Purvis, Jesse

Birth Name Purvis, Jesse
Gender male
Age at Death 68 years


1850 Taylor Co., Kentucky Census, District 2, Family #200
Jesse Purvis, 43, M, Farmer, $600, TN
Martha Purvis, 42, F, VA
William W. Purvis, 21, M, Laborer, KY
James M. Purvis, 19, M, Laborer, KY
Francis A. Purvis, 17, F, KY
Sarah J. Purvis, 15, F, KY
Benjamin O. Purvis, 12, M, KY
Jesse P. Purvis, 10, M, KY
Thomas H. Purvis, 8, M, KY
Randolph R. Purvis, 6, M, KY
Martha E. Purvis 4, F, KY
Richard M. Purvis, 2, M, KY
Mary Susan Purvis, 1, F, KY
Commonwealth cases - Taylor Co., KY Feb. 1852

Commonwealth vs John Hash, Jesse Purvis, and Josiah Shipp

John Hash, Jesse Purvis, and Josiah Shipp are charged with unlawfully assembling together and arrayed in a warlike manner, then and there in a certain public street and highway there situated, unlawfully, and to the great terror and disturbance of good citizens of the Commonwealth, made an affray on 4 Aug. 1851.

Hash and Purvis found guilty and fined $20 each. Shipp not guilty.
Taylor Co., Kentucky Circuit Case #14

Jesse Purvis vs. Joel Hash, James Hash, Alfred Hash and Thomas Hash, petition in equity.

Jesse Purvis states that on 30 September 1839, Thomas Hash made title bond to John C. Skaggs for conveyance of 1/6 part of 200 acres belonging to the estate of Hashes father, now deceased. On January 20, 1854, the title bond was assigned to Jesse Purvis by Skaggs.

On February 22, 1836, James hash made title bond to John C. Skaggs for the conveyance of his interest in the tract, which was 1/6 part. It was assigned to Jesse Purvis by Skaggs on Jan. 10, 1854.

On March 2, 1832, Joel Hash made title bond to John C. Skaggs for his 1/6 part and on January 20, 1854 Skaggs assigned it to Purvis.

Alfred Hash made title bond to Martin for his interest in the tract, 1/6 part or 33 2/3 acres on October 28, 1833 and Martin assigned it to John C. Skaggs on January 20, 1854.

The title bond descended to them by their father, James Hash Sr., deceased and located on Pitman Creek in Taylor County. Purvis wants a deed made.

James Hash lived in Sangamon Co., Illinois in 1836.
Washington Nance was living on the property in 1832.
Alfred Hash lived in Morgan Co., Illinois in 1833.
Taylor Co., Kentucky Circuit Case #14
26 May 1854
John C. Skaggs vs. Jessee Purvis.

John C. Skaggs says that on 16 May 1854, in Taylor County, while he was engaged in business, Jesse Purvis assaulted and attacked him, shot him with a shot gun loaded with powder and balls or some other hard substance. Three of the shots hit him in the arm. He sues for $3000.

Purvis admits that he shot Skaggs, but that he did so because Skaggs attacked him with a hammer and pistol and was trying to kill him. He shot him in self defense.

An attachment was placed on the property of Purvis.
1870 Taylor Co., Kentucky Census, Precinct 1, Post Office Saloma
Dwelling #62, Family #62
Jessee Pervis, 63, M, Farmer, $300, $200, TN
Martha Pervis, 61, F, Keep House, VA
Mary S. Pervis, 18, F, At Home, KY
Maria G. Pervis, 15, F, At Home, KY
Catherine Pervis, 13, F, At Home, KY
1880 Census of Larue Co., Kentucky, Otter Creek Precinct
Jessee Purvis, Self, Married, Male, White, 72, born KY, Farmer, KY, KY
Sarah Purvis, Wife, Married, Female, White, 60, KY, Keeping House, KY, KY


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1807 Tennessee   1a
Death 1875 Green County, Kentucky   1b
Event Note

B: Abt. 1807
P: Tennessee
D: Aft. 1880
P: Larue Co., Kentucky

Age: 68y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Purvis, James R.about 17631845
Mother Roberts, Rhodea17641852-01-13
    Brother     Purvis, Calvin 1788 1876
    Brother     Purvis, James 1789
    Brother     Purvis, William 1794
    Sister     Purvis, Catherine 1796
    Sister     Purvis, Lydia Memes 1798-05-26 1874-12-25
    Brother     Purvis, Alfred 1800-02-10
    Sister     Purvis, Elizabeth 1802-03-20 1882-06-01
    Sister     Purvis, Nancy 1804
         Purvis, Jesse 1807 1875
    Brother     Purvis, John 1808-10-08 1873-03-30
    Sister     Purvis, Rhoda 1811
    Sister     Purvis, America 1812


Family of Purvis, Jesse and Druin, Martha

Married Wife Druin, Martha ( * 1809 + 1873-01-20 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1829-01-01 Green County, Kentucky Religious Marriage  
Event Note

* Note: Jesse Pervis and Joseph Despain on bond, 1 January 1829.
* Married: 1 JAN 1829 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA

Name Birth Date Death Date
Purvis, William Webster1829
Purvis, James Monroe1831
Purvis, Francis A.1833
Purvis, Sarah J.1835
Purvis, Jesse P.1840
Purvis, Benjamin Owens1840-10-20
Purvis, Thomas H.1842
Purvis, Randolph Robinson1844
Purvis, Martha E.1846
Purvis, Richard M.1848
Purvis, Mary Susan1851-08-061928-12-10
Purvis, Maria G.1855
Purvis, Catherine1857

Family of Purvis, Jesse and Bray, Sarah

Married Wife Bray, Sarah ( * 1820 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1873-09-16   Religious Marriage  

Source References

  1. Jean: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jgrumbling4446&id=I02889 MY COLYER FAMILY
      • Source text:

        # ID: I02889
        # Name: Jesse PURVIS 1
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 1807 in Tennessee
        # Death: ABT. 1875 in Green Co., KY

        Father: James PURVIS b: 1763 in Martin Co., NC
        Mother: Rhoda ROBERTS b: 1763 in Johnston Co., NC

        Marriage 1 Martha DRUIN b: ABT. 1808 in Virginia

        * Married: 1 JAN 1829 in Green Co., KY


        1. Has No Children William W. PURVIS b: 1829
        2. Has No Children James M. PURVIS b: 1831 in Morgan Co., IL
        3. Has No Children Frances J. PURVIS b: 1833
        4. Has No Children Sarah J. PURVIS b: 1835
        5. Has No Children Benjamin O. PURVIS b: 1838
        6. Has No Children Jesse R. PURVIS b: 12 JUL 1840
        7. Has No Children Thomas W. PURVIS b: MAR 1842 in Greene Co., KY
        8. Has No Children Randolph R. PURVIS b: 1844
        9. Has No Children Martha E. PURVIS b: 1846
        10. Has No Children Richard M. PURVIS b: 1848
        11. Has No Children Mary Susan PURVIS b: 1849 in Taylor Co., KY
        12. Has No Children Mariah E. PURVIS b: 1855
        13. Has Children Catherine C. PURVIS b: 15 DEC 1855



        1. Title: Larry H. Phelps - BullfrogM@aol.com
        Media: Book

      • Citation:

        e-mail: jgrum1502@att.net

      • Source text:

        # ID: I02889
        # Name: Jesse PURVIS 1
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 1807 in Tennessee
        # Death: ABT. 1875 in Green Co., KY

        Father: James PURVIS b: 1763 in Martin Co., NC
        Mother: Rhoda ROBERTS b: 1763 in Johnston Co., NC

        Marriage 1 Martha DRUIN b: ABT. 1808 in Virginia

        * Married: 1 JAN 1829 in Green Co., KY


        1. Has No Children William W. PURVIS b: 1829
        2. Has No Children James M. PURVIS b: 1831 in Morgan Co., IL
        3. Has No Children Frances J. PURVIS b: 1833
        4. Has No Children Sarah J. PURVIS b: 1835
        5. Has No Children Benjamin O. PURVIS b: 1838
        6. Has No Children Jesse R. PURVIS b: 12 JUL 1840
        7. Has No Children Thomas W. PURVIS b: MAR 1842 in Greene Co., KY
        8. Has No Children Randolph R. PURVIS b: 1844
        9. Has No Children Martha E. PURVIS b: 1846
        10. Has No Children Richard M. PURVIS b: 1848
        11. Has No Children Mary Susan PURVIS b: 1849 in Taylor Co., KY
        12. Has No Children Mariah E. PURVIS b: 1855
        13. Has Children Catherine C. PURVIS b: 15 DEC 1855



        1. Title: Larry H. Phelps - BullfrogM@aol.com
        Media: Book

      • Citation:

        e-mail: jgrum1502@att.net