McIlvane, John IV

Birth Name McIlvane, John IV
Gender male
Age at Death 95 years, 4 months, 29 days


From Kimberly Egan Notes
John McIlvaine descends from the McIlvai nes of Ayrshire, Scotland;
hereditary Lairds of Grimmet. The Grimmet estates were held by McIlvane's
up until the 1720's. Ther were traditionally Presbyte rian, which may
explain why several Scottish McIlvaine's emigrated to Ireland and then on
to the American Colonies.
May 3, 1687. They emigrated with John 's nephew, Joseph, and the Clark and
the Orr families, to Ireland in 1693. (F rank C. McElvain names this date,
but Samuel McElvain says that it was 1697). They settled in Ballykeel,
Islandmagee, County Antrim. Three children born i n Ayrshire moved with
them; James, Thomas, and Margaret. Three sons were born in Ireland;
Andrew, George, and Robert. John McIlvane does not seem to have owned any
land, but had a lease of six acres near the foot of Muldersley Hill and
not far from the present Ballymacarry station on the northern railway
running from Belfast to Larne on the opposite shore of Larne Lough. He is
bur ied there and his stone reads "here lyeth the body of John McIlwain,
who died Sept. 7, 1735 Aged 79"
Thomas stayed in Ireland and his daughter was Janet. H er headstone is
pictured in the book "Gravestone Inscriptions, Couonty Antrim , Vol. 1,
Islandmagee". It has the Kein Crest and Arms and the inscription "h ere
lyeth the body of Martha Kein who died May 11th, 1752 aged 5 years.
Als oJames Kein's wife Janet Mcliwain who died May 22d 1774 aged 56 years.
Also J ames Kein who departed this life 30th Novr 1793 aged 80 years".
The above ment ioned stone for John McIlvane is no longer in the little
cemetery in the corn er of the 6 acre field. The burials were in the
southwest corner, and at one time a small church stood there. The stone
of Marth Kein, however is still th ere, and also that of Janet McIlwaine
Kein and from their position. The grave of John McIlwane is probably
under the edge of the foundation stones of the Church and his stone was
moved to make way for the building. The stone does n ot appear in the
They emigrated with John's nephew, Joseph, and th e Clark and the Orr
families, to Ireland in 1693/97. They settled in Ballykee l, Islandmagee,
County Antrim. Three children born in Ayrshire, James, Thomas and
Margaret came with them and three sons were born in Ireland: Andrew,
G eorge and Robert. John leased six acres near Muldersley Hill near
Ballymacarr y station.
He was buried in a little cemetery in the corner of the six acre fi led.
His granddaughter Janet's gravestone is pictured in a book "Gravestone
Inscriptions, County Antrim, Vol 1, Islandmagee"
On 3 May 1687 John married S arah CLARK


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1640-04-08 Kirkoswald, Carrick, Ayr, Scotland    
Event Note


Death 1735-09-07 Ballykeel, County Antrim, Ireland    

Age: 95y 4m 30d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father McIlvane, Johnabout 1640about 1700
Mother Cunningham, Anneabout 1634
         McIlvane, John IV 1640-04-08 1735-09-07
    Brother     McIlvain, Thomas about 1655
    Brother     McIlvane, Joseph about 1658
    Brother     McIlvane, Irvington about 1660


Family of McIlvane, John IV and Clark, Sarah

Unknown Partner Clark, Sarah ( * 1660-04-08 + about 1730 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
McIlvaine, James1688-06-11
McIlvaine, Margaret1690-12-04
McIlvaine, Thomas1692-03-021777
McIlvaine, Andrew1694-05-141754
McIlvaine, George1695-09-17
McIlvaine, Robert1696-10-111760