BURKETT, Sarah “Sally” 1a

Birth Name BURKETT, Sarah “Sally”
Gender female
Age at Death more than 79 years, 2 months, 18 days


It has not been proved that Mathias Burket/Burkett and Susanna McNeese are the parents of William Burkett. Other children may be Louisa b 1807 and m John Turnbow, 1827, Perry County, Tennessee, USA; and Peggy b ?, married Charles Walker, 18 Nov 1824, Greene County, Tennessee, USA. Source: Lucy Haney at madewell32@hotmail.com

George Washington Burkett b Jul 15, 1814, Sarah Burkett b abt 1809 and Jackson Burkett b abt 1807 were siblings born in Tennessee. (I have not seen proof of this statement but George and Jackson were living beside each other in 1850 and a daughter of Sarah was living in George's household in 1850.) They may have been siblings of William Burkett b abt 1806 in Greene or Maury County, Tennessee. All four of them may have been the children of Mathias Burkett and Susanna McNeese who married in Maury County, TN on Jan 16, 1805. George, Sarah and Jackson moved to Madison County, Arkansas. William moved to White County, Arkansas.
Sarah tells about their relationship in her Civil War pension deposition No. 379798 the 19th of March, 1890.

"My husband was Benjamin Shipley. I don’t know whether or not I know when I was married to Ben Shipley. The Lord knows how long I lived with him, I don’t. My maiden name was Burkett and we was married at Dallas, Hamilton Co., Tennessee by Squire Jones. My third child was just three weeks old at the time the stars fell. I had eleven children by Shipley. He was blind and couldn’t content himself and he kept moving about. He and a man quarreled and he shot the man and he then left me in Tennessee and he came to Arkansas. Afterwards I came to Arkansas to join him. He went blind after we came to Arkansas. He died a year or two ago in Mulberry in Franklin County, Arkansas, USA. We were separated several years. I don’t know whether we were separated in the time of the war or not. I believe I was by myself then. My youngest child is named Thomas and he was born after my husband left me. I can’t say how long afterwards. I know I was by myself. It could not have been long. Ben had not left me for good then - he kept coming back and forward before the child was born. It died in two or three weeks after it was born. When my husband left me he link up with another woman, but he was never, married to her. She died and he then wanted to come home but I wouldn’t let him. He was not living with me when James died. James was never married, consequently left no widow, child or children surviving him."
Elisabeth Minerva Shipley told this story,
"Ben was indifferent to Sarah at best. She said he became desolate and lost hope after he became blind. Soon after becoming blind, Ben deserted Sarah and lived with other women, but did not marry any. Ben also lived some with his daughter, Hannah Retta Shipley Newton. I can not say where Ben lived when he died except that he lived in Franklin County. He would wander back and forth to Sarah. Sarah became pregnant with Thomas who was born in 1854, but he died almost immediately as he and Sarah were malnourished."
State of Arkansas County of Crawford SS.,
In the matter of Mothers Claim for Pension of Mrs. Sarah Shipley
Mother of James Shipley Private Co. "H" 1st Ark. Infty
ON THIS 24 day of December A.D.. 1888 personally appeared before me, a
Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County. duly authorized to administer oath.
Mrs Sarah Shipley , age 76 years, whose Post Office address is Mountainburg
Crawford County Ark.
who being duly sworn declared in relation to said case as follows: That she is the claimant;

that she has resided in the immediate neighbor-hood
of her present residence since the death of her son
the soldier in 1869; That she has not changed her res-
idence Since 1869, except a few miles in the immediate
neighbor hood; that her post office addresses have been
Mountainburg and Chester, Crawford County Arkansas.
That the names, ages of all the members of her family
in 1869, Were Elijah aged ?? years, who was improv-
ident and realy an expense upon her hands.
There were also living at that time the following children
Arabella ages 38, Park aged 36, now dead, Ona
aged 34 years, Ben aged 32 and Hannah aged
30 years. None of these children have lived with
me nor contributed to my support since the death of
my son James the soldier.
That my son, James was not attended by any physician
in his last sickness.
That no person has been legally bound to support
her since the death of her son, the said soldier.


J. K. Cook
F. A. Cook her
Sarah X Shipley
Case of Sarah Shipley , No. 379,798

On this 19th day of March , 1890, at
7 mi. W. of Chester , County of Crawford ,
State of Arkansas , before me, H.N. Patton , a
Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Mrs. Sarah
Shipley - Claimant , who, being by me first duly sworn to answer
truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid
pension claim, deposes and says: I don't know how old I am. I am
going on 70 odd. I was born in oats harvest in
1811 I think : widow : P.O. address Chester Crawford
Co. Ark.
I claim a pension as a dependent mother of
James Shipley, my son, who died of disease contracted
in the service. He died of smallpox or whatever you
called it. He was broken out all in scabs under his arms,
over his face and about all over him. He got the
disease at Ft. Smith - Ark. He sent for me to come to see him
and I went and staid with him in the tents until he
got able and I then brought him home with me. I expect
there were sores on him when I went to see him. There must
have been. I could not say whether I saw any sores on
him at that time or not. I expect there was though. Poor
fellow he didn't want to go to the hospital and that is the
reason he sent for me. I believe they called the disease
small pox. He was rotten with it I know. I forget the
year that I went too see him. I don't know "pint blank". I brought
him with me, and them places I've been telling you of broke
out again, under his arms and over his face + about
just like blisters, and he got so we couldn't move him
without his "hollerin". Yes Sir, he had been vaccinnated.
There was a heap of the soldiers at Fort Smith got vaccinnated
and I think James did to. "I don't know nothing." I have
been sick and am so old that I don't recollect much.
I don't remember the date - of his death -, but I think it
was in Aug. We were pulling fodder at the time. The cause of death
Page 7 Deposition A

Page 8
was the breaking out and his being in the army. I had four
boys in the army, and they all died after they came out of
the service. We had a doctor over here somewhere but
I don't know his name. to give him some treatment. That
was a night or two, or day or two, or a wk before James died.
He lived out here at Chester. He was never stout after
he came out of the army. "He lived till he died." He was able
to go about like the rest of the soldiers. He had this breaking out
until he died. He was mortified poor fellow. They couldn't
put his shoes on after he died without pulling his feet
off, he was so mortified. He was scabs all over.
Yes, his arm was all raw when I came to see him at Ft. Smith -
and it liked to have come off. I don't remember which
arm it was.
I don't remember "pint blank" when he enlisted. He
was old enough to go into the army, but I can't say how old
he was when he enlisted. He wasn't of age, - was just
a boy. He lived at home with me and he made corn,
or helped, for all of us -- helped to make a living like
a child ought to do. He sent me $2.00 or $3.00 after he went into
the service. I ought to know who he sent it by but I don't. That
is all he ever sent me. It was silver money I believe. I
depended in part on James for my support because he worked
at home to make the living. I don't know the Co or Regt. he belonged to.
I don't know where my girls were when James
enlisted. They were with their Pa where ever he was.
I only had one child at home when James enlisted,
and that was Elijah. He was younger than James. Me
and him, that child, went to Ft. Smith to tend to James.
My husband was Benjamin Shipley. I don't
know whether or not I know when I was married to

Signature of witness Sarah X Shipley
Milsey Crabtree mark
H.N. Patton

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19 day of Mch ,
1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
H.N. Patton
Special Examiner.


Case of Sarah Shipley , No. 379,798

On this day of , 18 , at
, County of ,
State of , before me, , a
Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared
, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer
truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid
pension claim, deposes and says:

Ben Shipley. The Lord knows how long I lived with
him, I don't. My maiden name was Burkett, and we
were married at Dallas, Hamilton Co.,Tenn. by Squire Jones.
My 3rd child was just 3 wks old at the time the
"Stars fell". I had eleven children by Shipley. He
was blind and couldn't content himself and he kept
moving about. He and a man quarreled and he shot
the man and he then left me in Tennessee and
came to Ark. Afterwards I came to Ark. to join him. He
went blind after we came to Ark. He died a year
or two ago in Mulberry in Franklin Co. Ark. We
were separated several years. I don't know whether
we were separated in the time of the war or not. I
believe I was by myself then. My youngest child
is named Thomas and he was born after my
husband left me. I can't say how long afterwards. I
know I was by myself. It could not have been long. Ben
had not left me for good then -- he kept coming back
or forward before the child was born. It died in 2 or 3
wks after it was born. When my husband left me
he link up with another woman but he was never
married to her. She died and he then wanted to come
home but I wouldn't let him. He was not living with
me when my son James died and had not lived
with me for several years before James died.
James was never married, consequently
left no widow, child or children surviving him.
Page 9 Deposition A

Page 11
After he came from the war he settled a place up here
on the mountain and I kept house for him and he
made the living, and that is the way I got along.
Yes, I owned right smart property when James
died I owned no land. We just settled a claim.
I had two horses, one which I would not take
$100.00 for, if I had it here to day. I had one colt; 2 or 3
milch cows; one yoke of steers - medium sized cattle
Oh yes we had hogs, but I don't know how many - Enough
to make my own meat. Had no sheep - didn't want them.
Me + James made our own meat. I can't tell you
how much my property was worth at his death. I
had no money in interest. I have a cow + a calf
now; that is all I need. I don't know what my
income was when James died. We made use
of all we made. When James died I had a
little grand child living with me; that was the
extent of my family.
My neighbors from the time James came out of
the army up to his death were Betsey Shipley, died -
Well I don't know any body else now. Every body that
heard of it came to see him in his last illness
but I can't name them now.
I have never remarried since my husbands
death; neither have I lived with or cohabited with
any man since my husband abandoned me.
I never aided or abetted the rebellion. I was never any rebel.
Q What witnesses do you desire me to see
in support of your claim for pension?
A I don't know

Signatures of witness. Sarah X Shipley
Milsey Crabtree mark
H.N. Patton

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19 day of Mch ,
1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
H.N. Patton
Special Examiner.

3 (3-446.)
Case of Sarah Shipley , No. 379,798

On this day of , 18 , at
, County of ,
State of , before me, , a
Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared
, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer
truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid
pension claim, deposes and says:

Q Why did you wait so long before applying
for a pension, on account of your son James Shipley, to
whom you looked in part, for your support?
A Didn't want to I reckon. Never thought anything
about it. First one + then another told me I could
Q How long have you been so feeble?
A Some 2 or 3 wks. I am able to sit up a part
Of the time. I sat up a little while this morning.
Q Has this affidavit been read over to you
before signing it?
A I don't know. You have read something. What
you have read looks like it was right. I have
no fault to find with it. "I don't find fault
with nothing."
Q Do you think you have understood the questions
I asked you?
A I think so. It looks like I ought. I don't know much.
Q Have I put your answers down correctly?
A Yes, I think I ought to.
Sarah X Shipley
Milsey Crabtree mark
H.N. Patton

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19 day of Mch ,
1890, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
H.N. Patton
Special Examiner.

Page 12 Deposition A
Transcribed by Susan Kimes Burgess
1840 United States Federal Census
Name: Benjamine Shipley
Township: Vineyard
County: Washington
State: Arkansas
Roll: 20
Page: 268

2 males under age 5, Benjamin Franklin Shipley, Jr. and William Parker
1 male age 5-9, Nathan Pascal Shipley age 13
1 male age 15-19, unknown but not a child of this family
1 male age 20-29, Benjamin Franklin Shipley, Sr. age 35
2 females under age 5, Naomi Shipley and unknown but not a child of this family
2 females age 5-9, Ibbey Jane Shipley and Susan Arabella Shipley
1 female age 10-14, unknown but not a child of this family
1 female age 20-29, Sarah Burkett Shipley age 30-31

1850 Census: Jasper, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: M432_25; Page: 335; Image: 665. Enumerated 27 Dec 1850,
Benjamin Shipley 43 M Grocer Tennessee Blind
Sally Shipley 41 F Tennessee
Susan A. Shipley 17 F Tennessee
Naomi Shipley 15 F Tennessee
William B. Shipley 13 M Tennessee
Benjamin Shipley 11 M Tennessee
Hanreitta Shipley 9 F Arkansas
Richard Shipley 6 M Arkansas
James Shipley 5 M Arkansas
Elijah Shipley 2 M Arkansas

1860 Census: Mulberry, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 309; Image: 310.
B. Shipley 45 M W Farmer 915 Tennessee Blind
Richard Shipley 18 M W Farmer Arkansas
James Shipley 14 M W Arkansas
Elijah Shipley 10 M W Arkansas
Polly Burket 44 F W Tennessee

1860 Census: Upper Township, Crawford County, Arkansas enumerated Aug 1, 1860 ; Post Office: The Narrows
Series: M653 Roll: 40 Page: 720
14 801 773 Nathan Shipley 28 M Farmer 1000 1611 Tenn
15 Elisabeth Shipley 28 F Arks
16 Elisa J. Shipley 8 F Arks
17 William Shipley 6 M Arks
18 Thomas Shipley 4 M Arks
19 James Shipley 2 M Arks
20 Nathan Shipley 9/12 M Arks
21 Throb Shipley 65 F Unknown Over 20 can't read or write (This is Sarah Burkett Shipley and her two sons, James and Elijah.)
22 James Shipley 12 M Arks
23 Elijah Shipley 10 M Arks

1870 Census:


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1811 During Oats Harvest in Tennessee, USA   2
Death after 1890-03-19 , , Arkansas, USA   2

Age: 79y

Christening Sally /Burkett/      


Family of SHIPLEY, Benjamin Franklin and BURKETT, Sarah “Sally”

Married Husband SHIPLEY, Benjamin Franklin ( * 1805-01-01 + 1881-08-26 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1826 Dallas, Hamilton County, Tennessee, USA Religious Marriage 3
Name Birth Date Death Date
SHIPLEY, Nathan Pascal1827-05-271863-02-22
Shipley, Ibbey Janeabout 1831between 1864 and 1870
Shipley, Susan Arabelleabout 18331918-10-29
Shipley, Naomi Janeabout 1835after 1880
Shipley, Benjamin Franklin1835-11-091922-08-18
Shipley, William Parkabout 1837-08-001870-04-20
Shipley, Hanna Rette1842-01-041933-10-00
Shipley, Richardabout 18441863-02-22
Shipley, Jamesabout 18451869-09-10
Shipley, Elijah1848-01-01before 1900
Shipley, Thomasabout 1854about 1854

Source References

  1. Susan: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=burgess_kimes&id=I40722 Burgess-Fisher-Ebert-Anderson-Kames-Peterson-Hofacker-Smith
      • Source text:

        ID: I40722
        Name: Francis Hughes
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1759 in , (later Dunmore County and renamed Shenandoah County), Virginia 1
        Death: 25 JAN 1841 in , Bledsoe County, Tennessee, USA 1
        Residence: 24 OCT 1782 , Washington County now Greene County, Tennessee, USA
        Residence: JUN 1776 , Rowan County now Western Burke County, North Carolina
        Residence: BET 1776 AND 1782 Watauga area, North Carolina (now Eastern Tennessee) Lesley
        Residence: BET 1793 AND 1841 , Greene County, Tennessee, USA
        Is Hannah Retta Hughes a child of Francis Hughes born about 1759??? It is pure conjecture she is. There is no proof or any documentation for this hypothesis other than the close proximity of Hardeman (Hardy) Hughs to Benjamin Shipley, son of Hannah Retta, in the 1830 Hamilton County, Tennessee census. Hardeman Hughs may be a son of Francis Hughes; that is not proved either. In 1860 Nathan Shipley, son of Hannah Retta, was living next door to John Hughes born about 1779 and the son of Francis Hughes. Ephraim Hughes, son of John Hughes, son of Francis Hughes lived in the same town.

        He died while residing with his daughter Margaret in Bledsoe Co., TN. His heirs were as follows: John and Margaret Hughes, Ingabo and Rebecca Hixson


        JUN 1776 Rev. War, he entered military service in Burke Co., NC. He served as a ranger on the western Catawba Frontier, scouting against hostile Cherokee and Creek Indians. August 1776 he joined Rutherford's troops and fought in the Cherokee Expedition.
        Military pension 21 JUL 1833 As a resident of Greene Co., TN, age 74 years, he applied for a Federal pension. He was awarded an annual pension of $51.66. In his pension declaration, he mentions an engagement in which eighteen Indians were killed.
        As documented by descendants of John Hewes, privately published by Eben Putnam, New Your, 1913, Call Number Cs71.H892.
        FEBRUARY 18, 1780. (185) Called Court on Francis Hughes, for larceny--Sent to Richmond for trial. Witnesses: Hugh Brown, and Rebecca, his wife.
        Friend of John Sevier
        Ranger in State of Franklin1785-To Bledsoe Co 1832 with unmarried Margaret, daughter.
        3rd NC Regiment on Rev. War
        Correspondent Donna Blackburn robndonna@prodigy.net- Could he have had a Cherokee Wife?
        Battle of Kings Mt.Samuel Williams Co.-With John Sevier 1782 Cherokee Expidition
        Hamilton County Pioneers by John Wilson

        Francis Hughes Sr

        Date and place of birth: c1697 PA near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
        Date and place of death: 1777 VA probably Augusta County (present day Rockingham County), Virginia
        Names of children: John Hughes Sr b bef 1732 PA d 1791 Greene Co, TN sp Sarah ; Aaron Hughes b c1734 PA d 1799 Jefferson TN sp Mary Moore ; Francis Hughes Jr b c1740 ; Ingebo Hughes b. 1730 PA
        Names of parents: Charles Hughes b c1665 Wales d c1711 & Rebecca ???
        Siblings: John Hughes; Anne Hughes; Rebecca Hughes
        Name of spouse: Christine, probably in Pennsylvania, bet. 1720 - 1734, probably near Philadelphia, PA, possibly the daughter of Swan Rambo or Andrew Bird

        Francis Hughes

        Date and place of birth: c1759 VA
        Date and place of death: 1841 Bledsoe Co, TN
        Names of children: John Hughes b 1779 d 1871 sp Jane Skiles b c1780 ; Margaret Hughes d aft 1841 ; Clarissa Hughes b 1760/1770 sp-John Lovelady s/o John Lovelady and Sarah Morgan ; Ingebo Hughes sp-William Hixson md 6 Sep 1795 Greene Co, TN ; Rebecca Hughes sp-Timothy S Hixson ; John Hughes ; Margaret Hughes ; Hardeman (Hardy) Hughes b 1770/1780 NC d 1830/1840 Hamilton Co, TN sp-Sinthia Cook md 27 Feb Grainger Co, TN
        Names of parents: John Hughes Sr b bef 1732 d 1791 Greene Co, TN sp Sarah
        Name of spouse: 1. Rebecca Allen b. abt. 1760 d. bef. Jan 25, 1841
        2. Elizabeth Long, July 28, 1802, Greene Co. TN marriage licenses of Francis Hughs to Elizabeth Long with Timothy Hixon as witness;
        possibly separated in 1803, per David M. Hughes referencing Beavert notes, or divorced per record of a Francis Hughes filing for divorce from Elizabeth Hughes February 27, 1816.

        * Mary Ann "Polly" Hughes

        Memories and Stories

        Francis Hughes was born in Shenandoah County, VA in the year 1759. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, he was living in Western Burke (then Rowan) County, NC. He later was "unsettled", but apparently was residing in the Watauga area of east Tennessee, then North Carolina.

        Francis Hughes first entered military service in Burke County, NC in June 1776. He served as a ranger on the western Catawba Frontier, scouting against the hostile Cherokee and Creek Indians. He served in Capt. Penland's Company. In August 1776, Hughes joined up with Rutherford's troops and took part in the Cherokee Expedition of August-October 1776, In his pension declaration, he mentions an engagement in which eighteen Indians were killed.

        In January 1777, he enlisted in Col. John Seviers Regiment. Their purpose was to clear the Watauga Settlements from Indian incursions. He helped to erect and and garrison a fort on the Nolachukey River (at Gallaker's orGallagher's).

        In September 1780, Hughes volunteered under Col. Sevier (Capt. Samuel William's Company) and took part in the great King's Mountain Expedition of September and October 1780. The march culminated in the American Victory at King's Mountain, SC on October 7, 1780.

        His final tour of duty was for a period of one month under Col. Sevier. This consisted of a short march to Cherokee country and back.

        About the second marriage: A woman named Mary Ann "Dolly" Miller, the wife of Thornton Miller, claimed that she was a half-sister to John Hughes, the son of Francis Hughes and Rebecca Allen. As Kay White has noted,

        "Francis, in his will, listed ALL of his living legal heirs - IF Mary Ann was living at the time of the Will (1841), she was not his daughter, although she could have possibly been a step-daughter - IF she was deceased at that time, the possibility of either does exist - this bears further study." (12)

        Francis without a will:

        "Francis Hughes did not leave a will. The document referred to as a will was actually a court declartion made by Francis' children. They went to court to swear that they were the only living, legal heirs in order to collect their father's pension. It is known that they did not include a half sister, Mary Ann (Polly) Hughes who married Thornton Miller."
        --Jeanne Bowman Overbay, Feb. 26, 2000

        Francis Hughes is documented in Revolutionary War Soldiers of Western North Carolina.

        Francis Hughes apparently moved from Burke County, NC to Watauga some time during the war... He was in Greene Co TN, by 1782.... He continued to reside in East Tennessee for the remainder of his life.

        "Francis Hughs" appears in Greene Co TN's 1797 tax list in Captain Jas. Penney's Company as owning 1210 acres, 1 white poll, and 3 black polls.

        On July 21, 1833, as a resident of Greene County, TN, age 74 years, he applied for a Federal pension. He was awarded an annual pension of $51.66. In his pension application children are mentioned, but not by name. (See below).(6)

        Francis Hughes died January 25, 1841... while residing with his daughter Margaret in Bledsoe County, TN. His wife predeceased him. His heirs were as follows: John Hughes, Margaret Hughes, Ingabow Hixon and Rebecca Hixon.

        Francis Hughes pension record, as documented by Descendants of John Hewes, privately published by Eben Putanm, New York, 1913, Call Number Cs71.H892:

        "Francis Hughes was of Green County, Tenn., 21 July, 1833, then aged 74 years, when he applied for pension, alleging that he resided in Burke County, N. C., in June, 1776, when he enlisted as a ranger in North Carolina, under Capt. Penland, in the command of Gen. McDowell, and served two months and a half against the Cherokee and Creek Indians.

        "On his return from this tour of service, he met the troops under Gen. Rutherford on their march to the Cherokee Nation, and volunteered under Rutherford. The expedition proceeded to the "Nation." In the overhill towns the Indians embodied, and an engagement ensued in which the Indians were defeated with a loss of 18 killed. This tour of service lasted from August, 1776, to December, 1776, four months.

        "In Jan., 1777, he volunteered under Col. John Sevier to retake the western settlements on the Watoga. Seviers' force was employed in building a fort for defense at "Gallaker's" on "Nola Sheeky" river, in the present State of Tennessee. Hughes was stationed there for twelve months.

        "Under the Act of North Carolina calling for new levies, he volunteered in Sept., 1780, for an expedition, under Col. Sevier, against Ferguson. He was in Capt. Samuel Williams' company and marched with Campbell's Virginia troops across the "Yellow Mountains" into North Carolina, and there met the militia under General McDowell, and in October was present at the battle of King's Mountain.

        "After the battle he helped guard the prisoners on the march to the "Barrix" for exchange, serving three months. In the winter of 1780 he again volunteered and was led by Col. Sevier against the Cherokee Indians and marched to the borders of their country, but the Indians had retired. He was one month in this service. His total service was 21 months and 14 days.

        "He was born in Shenandoah Co Va., in 1759, and had lived in Washington County, afterward in Greene County. He was living in 1839. "

        Francis Hughes may have used his Revolutionary War service to qualify for work as a ranger, as noted in the following passages from Goodspeed's History of Greene County, 1887:

        > "In 1783, the General Assembly of North Carolina passed an act dividing Washington County for the second time, and establishing the county of Greene. On the third Monday of August, the court of pleas and quarter sessions met at the house of Robert Carr, which stood near to what is known as the Big Spring in Greeneville.

        "The magistrates present were Joseph Hardin, John Newman, George Doherty, James Houston, Amos Bird and Asahel Rawlings. Daniel Kennedy was elected clerk; James Wilson, sheriff; William Cocke, attorney for the State; Joseph Hardin, Jr., entry taker; Isaac Taylor, surveyor, Richard Woods, register, and Francis Hughes, ranger."

        > "In May, 1785, the county was reorganized under the State of Franklin, and all the officers who were reappointed were required to take a new oath of office. The magistrates who appeared and qualified were Joseph Hardin, George Doherty, Benjamin and John Gist, Newman, Asabel Rawlings, John Maughon, James Patterson, John Weir and David Craig.

        "The old county officers were removed except Daniel Kennedy, clerk and Francis Hughes, ranger. The county, as a whole, was the most loyal to the Franklin government of any of the counties composing the State, and jealously guarded against anything tending to weaken its influence or authority."

        Land Grant Records for Francis Hughes are as follows: (5)

        1. Washington Co., TN NC Grant #262 - 99 acres - Oct 24, 1782. Watauga Bk. 252
        2. Washington Co., TN NC Grant #362 - 99 acres - 24 Oct, 1782. Bk 1 p. 567 - probably same grant as #1.
        3. Greene Co., TN NC Grant #1115 - 640 acres - 12 July 1793. Bk 6 p. 463

        The third record above is known to be for land on the Mill Fork of the Big Limestone Creek, Greene Co TN.
        1840 United States Census: , Bledsoe, Tennessee; Roll: 161; Page: 517; Image: 329; Family History Library Film: 0024542.
        Name: Margaret Hugh
        [Margaret Hughs]
        Birth Year: abt 1760
        Age: 50 to 60
        County: Bledsoe
        State: Tennessee
        Free White Persons - Males - 80 thru 89: 1 Francis age 80
        Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 2 Margaret Hughes and ?
        Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
        Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
        Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
        Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
        Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
        Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
        Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 12
        Persons Employed in Agriculture: 4
        No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 2
        Total Free White Persons: 3
        Total Slaves: 9
        Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 12
        5 residences away:

        Name: Ephriam Hughs, son of John Hughes, son of Francis Hughes
        County: Bledsoe
        State: Tennessee
        Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
        Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
        Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
        Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 3
        Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1
        No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 1
        Free White Persons - Under 20: 1
        Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
        Total Free White Persons: 3
        Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 3
        next residence:
        Hardy Lassiter
        four residences away:
        Ephriam Hughes




        Father: John Hughes , Sr. b: BEF 1732 in , , Pennsylvania
        Mother: Sarah [--?--]

        Marriage 1 Rebecca Allen b: ABT 1750
        Has Children Ingebo Hughes b: ABT 1770 in , , Tennessee, USA
        Has Children Hardeman Hughes b: BET 1770 AND 1780 in , , North Carolina
        Has Children John Hughes b: 1779 in , (later Dunmore County and renamed Shenandoah County), Virginia
        Has Children Hannah Retta HUGHES b: ABT 1780 in , , Tennessee, USA
        Has No Children Margaret Hughes b: BET 1780 AND 1790
        Has Children Rebecca Hughes b: ABT 1782 in , , Tennessee, USA

        Marriage 2 Elizabeth Long
        Married: 28 JUL 1802 in , Greene County, Tennessee, USA

        possibly separated in 1803, per David M. Hughes referencing Beavert notes, or divorced per record of a Francis Hughes filing for divorce from Elizabeth Hughes February 27, 1816
        Has No Children Mary Ann Hughes

        Title: Revolutionary War Pension Papers for Francis Hughes
        Media: Electronic

      • Citation:

        e-mail: suekbee@comcast.net

  2. Sarah Shipley: Civil War pension deposition No. 379798
  3. R. Cecil Shipley Gedcom, 1999