McIlvane, John

Birth Name McIlvane, John
Gender male
Age at Death about 69 years


REFN: 2469AN
REFN: P2470
Notes for JOHN McILVANE from Kimberly Egan
JOHN MCILVANE succeeDe d his father John about 1637. This is the same John
mentioned in 1613 as John ne Mcllvane, Younger of Grummett in a complaint
against John Kennedy "In Nove mber last while reposing himself in sober
manner within the Kaitchepoole of M aybole, he was there attacked and
shamefully treated by Johnne Kennedy of Bla irquhan and others with drawn
sword in ane hand and a battoun in the uther he would have slain his
pursuer had he not escaped by the providence of God and his awne bettir
The Glasgow Commissariat August 20, 1643 mentions Juliana Schaw, spouse
of John Mcllvane of Grimmet. Her will names daughters Anne and Juliane
Mcllvane. Juliane married Rev. Andrew Rodgers, Minister in G astoun.
Unlike England, where, upon marriage, the woman's property and wealth
became the husband's, Scotland's law was very favorable to women. Custom
a lso gave them equal rights to property and to head families.
The children of J ohn and Juliana McIlvane were Quentin McIlvane, who
lived at Thomaston, heir and successor as Laird of Grinunet; Alexander
McIlvane, who married a Miss Mc Adam and lived at Aughnacloy, Ireland;
John McIlvane, who inherited Grinunet and married Anne Cwmingham; and
Gilbert who moved to County Antrim Ireland. G ilbert Mcilvane whose
testament was dated August II, 1668, in
the Parish of Maybole. His spouse was Janet Schaw, whose testament was
dated July 27, 1676. This Gilbert is believed to have been the ancestor
of the Gilbert McIlvane w hose son William resided in Baltimore, Maryland,
and had two sons, William an d Gilbert. The latter's son, William
McIlvain, married December 12th 1775, Ma ry McIlvain, his first cousin,
daughter of John McIlvain.
John Mcllvane died in 1669, his will being dated September 21,1669.
Quentin, who inherited Thom aston, served heir to his father October 8,
1669. His brother John apparently inherited Grimet at the same time.
Laird of Grimmet 1637-1669
Some list Jane Ann Corry as his first wife.
His will is dated September 21, 1669
He is the John mentioned in 1613 as Johne McIlvane Younger of Grummett in
a complaint a gainst John Kennedy "In November last while reposing himself
in sober manner with the Kaitchepoole of Maypole, he was there attacked
and shamefully treate d by Johnne Kennedy of Blairquhan and others...with
drawn sword in ane hand a nd a battoun in the uther he would have slain
his pursuer had he not escaped by the providence of God and his awne
bettir defence."
John married Juliane SHAW


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1600 Grimmet Estate, Ayrshire, Scotland    
Death 1669 Grimmet Estate, Ayrshire, Scotland    

Age: 69y

Christening Laird of Grimmett      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father McIlvane, Johnabout 1570about 1637
Mother Corry, Jane Anneabout 15801632
         McIlvane, John about 1600 1669
    Sister     McIlvane, Agnes about 1602
    Brother     McIlvane, David about 1604
    Sister     McIlvane, Mareonne 1605
    Sister     McIlvane, Helein about 1606
    Sister     McIlvane, Margaret about 1610


Family of McIlvane, John and Shaw, Julianna

Married Wife Shaw, Julianna ( * about 1600 + about 1641 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1622 Ayrshire, Scotland Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
McIlvane, Juliannaabout 1623
McIlvane, Gilbertabout 1629
McIlvane, Quentinabout 1630
McIlvane, Anneabout 1635
McIlvane, Andrewbefore 1640
McIlvane, Johnabout 1640about 1700