Willoughby, Anne dau of Robert Willoughby, 2nd Lord de Broke 1a

Birth Name Willoughby, Anne dau of Robert Willoughby, 2nd Lord de Broke
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death 1582-12-24      
Christening 9B0D3D541527479E8CEDE4AFF64166ADB0BC 7 Jan 2006    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Willoughby, Robert 2nd Lord de BrokeCC2DF67B25C9473BBE38DA9FD3C600E3C57E1522
Mother Grey, Dorothy dau of Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of DorsetBC02796187AE464F94540E210F2F4C1E211E1553
         Willoughby, Anne dau of Robert Willoughby, 2nd Lord de Broke 9B0D3D541527479E8CEDE4AFF64166ADB0BC 1582-12-24
    Sister     Willoughby, Elizabeth 2A1748FE54CD43B1A109711F4305542193D1 1576-11-04

Source References

  1. Richard Remme: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=remme1007&id=I203126 Ancestors of R.H. Remmé, the Netherlands
      • Source text:

        # ID: I203126
        # Name: Marmaduke de Thweng
        # Given Name: Marmaduke de
        # Surname: Thweng
        # Suffix: of Kilton
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        # Death: Abt 1283 1 1
        # _UID: 7BC94D14645848888BBDA5E75BB23A0A56A5
        # Change Date: 4 Mar 2006 at 09:18
        # Note:


        a. Marmaduke de Thweng of Kilton (d c1283) m. (c1242) Lucy Brus (b 1216, d after 1282, dau of Peter de Brus of Skelton) <bruce01.htm>





        Marriage 1 Lucy de Brus b: 1216

        * Married:
        * Change Date: 4 Mar 2006


        1. Has No Children Margery Thweng b: Abt 1270
        2. Has Children Cecilia Thwenge b: 1215 in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        3. Has Children Robert de Thweng
        4. Has Children Marmaduke de Thweng



        1. Abbrev: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005
        Title: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005



      • Citation:

        e-mail: rhremme@gmail.com