Shipley, Hanna Rette 1 2a 3

Birth Name Shipley, Hanna Rette
Gender female
Age at Death 91 years, 8 months, 28 days


Some researchers give her birth year as 1841 others 1842. Some say she was born in Tennessee others say Washington County, Arkansas, USA.
1860 Census : Mulberry, Franklin Co., AR - Page #309, Dwelling # 494, Family #472. Cannot read or write. Personal Property Value $50.00
Name Age
Wm Newton 20
Hannah Newton 20
Ben Newton 3
Stephen Newton 5/12

1870 Census: Mulberry, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M593_53; Page: 45; Image: 90.
Name Age
Hannah Newton 27
Benjamin Newton 11
Stephen A Newton 9
Sarah M Newton 6
Mary A Newton 3

1880 Census: White Rock, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: T9_44; Family History Film: 1254044; Page: 698.1000; Enumeration District: 58; Image: 0106.
Name Age
Peter Lewis W M 28 Farmer Arkansas Kentucky Illinois
Hannah Lewis W F 35 Wife Keeping House Arkansas Tennessee Tennessee
Polly A. Lewis W F 14 Daughter Arkansas Kentucky Arkansas

1900 Census: Valley, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: T623 67; Page: 20A; .
Name Age
Frank Fawbus 69
Hannah Fawbus 57

1910 Census: Valley, Madison, Arkansas; Roll T624_57; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 71; Image: 121.
Frank Faubus 79
Hannah Faubus 67

1920 Census: Brewer, Muskogee, Oklahoma; Roll T625_1477; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 60; Image: 32.
271 Parker Anda J Head Rent Male White 57 1863 Married Arkansas Tennessee United States
271 Parker Sarah Wife Female White 56 1864 Married Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas
271 Parker Kesie Daughter Female White 18 1902 Single Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas
271 Parker George Son Male White 17 1903 Single Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas
271 Parker Morgan Son Male White 14 1906 Single Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas
271 Parker Allen Son Male White 13 1907 Single Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas
271 Faubus Hanna Mother-in-law Female White 77 1843 Widowed Arkansas Tennessee Tennessee

1930 United States Census: Precinct 8, Union, New Mexico; Roll 1400; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 10; Image: 389.0.
Colvin E Mullen 73
Polly Ava Mullen 63
Hanah Faubus (Hansh Fankers) 89
William Newton was born in 1838 in Kentucky to Stephen Newton and Mary Jane Crabtree.(1) He moved to Arkansas with his family in about 1855. He married Hannah Retta "Heneratta" Shipley about 1856 in Arkansas. She was born the 4th of January, 1841 or 1842 in Washington County, Arkansas, the seventh child of Benjamin Franklin Shipley, Sr. and Sarah "Sally" Burkett.(2)

Family oral tradition tells this story about their lives:

"William and Hannah were married when he was eighteen and she was fifteen years old. They weren't married long when someone burned down their house, so they lived under a bluff until they could build another one near Mulberry, Crawford County, Arkansas. Here Benjamin Franklin was born in 1857, Stephen A. was born in 1859, Lewis was born between 1860 and 1864, and Sarah Melviney was born in 1864.

When the Civil War began, William enlisted in the Confederate Army. He went home without leave and some soldiers went after him. He tried to run away but the soldiers shot him. They thought they had killed him, but Hannah nursed him back to health. When he was able, he joined the Union Army. Southern sympathizers harassed the family because William was fighting for the North. Lewis was killed by "bushwhackers" during the War.

William was at Kansas City, Kansas when the war ended. His father, Ben(?) Newton, was also at Kansas City. Hannah and the children joined him there. William died of cholera soon after the war ended and shortly after William's death Hannah gave birth to another child. Mary Ann/Polly Ann was born about 1869."

William died in 1868. Hannah returned to Franklin County, Arkansas with her children. She married 2) _____ Guess/Guest after 1868. She married 3) Peter Lewis March 7, 1879 in Franklin County, Arkansas. She married 4) Franklin "Frank" Faubus about 1896. He was born the 26th of January, 1831 in Tennessee and he died the 2nd of January, 1916. She died the __ of October, 1933 in Oklahoma and is buried in Middleton Chapel Cemetery, Oktaha, Muskogee County, Oklahoma.


(1) All information on William Newton and his descendants is from 1) The Anson Parker Family, Sharon Gragg <sgragg at muskogee dot net>, 2) Della Parker, wife of Robert Morgan Parker.

(2) Some researchers give her birth year as 1841 others 1842. Some say she was born in Tennessee others say Washington County, Arkansas.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1842-01-04 , Washington County, Arkansas, USA   3
Death 1933-10-00 Oktaha, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, USA   4

Age: 91y 9m

Burial   Middleton Chapel Cemetery, Oktaha, Muskogee County, Oklahoma, USA   4
Christening Heneratta /Shipley/      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father SHIPLEY, Benjamin Franklin1805-01-011881-08-26
Mother BURKETT, Sarah “Sally”1811after 1890-03-19
    Brother     SHIPLEY, Nathan Pascal 1827-05-27 1863-02-22
    Sister     Shipley, Ibbey Jane about 1831 between 1864 and 1870
    Sister     Shipley, Susan Arabelle about 1833 1918-10-29
    Sister     Shipley, Naomi Jane about 1835 after 1880
    Brother     Shipley, Benjamin Franklin 1835-11-09 1922-08-18
    Brother     Shipley, William Park about 1837-08-00 1870-04-20
         Shipley, Hanna Rette 1842-01-04 1933-10-00
    Brother     Shipley, Richard about 1844 1863-02-22
    Brother     Shipley, James about 1845 1869-09-10
    Brother     Shipley, Elijah 1848-01-01 before 1900
    Brother     Shipley, Thomas about 1854 about 1854


Family of Newton, William and Shipley, Hanna Rette

Married Husband Newton, William ( * 1838 + 1868 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1856 , , Arkansas, USA Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Newton, Benjamin Franklin1857between 1910 and 1920
Newton, Stephan A.1860between 1901 and 1910
Newton, Lewisabout 1862before 1870
Newton, Sarah Melvina1865-03-101943
Newton, Mary Ann18691935

Source References

  1. Grave marker
  2. Susan: Burgess-Fisher-Ebert-Anderson-Kames-Peterson-Hofacker-Smith
      • Source text:

        ID: I40722
        Name: Francis Hughes
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1759 in , (later Dunmore County and renamed Shenandoah County), Virginia 1
        Death: 25 JAN 1841 in , Bledsoe County, Tennessee, USA 1
        Residence: 24 OCT 1782 , Washington County now Greene County, Tennessee, USA
        Residence: JUN 1776 , Rowan County now Western Burke County, North Carolina
        Residence: BET 1776 AND 1782 Watauga area, North Carolina (now Eastern Tennessee) Lesley
        Residence: BET 1793 AND 1841 , Greene County, Tennessee, USA
        Is Hannah Retta Hughes a child of Francis Hughes born about 1759??? It is pure conjecture she is. There is no proof or any documentation for this hypothesis other than the close proximity of Hardeman (Hardy) Hughs to Benjamin Shipley, son of Hannah Retta, in the 1830 Hamilton County, Tennessee census. Hardeman Hughs may be a son of Francis Hughes; that is not proved either. In 1860 Nathan Shipley, son of Hannah Retta, was living next door to John Hughes born about 1779 and the son of Francis Hughes. Ephraim Hughes, son of John Hughes, son of Francis Hughes lived in the same town.

        He died while residing with his daughter Margaret in Bledsoe Co., TN. His heirs were as follows: John and Margaret Hughes, Ingabo and Rebecca Hixson


        JUN 1776 Rev. War, he entered military service in Burke Co., NC. He served as a ranger on the western Catawba Frontier, scouting against hostile Cherokee and Creek Indians. August 1776 he joined Rutherford's troops and fought in the Cherokee Expedition.
        Military pension 21 JUL 1833 As a resident of Greene Co., TN, age 74 years, he applied for a Federal pension. He was awarded an annual pension of $51.66. In his pension declaration, he mentions an engagement in which eighteen Indians were killed.
        As documented by descendants of John Hewes, privately published by Eben Putnam, New Your, 1913, Call Number Cs71.H892.
        FEBRUARY 18, 1780. (185) Called Court on Francis Hughes, for larceny--Sent to Richmond for trial. Witnesses: Hugh Brown, and Rebecca, his wife.
        Friend of John Sevier
        Ranger in State of Franklin1785-To Bledsoe Co 1832 with unmarried Margaret, daughter.
        3rd NC Regiment on Rev. War
        Correspondent Donna Blackburn Could he have had a Cherokee Wife?
        Battle of Kings Mt.Samuel Williams Co.-With John Sevier 1782 Cherokee Expidition
        Hamilton County Pioneers by John Wilson

        Francis Hughes Sr

        Date and place of birth: c1697 PA near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
        Date and place of death: 1777 VA probably Augusta County (present day Rockingham County), Virginia
        Names of children: John Hughes Sr b bef 1732 PA d 1791 Greene Co, TN sp Sarah ; Aaron Hughes b c1734 PA d 1799 Jefferson TN sp Mary Moore ; Francis Hughes Jr b c1740 ; Ingebo Hughes b. 1730 PA
        Names of parents: Charles Hughes b c1665 Wales d c1711 & Rebecca ???
        Siblings: John Hughes; Anne Hughes; Rebecca Hughes
        Name of spouse: Christine, probably in Pennsylvania, bet. 1720 - 1734, probably near Philadelphia, PA, possibly the daughter of Swan Rambo or Andrew Bird

        Francis Hughes

        Date and place of birth: c1759 VA
        Date and place of death: 1841 Bledsoe Co, TN
        Names of children: John Hughes b 1779 d 1871 sp Jane Skiles b c1780 ; Margaret Hughes d aft 1841 ; Clarissa Hughes b 1760/1770 sp-John Lovelady s/o John Lovelady and Sarah Morgan ; Ingebo Hughes sp-William Hixson md 6 Sep 1795 Greene Co, TN ; Rebecca Hughes sp-Timothy S Hixson ; John Hughes ; Margaret Hughes ; Hardeman (Hardy) Hughes b 1770/1780 NC d 1830/1840 Hamilton Co, TN sp-Sinthia Cook md 27 Feb Grainger Co, TN
        Names of parents: John Hughes Sr b bef 1732 d 1791 Greene Co, TN sp Sarah
        Name of spouse: 1. Rebecca Allen b. abt. 1760 d. bef. Jan 25, 1841
        2. Elizabeth Long, July 28, 1802, Greene Co. TN marriage licenses of Francis Hughs to Elizabeth Long with Timothy Hixon as witness;
        possibly separated in 1803, per David M. Hughes referencing Beavert notes, or divorced per record of a Francis Hughes filing for divorce from Elizabeth Hughes February 27, 1816.

        * Mary Ann "Polly" Hughes

        Memories and Stories

        Francis Hughes was born in Shenandoah County, VA in the year 1759. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, he was living in Western Burke (then Rowan) County, NC. He later was "unsettled", but apparently was residing in the Watauga area of east Tennessee, then North Carolina.

        Francis Hughes first entered military service in Burke County, NC in June 1776. He served as a ranger on the western Catawba Frontier, scouting against the hostile Cherokee and Creek Indians. He served in Capt. Penland's Company. In August 1776, Hughes joined up with Rutherford's troops and took part in the Cherokee Expedition of August-October 1776, In his pension declaration, he mentions an engagement in which eighteen Indians were killed.

        In January 1777, he enlisted in Col. John Seviers Regiment. Their purpose was to clear the Watauga Settlements from Indian incursions. He helped to erect and and garrison a fort on the Nolachukey River (at Gallaker's orGallagher's).

        In September 1780, Hughes volunteered under Col. Sevier (Capt. Samuel William's Company) and took part in the great King's Mountain Expedition of September and October 1780. The march culminated in the American Victory at King's Mountain, SC on October 7, 1780.

        His final tour of duty was for a period of one month under Col. Sevier. This consisted of a short march to Cherokee country and back.

        About the second marriage: A woman named Mary Ann "Dolly" Miller, the wife of Thornton Miller, claimed that she was a half-sister to John Hughes, the son of Francis Hughes and Rebecca Allen. As Kay White has noted,

        "Francis, in his will, listed ALL of his living legal heirs - IF Mary Ann was living at the time of the Will (1841), she was not his daughter, although she could have possibly been a step-daughter - IF she was deceased at that time, the possibility of either does exist - this bears further study." (12)

        Francis without a will:

        "Francis Hughes did not leave a will. The document referred to as a will was actually a court declartion made by Francis' children. They went to court to swear that they were the only living, legal heirs in order to collect their father's pension. It is known that they did not include a half sister, Mary Ann (Polly) Hughes who married Thornton Miller."
        --Jeanne Bowman Overbay, Feb. 26, 2000

        Francis Hughes is documented in Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western North Carolina.

        Francis Hughes apparently moved from Burke County, NC to Watauga some time during the war... He was in Greene Co TN, by 1782.... He continued to reside in East Tennessee for the remainder of his life.

        "Francis Hughs" appears in Greene Co TN's 1797 tax list in Captain Jas. Penney's Company as owning 1210 acres, 1 white poll, and 3 black polls.

        On July 21, 1833, as a resident of Greene County, TN, age 74 years, he applied for a Federal pension. He was awarded an annual pension of $51.66. In his pension application children are mentioned, but not by name. (See below).(6)

        Francis Hughes died January 25, 1841... while residing with his daughter Margaret in Bledsoe County, TN. His wife predeceased him. His heirs were as follows: John Hughes, Margaret Hughes, Ingabow Hixon and Rebecca Hixon.

        Francis Hughes pension record, as documented by Descendants of John Hewes, privately published by Eben Putanm, New York, 1913, Call Number Cs71.H892:

        "Francis Hughes was of Green County, Tenn., 21 July, 1833, then aged 74 years, when he applied for pension, alleging that he resided in Burke County, N. C., in June, 1776, when he enlisted as a ranger in North Carolina, under Capt. Penland, in the command of Gen. McDowell, and served two months and a half against the Cherokee and Creek Indians.

        "On his return from this tour of service, he met the troops under Gen. Rutherford on their march to the Cherokee Nation, and volunteered under Rutherford. The expedition proceeded to the "Nation." In the overhill towns the Indians embodied, and an engagement ensued in which the Indians were defeated with a loss of 18 killed. This tour of service lasted from August, 1776, to December, 1776, four months.

        "In Jan., 1777, he volunteered under Col. John Sevier to retake the western settlements on the Watoga. Seviers' force was employed in building a fort for defense at "Gallaker's" on "Nola Sheeky" river, in the present State of Tennessee. Hughes was stationed there for twelve months.

        "Under the Act of North Carolina calling for new levies, he volunteered in Sept., 1780, for an expedition, under Col. Sevier, against Ferguson. He was in Capt. Samuel Williams' company and marched with Campbell's Virginia troops across the "Yellow Mountains" into North Carolina, and there met the militia under General McDowell, and in October was present at the battle of King's Mountain.

        "After the battle he helped guard the prisoners on the march to the "Barrix" for exchange, serving three months. In the winter of 1780 he again volunteered and was led by Col. Sevier against the Cherokee Indians and marched to the borders of their country, but the Indians had retired. He was one month in this service. His total service was 21 months and 14 days.

        "He was born in Shenandoah Co Va., in 1759, and had lived in Washington County, afterward in Greene County. He was living in 1839. "

        Francis Hughes may have used his Revolutionary War service to qualify for work as a ranger, as noted in the following passages from Goodspeed's History of Greene County, 1887:

        > "In 1783, the General Assembly of North Carolina passed an act dividing Washington County for the second time, and establishing the county of Greene. On the third Monday of August, the court of pleas and quarter sessions met at the house of Robert Carr, which stood near to what is known as the Big Spring in Greeneville.

        "The magistrates present were Joseph Hardin, John Newman, George Doherty, James Houston, Amos Bird and Asahel Rawlings. Daniel Kennedy was elected clerk; James Wilson, sheriff; William Cocke, attorney for the State; Joseph Hardin, Jr., entry taker; Isaac Taylor, surveyor, Richard Woods, register, and Francis Hughes, ranger."

        > "In May, 1785, the county was reorganized under the State of Franklin, and all the officers who were reappointed were required to take a new oath of office. The magistrates who appeared and qualified were Joseph Hardin, George Doherty, Benjamin and John Gist, Newman, Asabel Rawlings, John Maughon, James Patterson, John Weir and David Craig.

        "The old county officers were removed except Daniel Kennedy, clerk and Francis Hughes, ranger. The county, as a whole, was the most loyal to the Franklin government of any of the counties composing the State, and jealously guarded against anything tending to weaken its influence or authority."

        Land Grant Records for Francis Hughes are as follows: (5)

        1. Washington Co., TN NC Grant #262 - 99 acres - Oct 24, 1782. Watauga Bk. 252
        2. Washington Co., TN NC Grant #362 - 99 acres - 24 Oct, 1782. Bk 1 p. 567 - probably same grant as #1.
        3. Greene Co., TN NC Grant #1115 - 640 acres - 12 July 1793. Bk 6 p. 463

        The third record above is known to be for land on the Mill Fork of the Big Limestone Creek, Greene Co TN.
        1840 United States Census: , Bledsoe, Tennessee; Roll: 161; Page: 517; Image: 329; Family History Library Film: 0024542.
        Name: Margaret Hugh
        [Margaret Hughs]
        Birth Year: abt 1760
        Age: 50 to 60
        County: Bledsoe
        State: Tennessee
        Free White Persons - Males - 80 thru 89: 1 Francis age 80
        Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 2 Margaret Hughes and ?
        Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
        Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
        Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
        Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
        Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
        Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
        Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 12
        Persons Employed in Agriculture: 4
        No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 2
        Total Free White Persons: 3
        Total Slaves: 9
        Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 12
        5 residences away:

        Name: Ephriam Hughs, son of John Hughes, son of Francis Hughes
        County: Bledsoe
        State: Tennessee
        Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
        Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
        Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
        Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 3
        Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1
        No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 1
        Free White Persons - Under 20: 1
        Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
        Total Free White Persons: 3
        Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 3
        next residence:
        Hardy Lassiter
        four residences away:
        Ephriam Hughes




        Father: John Hughes , Sr. b: BEF 1732 in , , Pennsylvania
        Mother: Sarah [--?--]

        Marriage 1 Rebecca Allen b: ABT 1750
        Has Children Ingebo Hughes b: ABT 1770 in , , Tennessee, USA
        Has Children Hardeman Hughes b: BET 1770 AND 1780 in , , North Carolina
        Has Children John Hughes b: 1779 in , (later Dunmore County and renamed Shenandoah County), Virginia
        Has Children Hannah Retta HUGHES b: ABT 1780 in , , Tennessee, USA
        Has No Children Margaret Hughes b: BET 1780 AND 1790
        Has Children Rebecca Hughes b: ABT 1782 in , , Tennessee, USA

        Marriage 2 Elizabeth Long
        Married: 28 JUL 1802 in , Greene County, Tennessee, USA

        possibly separated in 1803, per David M. Hughes referencing Beavert notes, or divorced per record of a Francis Hughes filing for divorce from Elizabeth Hughes February 27, 1816
        Has No Children Mary Ann Hughes

        Title: Revolutionary War Pension Papers for Francis Hughes
        Media: Electronic

      • Citation:


  3. 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.: 1860 United States Census
  4. Find a Grave