir Robert Radcliffe, and Joane, wife of Robert Preston, of Gormestown, Ireland. He married secondly Ellinor, daughter of Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Radcliffe Tower, and widow of Sir William Harrington, by whom he had two daughters, Anne, wife of Sir Richard Nevil, of Leversedge; and Margaret, married to Sir Peter Leigh, of Lyme, and Bradley, Cheshire. He died in 1439, and was buried in Sefton Church, where there is a curious old tomb, now very much defaced, to his memory, and that of Joane his wife,15 on which he is described as “Lord of Bradley, Haydik, Villien de Weryngton, Sanky, Burtonwode, Newton, and Walton in the Dale.”
In the third year of Henry VI., anno 1424, a violent quarrel, arising out of the disputed limits of the family possessions in Liverpool, sprang up between Thomas Stanley the younger, afterwards Lord Stanley, and Sir Richard Molyneux of Sefton. From the report of the facts made to the Chancellor of the Diocese by Ralf of Ratcliffe and James of the Holts, Justices of the Peace, it appears that they had some difficulty in preventing a pitched battle between the retainers of these two powerful families. The Justices reported that having heard that there was “great rumor and congregation of routes” between these two honourable persons, they and Sir Richard Radcliffe, the Sheriff of Lancashire, proceeded to the house of Sir John Stanley, in Liverpool, where they found “Thomas of Stanley with a multitude of people in the town, to the number of 2,000 men or more,” waiting to receive Sir Richard de Molyneux, who was expected to enter the town immediately for the purpose of attacking the Stanleys. With some difficulty the Sheriff and Justices succeeded in arresting Thomas Stanley. They afterwards arrested Sir Richard Molyneux, whom they found marching from West Derby “with great congregation, route, and multitude, to the number of 1,000 men, or more, arrayed in manner as to go to battle, and coming fast towards Liverpool town.” The Sheriff subsequently received from the Chancellor of the County Palatine the following mandamus from the King:—
“Henry, King of England and France, Duke of Ireland, to his Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster, send the following mandamus16:—
“We command, &c., that Tomas, son of John Stanley, soldier, now residing in my Castle of Cliderow, shall withdraw himself as far as the Castle of Kenilworth; and that Richard Molyneux, soldier residing at the Castle of Lancaster, shall withdraw himself as far as the Castle of Windsor. Given at Westminster the 3rd year of my reign.”
The feud between the families was afterwards made up, and the two houses became allied in marriage, and fought side by side on the field of Flodden, and later on in support of the Royal cause in the Civil War. The friendship has subsisted to the present time, a period of more than three centuries.
The visitors' list at Lathom, preserved in the “Derby Household Books,” contains several entries illustrative of the intimate social relations then subsisting between the two families. Thus in 1587 appear the entries:—“On Wednesday, the 19th of July, my Lord rode to Knowsley, and on Frydaye came againe.” “On Monday, the 24th, my Lord rode to Sir Ryc. Mollynewx's, and the householde removed from Lathom to Knowsley.” In November, 1588: “Monday, My Lady Molyneux at dyner.” In March, 1589: “Sunday, Mr. Mollynewx, of Derbyshire, came, and on Tuesday he departed.” “My Lord and Lady Strandge (Strange)17 went to Sir Ryc. Mollynewx's house.” In June the same year: “On Friday Mr. Mollyneux, of Hawkcliffe, came.” “Sunday, Mr. Mollyneux and Mr. Ric. Mollyneux, of Conscome, came to dyne.” “Thursday, Mr. John Mollyneux came to dyne.”
The mornings at Lathom were frequently devoted to hawking, and an occasional throw with the dice wound up the day.
The will, dated 14th June, 1587, of Anne, widow of Henry Halsall, of Halsall, a daughter of Sir William Molyneux, of Sefton, Knight, by his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter and heires of Cuthbert Clifton,18 through whom he acquired the manor of Clifton, affords further proof of the friendship between the two families. To her “Right Hon and very good Lord, Henry, Earl of Derby,” she bequets the best ox she should have at her decease; and to Mrs. Anne Stanley, daughter of the said Earl, to whom she was godmother, “one tablet of gold weighing vlb by estimation.” She gives also to her cousins, Sir Richard Molyneux, Knt., Richard Molyneuxe of Conscome, John Molyneux, senior, and Alexr. Molyneuxe, parson of Walton, and to her brother, Robert Molineuxe, one fat ox each; and to her cousin Richard, son of John Molyneux, £6 13s. 4d.
Robert Molineux filled the post of Deputy of the Isle of Man under William, sixth Earl of Derby, in 1597 and 1599; and that of Captain in 1600 and 1612. Molineux Radcliffe19 was one of the bodyguard to James, seventh Earl of Derby, Sovereign and Liege Lord of Man, on the 6th July, 1637, when the Earl set out in royal array from his castle at Rushen to a great gathering of the people at their “Thing Mount,” or Tynwald Hill, escorted by a goodly body of troops, chiefly retainers from his demesnes at Knowsley and Lathom.20
Sir Edward Molineux,21 parson of Sefton and prebendary of Faringdon, in the cathedral church of Sarum, second son of Sir Thomas Molineux, Knt., was one of the executors named in the will of Thomas, second Earl of Derby, proved 27th June, 1524.22 He is the Edward Molineux referred to in a letter dated 5th March, 1525, addressed by Sir Richard Broke to Cardinal Wolsey, respecting the payment of arrears of an annuity of £10, granted by Edward Molineux to George Blondell, under a decree of the Star Chamber. The Molyneux Chantry, in Sefton Church, was founded by him in 1535.
Coming down to the present time, it was in a letter to William Philip, fourth Earl of Sefton, that Edward Henry, fifteenth Earl of Derby, on the 12th March, 1880, announced the severance of his political connection with the Conservative Administration of the Earl of Beaconsfield, and his adhesion to the Liberal party.
Sir Richard Molyneux, Knight, eldest son and heir of Sir Richard Molyneux,23 of Sefton, married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Thomas, Lord Stanley, of Lathom, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and Comptroller of the Household and Chamberlain to Henry VI. She was sister to Thomas, first Earl of Derby. Sir Richard was appointed, 13th November, 1453, one of the Gentlemen Ushers of the Privy Chamber to Henry VI., and was high in the favour of that monarch. He fell fighting under the Lancastrian banner at the battle of Blore Heath,24 Staffordshire, on the 23rd September, 1459, having previously, with Sir Hugh Venables and others, received the young Prince's Livery of the Swans,25 and was succeeded by his eldest son, Thomas, who married Anna, daughter of Thomas Dutton, of Dutton,and who was in arms for Edward IV., under Richard, Duke of Gloucester, for the recovery of Berwick from the Scots, and was made a Knight Banneret; his son and heir, Sir William Molyneux, Knight Banneret, distinguised himself at the battle of Flodden Field, fought 9th September, 1513, in which engagement he, with Sir Edward Stanley, commanded the rear. It is generally conceded that the Lancashire archers had a chief share in the victory.26 Sir William took with his own hands two standards, one being that of the Earl of Huntley, and which are still preserved in the family of the Earls of Sefton. King Henry VIII. Write the following congratulatory letter to both Sir Edward Stanley and Sir William Molyneux upon the occasion:—
"Right Trusty and Well-beloved,—We greet you well, and understand by the Report of our right trusty Cousin and Counsellor, the Duke of Norfolk, what acceptable Service, you amongst others, did us by your valiant Towardness, in the Assistance of our said Cousin, against our Enemy, the King of Scots; and how courageously you, as a very hearty loving Servant, acquitted for the overthrow of the said late King, and distressing of his Malice and Power, to our great Honour, and the advancing of your no little Fame and Praise, for which we have good Cause to favour and thank you; and so we full heartily do; and assured you may be, that we shall in such effectual wise remember your said Service, in any your reasonable Pursuits, as you shall have Cause to think the same right well employed, to our Comfort and Weal hereafter. Given under our sygnet, at our Castle at Windsor, the seventeenth Day of November, and fifth Year of our Reign."
In the "Memoirs of the House of Stanley," published in 1783, is the following quaint panegyric upon Sir William Molyneux:—
"This most valient and worthy Gentleman appeared like the North Star in its Glory. He was a man of great command in Lancashire, the Image of whose Mind was as peculiar, as the beautiful Portrait of his Body; nobly forgiving his Enemies, if reconcileable, and refusing ignobly to be revenged upon them, if obstinate. This noble nature, advanced by his Heroic Education, made acceptable at Court, as well as in the Country, where his Hospitality was renowned, his Equity and Prudence beloved, and his Interest large and commanding. In him was seen the idea of the true English Gentleman. In favour at Court, in Repute in the Country, at once loved and feared. His usual saying was, 'That he never saw fear, but in the backs of his Enemies.' In a word, he lived in all Capacities, a public Good, and died a Common Loss."
Sir William Molyneux died in 1548, and was buried in the chancel of the church at Sefton, beneath a flat marble, with the following translated inscription:—
"Sir William Molineux, Knt., Lord of the Manor of Sefton, who was sent three times against the Scots by Henry the Eighth of England. In war he fought most courageously, and at Flodden with his own hands took two of the Scottish Banners in spite of all their resistance. In peace he was the friend of all mankind, assisting with his counsel those who wanted advice, and with his purse those who wanted money. He had two wives. The first, Jane, only daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Rugge, Knt., of the County of Salop, by who he had three children, William, Thomas and Ann. After a life of sixty-five years, he was laid here with his ancestors, in July, 1548, in the hope of the Resurrection."27
Kuerdon mentions that Sir William built a "fayre chappel" at Euxton, of which manor he was the lord.28
In 15th Henry VIII., James Anderton, of Euxton, settled the issues of his lands in Breth, Lydiat, and Whittle, towards paying his debts, &c., then to W. Molineux and Henry Banestre of Banc, and their heirs, to found three "chantryres" with three priests, to pray for the souls of him, and Agnes, his wife, one in the parish church of Leyland, one in Eccleston, and one in the chapel of Euxton.
Henry, sixth son of Sir Richard Molyneux, was instituted rector of Drayton Beauchamp, Bucks, 16th October, 1472, on the presentation of his brother Edmund,29 who was Sheriff for Bucks in 1475. Henry Molyneux was also a canon residentiary in the cathedral church of Exeter, and died in 1491. By his will, dated 4th March, 1489 (vide Appendix), he desires to be buried in the cathedral either before the image of St. Michael or that of St. Christopher.
William Molineux, A.M., a grandson of Sir Richard, was presented in 1531 to the living of Maids Moreton, Bucks, by Anne Broughton, heir to John Broughton. He was also chaplain, anno 1529, to Agnes, Duchess of Norfolk, widow of Thomas, second Duke of Norfolk, K.G., celebrated as Lord Surrey for the victory he achieved over James IV. of Scotland at Flodden, and was one of the witnesses to the deposition of the Duchess in reference to the divorce between Henry VIII. And Katherine of Aragon, taken on Friday, 15th July, 1529, in the Church of St. Mary, of the Cluniac Priory of Thetford, by Sampson Mychell, canon, in which she depones that "her age is fifty-two years and over;" that "she knoew Henry VII. And his Queen Elizabeth from the time she was fifteen, and remembered Katherine coming from Spain, and the marriage of Arthur and Katherine in St. Paul's;" also, "that the said Arthur and Princess Katherine, now being Queen, were brought next to her bed the next night after the said marriage, for the deponent did see them lie in one bed the same night in a chamber within the palace prepared for them;" and "that this deponent left them so lying together there the said night."30
Sir William Molyneux was succeded by his only son by his first wife, Richard, who married first Eleanor, daughter of Sir Alexander Radcliffe, of Ordsall, and secondly, Eleanor, daughter of Robert Maghull, and was knighted at the coronation of Queen Mary. He served the office of Sheriff for Lancaster in 1556, and died in 1568. He was buried in the church at Sefton, under a tomb bearing the effigies in brass of himself and his two wives, and their children, with the following inscription and epitaph:—
"Sir Richard Molyneux, Knighte, and Dame Elenore his Wyffe, whose soules God prdon."
"Damie Worshope was my guide in life,
And did my doings guide;
Dame Wertue left me not alone,
When Soule from Bodye-hyed.
And thoughe that Deathe with dinte of Darte,
Hath brought my corps on sleepe,
The eternal God, my eternal Soule
Eternally doethe kepe."His grandson and successor, Sir Richard Molyneux,31 knighted by Queen Elizabeth 24th June, 1586, was Receiver General of the Duchy of Lancaster, and married Frances, daughter of Sir Gilbert Gerrard, of Sudbury, Master of the Rolls. He was created a baronet the 22nd May, 1611, being the second upon which the title was conferred, and was Sheriff of Lancashire 31 and 39 Elizabeth.
The plots against Queen Elizabeth and against the Protestant religion having aroused in the nation a spirit of fervent loyalty, an association of Lancashire gentlemen, headed by the Earl of Derby, was formed for the defence of the Queen against the machinations of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the other enemies of the State. A declaration was issued by the association, wherein the members pledged themselves to defend the Queen against all her enemies, foreign and domestic, in confirmation of which they took a solemn oath upon the Holy Evangelists, and in witness thereof affixed their hands and seals, Richard Molyneux being amongst the signatories.
Sir Richard Molyneux, Bart., eldest surviving son of Sir Richard Molyneux, first baronet, was advanced to the peerage of Ireland on the 22nd of December, 1628, by the title of Viscount Molyneux, of Maryborough. Richard, his eldest son, by Mary, daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Caryll, Knt., of Bentone, county Sussex, succeeded as second as second Viscount, and actively espoused the cause of Charles I., to whom he advanced considerable sums of money, and with his brother and successor, Caryll, raised two regiments of horse and foot, with which they served during the war.32 Among the Duke of Sutherland's manuscripts at Trentham is a diary written by a townsman of Manchester, in which he gives an account of the attack upon the twon by Lord Strange in 1642 on behalf of the King, and in which Lord Molineux took a part. "On Sunday, September 25th," says the author of the diary, "the Lord Strange (now since the Earl of Derby) came, accompanied with Lord Molineux, Sir Gilbert Haughton, Sir Gilbert Gerrard (lately made colonel by his Majesty), Sir John Girlington, High Sheriff of Lancashire, Sir Thomas Midleton, Sir Alexander Radcliffe, Sir Thomas Barton, Sir Cecil Trafford, Sir John Talbott, and most of the gentry of the county, with all or great part of the trained or freehold hands in the county, and many Welchmen, in all 3,000 strong, with 5 troops of horse, a troop under the command of his lordship, another under Lod Molineux, another under Captain Windebank, all dragooners, another under Captain Barton, second son to the Earl of Lindsey, and another under the command of Captain St. John, who was after slain. In the afternoon they in two bodies marched within musket shot of the town, when some bullets were exchanged, no great harm done on either side, only a young boy slain on the town's side; both sides continued shooting from their centuries (sentries?) all night. On Monday morning my Loed sent for a parley, which was that the town would deliver up their arms, and receive into the town a troop of horse." The town refused, and after various attacks and skirmishes lasting until Friday, Lord Strange, on Saturday afternoon, "sent to the town for delivery of the prisoners, which were 85, in exchange for 16 whom he had taken; and this was done, and then he went away, with the loss of 220 men, as is conceived." On the 17th March, 1643, the Earl of Derby, accompanied by Lord Molineux, marched after sunset from Lathom House to Lancaster, and took it by a coup de main. At the battle of Newbury, which took place on the 20th September, 1643, Lord Molineux held a command; the royal army being led by the King in person. In an engagement that took place on the 20th August, 1644, near Ormskirk, between the Parliamentary forces, under Major-General Meldrum, and those of the Royalists, the latter were routed, and Lord Byron and Lord Molineux were forced to forsake their horses and hide themselves in a corn-field. Edward Moore, son of the Governor of Liverpool, mentions that at the siege and taking of Liverpool in June, 1644, by Prince Rupert, "Carill, who is now Lord Mullinex, killed 7 or 8 pore men with his owne hands," adding, "Good Lord deliver us from ye cruelty of blud-thersty Papests. Amen." Both brothers were at Oxford at its surrender, and subsequently attended Charles II. on his march from Scotland to Worcester, in which battle they were engaged, and on the loss of that day made their escape.
Richard, second Viscount Molyneux,33 married the Lady Frances Seymour, daughter of William, Marquis of Hertford, restored Duke of Somerset, but had no issue. On the occasion of their marriage, which was privately solemnised at Essex House, October 28th, 1652, the following epithalamium was addressed to Lady Molineux:— 34
"Now when the royal blood is voted down,
And 'tis thought dangerous to be near a crown,
When these alliances true nobles knit,
Threaten the commonwealth as if 'twould split,
When Seymour does with Molineux entwine,
Two of the greatest names unite and join;
Twas wisely done, to debar common eyes,
From violating the solemnities<
'Twas wisely done, to hedge those glories in,
Which they who see irreverently sin.2
" 'Twas well it was not heard at Westminster,
The bans had surely been forbidden there;
But 'tis too late now, the conjunction's past,
And its most happy influence shall last.
Was it not hence that Lilly did foresee
Such peril to the State?—O! no, for he
Converses only with a lower sphere,
Seen no such glories as we mention here;
His stars are governed and obtained by these,
For if his be stars, these are dieties.3
"Let us erect an altar then, and pay
Such offerings as become us, and the day;
They must not wishes be of happiness,
For you, great pair, already do possess;
Nay, are so much, so true essential bliss,
That 'tis by you we come to know what 'tis;
And when hereafter we wish any two
Happy to t' height, must wish them such as you;
But for ourselves, since you are above 't, we may
Wish, and tho' not for, yet to you pray.4
"True honor, noble love, are drawing on
And but for your protection, would be gone;
Therefore vouchsafe to bless this mortal state,
(Tho' higher glories do your change await,)
Till it be grown in fashion to be good;
Then leave us some examples of your blood,
Who may, while they go noblest things aspire,
Confess their native glorious active fire,
Kindled from Molineux and Seymour's breast,
Two names the greatest, and of both the best."Charlotte, daughter of Sir Richard Molyneux, Bart., first Viscount, married Sir William Stanley, of Hooton, Bart.; and their daughter, Mary, became the wife of Sir John Gage, Bart., of Firle, Sussex.
Caryll Molyneux married Mary, daughter of Sir Alexander Barlow, of Barlow, and succeeded his brother Richard as third Viscount. He was Admiral of the narrow seas, and in 1687 was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, in the room of William, Earl of Derby,35 but was displaced at the Revolution, on account of his advocating the cause of James II.36 and committed to the Tower. He was outlawed by Parliament for his efforts in the Royal cause, but eventually, on paying an excessive fine, regained possession of his estate. He died at Croxeth in xxxx when the family honors devolved upon his only surviving son, William, fourth Viscount, who married Bridget, daughter and heiress of Robert Lucy,37 of Charlecote, county of Warwick, and died in 1717, when his eldest son, Richard, who married Mary, daughter of Francis, Lord Brudenell, succeeded him as fifth Viscount. He was succeeded in 1738 by his brother Caryll as sixth Viscount, whose eldest son, Richard, seventh Viscount, was a priest of the Church of Rome. William, brother of Richard, succeeded as eighth Viscount, and dying without issue in 1758, the title devolved upon his nephew, Charles William, son of Thomas Molyneux, of Croxteth, by his wife Maria, daughter of — Leverly.
Charles William, ninth Viscount Molyneux, conformed to the Established Church in 1768, the family previously having been staunch Catholics, and was advanced the 30th November, 1771, to the dignity of Earl of Sefton, in the peerage of Ireland. By his wife, Isabella,38 (the "Bell, Countess of Sefton," of Sir Joshua Reynolds and Cosway), second daughter of William, second Earl of Harrington, he left an only child, William Philip, second Earl, Vice-Admiral of Connaught, the friend and companion of George IV.; created a peer of the United Kingdom, 16th June, 1831, as Baron Sefton, of Croxteth, Lancashire. He married 1st January, 1792, Maria, daughter of William, sixth Lord Craven, and died 20th November, 1838, when he was succeeded by his son, Charles William, third Earl, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Lancashire, M.P. for South Lancashire from 1832 to 1835, who married 19th June, 1834, Mary Augusta, only daughter of Robert Greggs Hopwood, of Hopwood Hall, county of Lancashire, and died in 1855, when the family honours devolved upon his eldest son, William Philip, fourth Earl, Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, late Captain, Grenadier Guards, with which regiment he served in the Crimea; and who married 18th July, 1866, Cecil Emily, fifth daughter of Lord Hylton, and has, with other issue, a son and heir, Charles William Hylton, and has, with other issue, a son and heir, Charles William Hylton, Viscount Molyneux.
Sefton Hall was the seat of the Molyneux family in 1372, and in its pristine grandeur was a stately pile surrounded by a circular moat, and faced the church. It was taken down at the beginning of the current century, having long previously been a farmhouse.
Croxteth Hall (anciently called Crosstoffe),39 the present residence of the Earls of Sefton, is pleasantly situated in a park of about 840 acres, abounding in game,40 about four miles from liverpool. The principal or west front of the mansion was built in 1702 by William, fourth Viscount Molyneux, whose arms are over the entrance, supported by two lions, with the motto, "Vivere sat vincere." Above is a sculptured trophy of banners, with the family crest on the keystone. In front of the house is a fine terrace, ascended by a double flight of steps. The rooms in this front are spacious and lofty, with the walls panelled in wainscot, the ceilings of stucco enriched in high relief. The south side of the house is more ancient, and was probably erected by Sir Richard Molyneux in the time of Elizabeth. On the east, at the back of the present mansion, was most likely the ancient front, the buildings occupying three sides of a quadrangle, from whence is an entrance leading to a large staircase, the windows of which are still enriched with stained glass in eight compartments—the first containing the royal badge of the Red Rose, within the Garter, crowned; the second, the arms of Queen Elizabeth; the fourth, the armorial coat of Sir Thomas Gerard, Bart.; the fifth, eight quarterings of the Molyneux family, and beneath a badge of the Cross Moline in a circle, supported by two conies, argent; the sixth, the arms of Henry VIII.; the seventh, twelve quarterings of the Howard family, surmounted by an earl's coronet; the eighth, the coat of Henry Stanley, fourth Earl of Derby with an escutcheon of pretence for Clifford.
Queen Victoria honoured Croxteth Park with a visit in the summer of 1851.
The manor of Croxteth was originally an appendage of Knowsley, and the property of the Lathom family, and was held as a knights fee by tenure of castle guard of the Castle of Lancaster. Having reverted to the Crown, it was granted in 1446, by Henry VI. To Sir Richard Molyneux, of Sephton, and his heirs. In 21 Edward IV. The herbage and agistment of Croxteth Park, with 400 acres of moor and heath in Fullwood and Penwortham Marsh, were granted to Thomas Molyneux, Esquire, and his heirs for an annual fee of £100. A moiety of the manors of Leyland, Hesken,41 and Kellermergh was also granted by that monarch to the said Thomas Molyneux and his heirs. He was also appointed Master Forester of Symondeswoode Forest and the Parks of Croxtath and Toxteth, and Steward of West Derbyshire and Salfordshire. In the reign of Richard III., Letters Patent were granted to Thomas Molineux "of the office of the King's Serjeant and Attorney at Law, in all his courtes within the counte palatyne of Lancaster."
The perambulation of the forest by twelve knights of the county, in 12 Henry III., returned, "That the whole shire of Lancaster ought to be disforested, except the woods of Quernmore, Conet, and Blesedale, Fullwood, Toxstath, Wood of Derby, Burton Wode, and Croxstath."
The earliest rector of Sefton mentioned in the episcopal register is James Molineux, son of Sir Richard Molineux, Knt., slain at Blore Heath, 1459, who was also Archdeacon of Richmond, and died in 1511.
Stand Park, near Sefton, was a house belonging to the family, to which they were wont to resort for the amusements of hunting and shooting, it being well stocked with deer.42
The present Earl of Sefton owns 20,250 acres in Lancaster, the gross annual rental being £43,000, exclusive of building land in and contiguous to Liverpool.
In 1777 the Corporation of Liverpool purchased from the Molyneux family certain lands and manorial rights for the sum of £17,000.
In the time of Edward the Confessor five thanes held Sefton; there was one hide, and was worth 16 shillings.
Godene held Melinge, containing two carucates and a wood one mile long and half a mile broad. It was worth 10 shillings.
All these thanes were accustomed to pay two ores of pennies for each carucate of land; and by custom they built the King's houses, with their appurtenances, as the villains did. Also, they made the fish-ponds, the fences, and the stalls in the wood; and whosoever did not attend this service when he ought was fined two shillings, and afterwards was obliged to attend, and to work until the business was completed. Every one, moreover, sent his reapers for one day in August to cut the King's corn, and if he failed he was amerced two shillings.43
Dr. Kuerdon defines a hida, or hyde, as a portion of land set apart for the alimony of the family, or that will maintain one plow, so that a hyde is sometimes taken for a mansion, as when it is said in the charter of King Ethelbert, about the year 845, that every tenth mansion shall be devoted to the servants of God. William of Malmesbury saith, that to the end of the world, the tenth hyde should be to cloath and feed the poor.
A carucate of land is said to have been so much as a plow can work in seasonable time, commonly 120 acres, but varying as the ground was more easy, or harder, or troublesome to be tilled.
1. Note—In a list of the Nobility and Gentry in the County Palatine of Lancaster, from the time of Henry VII, to the accession of William III., published in Baine's History of Lancashire, appear the names of—
Molyneux of Sephton,
Molyneux of Thornton,
Molyneux of Rainhill and Hawkeley,
Molyneux of Wimberley,
Molyneux of Thorpe,
Molyneux of Combscough,
Molyneux of Shipton,
Molyneux of Larbrick,
Molyneux of Kirton,
Molyneux of Crosby and Woodhouse,
Molyneux of New Hall.An heiress of the Harringtons married Molyneux of New Hall, and her grandson, Thomas Molineux Unsworth Seel, became the owner of the Lordship of Huyton, as well as of the estate of Wolfall Hall, which was afterwards sold by him to the Earl of Derby. The last male heir of the branch seated at Alt Grange and New Hall was Richard Molineux, whose widow died in 1790.
2. Note.—Hutchins. Vide also Appendix, page XXX (139).
3. Note.—Stephen, Earl of Boulogne, afterwards King of England, granted to Robert Molyneux the manor of Litherland, Lancashire, for 14s. per annum. The Molineux family have ever since retained possession of this lordship.
Robert Molyneux, otherwise Robert de Mulas, gave the manor of Kuerdon in marriage with his sister to Siward, the son of Anti, the son of Elsi, and from Siward it descended to his son Henry de Kuerdon. "Within this manor," says Dr. Kuerdon, "standeth an ancient fabric cald Kuerdon Hall, belonging to Christopher Banastre de Banc, and below it on the west side of London (road) another fayr square fabrick, a brick building adorned about with tall pyne and fir trees, situated pleasantly upon the edge of Kuerdon Green, not long since built in fayr court, and a spacious orchard and garden on the south side thereof, planted by Ri. Kuerdon, Dr. of Physic, being an ancient inheritance descended upon him, and hath continued in his precedent ancestors from K. Stephen's Raigne, then given in marriage to the original of that family, Sywardus, filius Anti, with a daughter of the son of Vivian Molineux, who held that lordship."
4. Note.—Gregson's Fragments of Lancaster.
5. Note.—On the tomb of this Sir William Molyneux was the following inscription:—
"Hic jacet Will'us Molyneux,
Bannerettus factus in Gasconia
cum illustri Principe Edmundo,
dicto Gibbosa com : Lancastrie.
M.C.C.L.XXXIX."The ceremonial at the creation of a Knight Banneret was as follows. The knight was to appear in the army bearing his banner.
"He shal be led betwixt 2 other kts. Before the K. or General bearing his penon of arms in his owne hand, in the presence of the nobility and other captans. Then the Herald shal say to the K. or Gen.:—
" 'May it please your Grace to understand that this Gentleman hath shewed himself in the field, and for so doing deserveth to be advanced to the degree of a kt. Baneret, as worthy from henceforth to beare a banner in the warrs.'
"Then the King shal cause the points of his penon or guydon to be rent, and the new made shall go to his Tent between 2 other kts., the Trumpetts sounding al the way before him, thir to (pay) fees videl ; to the Herald, £3 6s. 8d., or if before he were a knight bachelor, then to pay also to the Trumpetts 20s. Then might at least 25 knights attend on him.
"A Banneret and every Estate above him may have his Banner displayed, if he be a Captain, and set his armes thereon."—Spelman.
6. Note:—Kuerdale, together with the moiety of Overderwent and his lordship of Eccleshill, passed into the possession of Sir Thomas Molyneux through his marriage with Jane, granddaughter of Geoffrey de Kuerdale.—Baines.
On the field of Cuerdale were discovered on May 15th, 1840, "ingots of various sizes, several armlets of silver, and a few other ornaments, amounting altogether to nearly one thousand ounces, together with upwards of seven thousand coins." The treasure had been contained in a leaden chest, of which only portions remained, and had probably been buried prior to the Norman Conquest.—Journal of Archeological Association.
7. Note.—In 1387, King Richard II. sent secretly to Robert de Vere, Duke of Ireland, who was levying troops in Wales, to come to him with all speed, to aid him with the Duke of Gloucester and his friends; and commissioned at the same time Sir Thomas Molineux, Constable of Chester, a man of great influence in Cheshire and Lancashire, and the Sheriff of Chester, to raise troops, and to accompany and safe conduct the Duke of Ireland to the King's presence. Molineux executed his commission with great zeal, imprisoning all who would not join him. Thus was raised an army of 5,000 men. The Duke of Ireland, having with him Molineux, Vernon, and Ratcliffe, rode forward "in statelie and glorious arraie." Supposing that none durst come forth to withstand him. Nevertheless, when he came to Radcot Bridge, four miles from Chipping Norton, he suddenly espied the army of the lords; and finding that some of his troops refused to fight, he began to wax faintheared, and to prepare to escape by flight, in which he succeded ; but Thomas Molineux determined to fight it out. Nevertheless, when he had fought a little, and perceived it would not avail him to tarry longer, he likewise, as one dispairing of the victory, betook himself to flight ; and plunging into the river, it chanced that Sir Roger Mortimer, being present, amongst others, called him to come out of the water to him, threatening to shoot him through with arrows, in the river, if he did not. "If I come," said Molineux, "will ye save my life?" "I will make ye no such promise," replied Sir Roger Mortimer, "but, notwithstanding, either come up, or thou shalt presently die for it." "Well then," said Molineux, "if there be no other remedy, suffer me to come up, and let me try with hand blows, either with you or some other, and so die like a man." But as he came up, the knight caught him by the helmet, plucked it off his head, and straightways drawing his dagger, stroke him into the brains, and so despatched him. Molineux, a varlet, and a boy were the only slain in the engagement ; 800 men fled into the marsh, and were drowned ; the rest were surrounded, stript, and sent home. The Duke of Ireland made his escape to the Continent ; and the King returned to London.—Vide Holinshed and The History and Antiquities of Pleshy.
8. Note.—On an ancient alabaster tomb in Sefton Church is an inscription to the memory of Sir John Molineux, Lord of Bradley, and Walton le Dale.
Agnes, daughter of Sir John Molyneux, of Little Crosby, married David Blundell, and thus conveyed the manor into the family of Blundell, which their descendent James, in 1493, held of Sir William Molyneux, by Knight's service, and a rent of 4d.—Baines.
9. Note.—Sir Richard Molyneux and Sir Robert de Urswick served as Knights of the Shire, anno 20 Richard II., and had for their expenses for thirty-four days, £13 12s., or at the rate of 8s. per diem.—Prynnes' Register, p. 438.
10. Note.—In the reign of Edward III. A contribution was made in Lancashire in favor of Edmund Balliol, King of Scotland, and Richard Molineux and his associates, collectors of the triennial tenths recently granted to the King, were ordered to transmit one hundred and eighty-four pounds, in two installments, out of the sums collected for the King's excheequer.
11. Note.—In the fifteenth year of Edward III, an enquiry took place at Prescott, Lancashire, to fix the amount to be paid by the boroughs of Liverpool and Wigan, and by the rural parishes, towards the Nonae, or ninths of all personal property, and all landed produce, which the parliament had granted to the King, to enable him to carry on his wars with Scotland and France. The Lord Abbot of Furness presided at the enquiry, supported by a number of learned associates, and assisted by a Jury of thirty-five freeholders, "Robert de Molineux" being one of the number.—Baine's History of Liverpool.
12. Note.—"And he was clad in cote and hode of grene;
A shaft of pecock arwes bright and kene,
Under his belt he bare full thriftily,
Well coude he dresse his takel yemanly;
His arms drooped not with fetheres lowe,
And in his hande he bare a mighty bowe;
A nothed had he with a broune visage,
Of wood-crafte could he well all the usage,
Upon his arm he bare a gay bracer,
And by his side a sword and a bakeler,
A christopher on his brest of silver shene,
A horne he bare, the baudrick was of grene,
A forester was he sothly, as I gesse."-Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
13. Note.—A forest, according to Manwood, "is a certain territory of woody grounds and pastures privileged for wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase, and warren to rest and abide in, under the protection of the King, for his pleasure and recreation."
14. Note.—In the will of Grace Southworth, widow, proved in 1573, appears the following bequest:—
"To Elizabeth Molynex, wife of Thomas Molynex, one payre of brode flaxen sheets, and that she shall deliver the same to her daughter Jane Penkit, in and upon the daye of her marriage."—Chetham Society's Publications.
15. Note.—According to Harland, the tomb in question is that of Joane alone.
16. Note.—Baine's History of Liverpool.
17. Note.—The following letter written by Ferdinand, Lord Strange, refers to a projected marriage between Thomas Edge and a daughter of Richard Molineux:—
"To his verie loving ffriends Richard Holland and William Ffarington, Esquires, or to either of them giue thees—
"Understanding that there hath bin some speeches had of a marriage to be made betweene one Thomas Edge and a daughter of Mr. Richard Mullinex and the same mocion yet resteth in speeches and not agreed upon: And for that it is crediblie informed me bie those I repose trust in, that Edge is a verie honest man, and one who showeth himself uerie willing to become tenant under my lo : my Father and me, as if the matter take place is to be. Therefore I have not onlie thought good to signifie unto you my consente and good likinge of the marriage, but alsoe to desire you to further the same by the best means you can, and if neede be to use your good endeavors alsoe to my lo : my Father for his favor towarde the man. And soe referinge the matter to your best consideracions, with my lovinge commendacons I cease.
"Chanon Roe this xxiiij day of Maie 1591.
"Your very loving friend,
"Ffer. Strange."
—Chetham Society's Publications.
18. Note.—In the accounts of the executors of Thomas Clifton, of Westby, Esquire, under date 12th March, 1558, appears the following curious item:—"For halff a yarde of chamlett to the amedning of a gowne given by Maystris Molyneux, xviijd."
Anne Molyneux became possessed of the manor of Clifton, as heiress to her brother Thomas.
19. Note.—In the heroic defence of Lathom House against the Parliamentary forces in 1643, Captain Molineux Radcliffe, in a sally in which the besiegers were driven from all their works and batteries, with three soldiers, the rest of his squadron being scattered engaging the enemy, "cleared two sconces, and slew seven men with his own hand."—MSS. Journal in Robert's Lancashire Collections.
20. Note.—Seacome's "Memoirs of the House of Stanley," and Cumming's "The Great Stanley."
21. Note.—The courtesy prefix "Sir" was not unfrequently given in medieval times to persons ; thus Sir Edmund Molineux in his will (vide Appendix) designates his chaplain "Sir William Butler." In like manner Anthony, Earl Rivers, in his will, describes James Molineux, Rector of Grafton, as "Sir Jamys Molaynes, preest." Shakespeare, in the Merry Wives of Windsor, gives an illustration of the practice in Sir Hugh Evans, the Welsh parson.
22. Note.—Nocholas's Testamenta Vetusta.
23. Note.—In 1437, "The King let to farm to Sir Thomas Stanley, and Sir Richard Molyneux, the herbage and pannage of his park at Toxteth, in the County of Lancaster, with the honey and wax of the bees in the oaks of the aforesaid park, swarming, and the heath there growing. To hold for 20 years, at a rent of £6 13s. 4d."—Duchy Book, 16 Henry VI.
24. Note.—"There Molineux doth make a Molineux to die, And Egarton the strength of Egerton doth try."—Drayton.
25. Note.—Those who fought for the House of Lancaster at Blore Heath wore the cognizance of a white swan, given them by the Queen Margaret, who is said to have visited Chester in 1455.—Lyons' Magna Britannia.
26. Note.— " . . . Brave Stanley said,
My Lancashire most lively wights—
And chosen mates of Cheshire strong,
From sounding bow your feathered flights
Let fiercely fly your foes among.
"Then showers of arrows sharp were shot,
They rattling rang as think as hail,
And pierced the scalp of many a Scot;
No shield or pavish could prevail."
BENSON.27. Note.—Bridgens.
28. Note.—The ancient hall at Euxton was built in the reign of Henry VIII. The present edifice was founded in 1739 by William Anderton, who married Mary, daughter of Richard, fifth Viscount Molyneux. The armorial bearings of the Anderton family, quartered with those of the house of Molyneux, are emblazoned on the entrance door.—Twycross.
29. Note.—Among the monuments mentioned by Powell (Typographical Collections) as existing in Chenies Church, Bucks, is a large stone with figure inlaid of a man in armour, standing, praying, with a dog at his feet, a lady by his side, and a Gothic canopy overhead; no arms. Inscription—"Hic jacet dna Agnes Cheyne. Gdm uxor dm John Cheyne miltis, qui obyt . . . die . . . A Dm (effaced). Et Edmund Molinux, secun maritus predic. Dna . . . 1484."
The manor of Drayton Beauchamp was granted by King Edward III. To Thomas Cheyne, his shield-bearer.
30. Note.—Letters and papers of the reign of Henry VIII.
31. Note.—John, a younger brother of Sir Richard Molyneux, married Dorothy, daughter of John Booth, of Barton, in the parish of Eccles, Co. Lancaster. The tithes of Overholton, in the parish of Eccles, were granted by Sir Thomas Gerrard, of Gerrard Bromley, Staffordshire, the 37th Queen Elizabeth, to Robert Molyneux, of Sefton, gent., and by the latter assigned, the 8th November, 1586, to William Hulton, of Hulton, Co. Lancaster.
In the 36th Elizabeth, a pardon, under the Great Seal, was granted to Robert Molyneux, of Sudbury, Co. Middlesex (probably the above-named Robert Molyneux), for killing Laurence Hulme, of Sefton, Esquire, for which the said Robert had been convicted at Lancaster Assizes.—Almack MSS.
32. Note.—Another member of the Molineux family, Captain Robert Molineux, of the Wood, Co. Lancaster, was slain at the battle of Newbury, fought on the 20th September, 1643.
The names of the Right Hon. Caryl Viscount Molineux, John Molineux, of Bradley, Esquire, and Robert Molineux, of the Wood, Esquire, appear in a list of the nobility and gentry of Lancashire, temp. Charles II., included in Roberts's "Lancashire Collections."
Robert Molineux, of the Wood, gent., compounded for his estate in 1646, at the sum of £240.—Baines.
Among the names on the Muster Roll of the Royalist army after the retreat from Newcastle into Yorkshire, appear those of Sir Vivian Molineux, Lieut.-Collouel; Roger Molineux, Captain, and William Molineux, and Thomas Mollineux, Lieutenants.—Peacock.
33. Note.— Among the State Papers is preserved a license, dated 17th August, 1651, for Lord Molineux to pass with his horses and servants from Islington to London.
34. Note.—Calendar of State Papers.
35. Note.—In a letter from the Earl of Clarendon to Sir Edward Bagot, dated 23rd February, 1666, the Earl notices, "the reprehension given to the Earl of Derby for too rigorously searching the houses of Mr. Tilsley and Lord Molineux, who well served the late King."—Bagot Papers.
36. Note.—Among the Verney MSS. Is a letter dated 4th December, 1688, from W. Denton to Sir R. Verney, in which mention is made of the seizure of Chester by Lord Molineux for King James II. "It is in vain (writes Denton) "to send news, it is but telling a tale of a tub, for we cannot know which is true from false. The Commissioners are gone with hopes of returning with an olive branch of peace. Where the Prince of Orange is, is not certainly known here. The Princess of Denmark was certainly at Nottingham last Saturday, and the Bishop of London preached last Sunday there before her. She hath sent for her clothes. Provisions rise here very little. Since I writ this I have seen a letter from Chester that said upon this day se'nnight Lord Molinox came into Chester with his regiments of Papists, which made a stranger confusion than was in all the last wars; some few were wounded, but I heard of none that were killed; but he possessed himself of both the town and the castle."
On the 9th December, 1697, Edmund Hornby, deputy clerk of the Crown for Lancashire, presented a petition to the Treasury, praying to be satisfied for his services in going to Manchester to attend the prosecution of Lord Molineux and others for high treason, and for executing the office of Clerk of the Crown; which claim was allowed.
The Lancashire plot, for alleged participation in which Lord Molineux was accused, was a supposed conspiracy of Lancashire gentlemen, between the years 1689 and 1694, for the restoration of the House of Stuart.
Lord Molineux was arrested at Croxteth, and tried at Manchester, October, 1694, with Sir William Gerrard, Bart., Sir Rowland Stanley, Bart., Sir Thomas Clifton, Bart., and four others.
Mr. Justice Eyres summed up the evidence to the jury, concluding:—"Gentlemen,—There is a mystery of iniquity on one side; if ye believe the evidence that has been given for the King, then it is plain there hath been a great contrivance to bring in the French amongst us, and raise a rebellion here, and that these gentlemen were actors in it; but if you do believe it is a contrivance of Lunt and the rest to ruin these gentlemen at the bar, to take away their lives and estates, hoping to enrich themselves thereby, as the witnesses for the prisoners have declared, then the fault will lye more upon the accusers; if you believe it to be so, the gentlemen are then innocent and you must acquit 'em." The Jury, without retiring, returned a verdict of "not guilty." Mr. Justice Eyres, addressing the gentlemen acquitted, said:—"Gentlemen,—You see under what a mercifull and easy government you live. You are sensible now that it is tender of the lives of Papists as well as Protestants. You are wash't from this guilt, lett me desire you to reflect on your happiness, and beware of ever entering into plotts and conspiracies against it."
37. Note.—Among the family portraits at Croxteth Hall is a group of the Lucys.
38. Note.—Lady Molyneux was one of the foundresses of the female club alluded to by Walpole in a letter, dated 6th May, 1770, to George Montagu. "There is (he says) a new Institution that begins to make, and, if it proceeds, will make, a considerable noise. It is a club of both sexes, to be erected at Almack's, on the model of that of 'he men of Wkite's. Mrs. Fitzroy, Lady Pembroke, Mrs. Mynels, Lady Molyneux, Miss Pelham, and Miss Lloyd, are the foundreses. I am ashamed to say I am of so young and fashionable a society."
The Duchess of Bedford, Marlborough, and Grafton were members of the club.
39. Note.—Leland, in his Itinerary, says, in his quaint manner, "Mr. Molineux, a knight of great lands, 11 Myles from Prestcode, dwelleth at a Place caulled Crosstoffee."
40. Note.—In December, 1880, in four days' shooting over the preserves at Croxteth, six guns killed the unprecedented number of 6,344 head of game, of which 4,832 were pheasants, 197 ducks, and 999 hares.
41. Note.—Three carucates in Hesken were granted by William the Conqueror to Wimanus Gernet, which he held by the remarkable service of meeting the King on the borders of the county with his horn and white wand, of conducting him into the county, and remaining with him, and then taking him out again.—
42. Note.—Thomas Cartwright, Bishop of Chester, mentions in his Diary the gift of a buck from Caryll, Lord Molineux, upon the occasion of King James II.'s visit to Chester in August, 1687; and another when the Bishop visited Wigan, the same year.
Extracts from Diary
"17 Jan., 1687.—I went 3 miles out of Town in my coach to meet ye Ld Tyrconnil and his Lady, and took ym into my coach, and he was received by ye Governor and Souldiers, and conducted to ye palace, where he and his Lady lodged; there supd with ym 2 Irish Lds, Col. Hamilton and frater, Mr. Molinax, Mr. Shendon, Sr Rowl. Stanley, Sr Tho. Grovenor and Uxor, Mr. Babthorp, Sr Jam. Poole, Mr. Poole, Mr. Massy, Mr. Latham Jr, ye Governor and his Lady, Mrs. Sanderson, Capt. Fielding, Capt. Mackensey, and all ye Officers of ye Garrison. Ye Mayor and Ald. Made him a present of wine, &c. Ye Chapter met him at ye Gate.
"26 Jan.—We returned with Sr Tho. Grovenor and uxr to Chester to dinner, and after prayers Mr. Archdeacon, Mr. Walmsley of LeLand, and others, came to visit me, and he delivered me a petition for ye restoring of Euxton Chappel to ye inhabitants, ye key wherof was in ye hands of ye Ld Molineux, who alleges that it is his not theris, that it has noe maintenance, nor any prayers said in it for 20 years last.
"10 July.—I was at ye King's Levy and took his command to Chester, at wch time I recommended Mr. Molineux, Mr. Massy, my son John (and others) to his favour, and having kissed his hand in ye morning I kissed ye Queens at night. I was at both ye services at St. Georges Chappel, and with ye Princess at night, when ye Nuncio paid his compliments to her.
"9 Aug.—The Ld Molineux sent me a fat buck to Wiggain; I dined there with Mr. Major and ye Recorder, went to ye Church to prayers, after dinner called at Mr. Stanleys, and went to ye Anchor at Brigton, when I met my Ld Brandon, sho supd with us, and brought ye Bayly of ye town, and an important Dr of Physc.
"13 Aug.—I wrote to Dr, Johnson, dined with ye Judges, went after dinner to ye Catholick Virgins wher Mr. Gooden lives with ye Lady Allabone and her friend, and supd at ye Vicaridge; Mr. Tildsley, whose Grandfather Sir Tho. Was killed at Wiggan, sent me ½ a fat buck. Mr. Molineaux, Mr. Braithwaite, Mr. Townley, Sr Wm Gerard, Mr. Poole, &c., visited me.
"24 Aug.—The Ld Chief Barron and Attorney Gn of Ireland, Sr Jam. Poole, ye Warden of Manchester College, dined with me, and ye Ld Brandon, Col. Howard, Mr. Molineux and 3 friends of his, Capt. Bellingham, Sr Rich. Maleverer, and Capt. Fowles supd with me and ye Recorder and Mr. Dean.
"30 Aug.—Presents sent me when ye King was at Chestre. Sr Tho. Delves sent me a stag wch I gave ½ to ye King, and ½ to ye Ld President, Ld Brandon ¼ a buck, Col. Howard ½ a buck, Ld Molineux 1 buck, Sr Tho. Stanley of Alderley ½ a buck, St John Crew a couple of Rabbits and 12 pigeons, Mr. Tilsley a buck, and fruit fm. Col. Whitleys.
"19 Sept.—I went with Sr Tho. Grosvenor, Mr. Massy, and my son to Leverpool, dined with my Ld Molineux at ye bowling green, Dr Richmond and his son, and 2 more Gentlemen. Went to my Ld Molineux's at night, when I met Bp. Labourne, Mr. Townley, and his brother, &c.
"20 Sept.—I continued with Bp. Labourne at my Ld Molineux's, and was treated very nobly.
"21 Sept.—I went at 11 of ye clock fro. My Ld Molineux to Leverpoole, where ye Mayor and Aldermen met me in ye Church, and I commanded ye ch. Wardon to set ye comn table Alterwise agt ye wall—they gave me and Mr. Molineux and Mr. Massy a fish dinner, after which we were treated at Dr. Richmond's very kindly, then went on board ye King's Yatch, after which we were wet to ye skin in going to Sr Rowl. Stanley's where we lodged, my Lady then in labour."
43. Note.—Enfield's Essay towards a Hist. Of Leverpoole.
Source text:
William Molyneux, "Find A Grave Index"
Source text:
Name William Molyneux
Death Date 1548
Birth Date 1481
Event Type Burial
Event Place Sefton, Metropolitan Borough of Sefton, Merseyside, England
Cemetery Sefton Parish Churchyard
Photograph Included Y---
“Sir William Molyneux, Knt., Lord of the Manor of Sefton, who was sent three times against the Scots by Henry the Eighth of England. In war he fought most courageously and at Flodden with his own hands took two of the Scottish Banners in spite of all their resistance. In peace he was the friend of all mankind, assisting with his counsel those who wanted advice, and with his purse those who wanted money. He had two wives . . . Jane, only daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Rugge, Knt., of the County of Salop, by who he had three children, William, Thomas and Ann. After a life of 65 years he was laid her with his ancestors, in July, 1548, in the hope of the Resurrection.” [Translation of Latin Inscription] -
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 15 June 2022), William Molyneux, ; Burial, Sefton, Metropolitan Borough of Sefton, Merseyside, England, Sefton Parish Churchyard; citing record ID 126746049, Find a Grave,
Source text: