Willoughby, John 1a

Birth Name Willoughby, John
Gender male




(i) Sir John Willoughby m. Anne Cheney (dau of Sir Edmund Cheney of Broke) <stafford03.htm>


Event Date Place Description Sources
Christening A3C1B78C0C5D4C3F962F288B116C2F430224 9 Apr 2006    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Willoughby, JohnECCF2FBA316842069E5C25987DFAB265CA68
Mother Welby, Joan5670E38DB7224DD08C31DE48FF571AA3220A
         Willoughby, John A3C1B78C0C5D4C3F962F288B116C2F430224


Family of Willoughby, John and Cheyney, Agnes or Anne dau of Sir Edmund Cheney of Broke

Unknown Partner Cheyney, Agnes or Anne dau of Sir Edmund Cheney of Broke ( * ED3BC2EF8A0F424FA8C6F8324441ABCB96E4 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Willoughby, Robert 1st Lord de Broke1502

Source References

  1. Richard Remme: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=remme1007&id=I203126 Ancestors of R.H. Remmé, the Netherlands
      • Source text:

        # ID: I203126
        # Name: Marmaduke de Thweng
        # Given Name: Marmaduke de
        # Surname: Thweng
        # Suffix: of Kilton
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        # Death: Abt 1283 1 1
        # _UID: 7BC94D14645848888BBDA5E75BB23A0A56A5
        # Change Date: 4 Mar 2006 at 09:18
        # Note:


        a. Marmaduke de Thweng of Kilton (d c1283) m. (c1242) Lucy Brus (b 1216, d after 1282, dau of Peter de Brus of Skelton) <bruce01.htm>





        Marriage 1 Lucy de Brus b: 1216

        * Married:
        * Change Date: 4 Mar 2006


        1. Has No Children Margery Thweng b: Abt 1270
        2. Has Children Cecilia Thwenge b: 1215 in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        3. Has Children Robert de Thweng
        4. Has Children Marmaduke de Thweng



        1. Abbrev: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005
        Title: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005



      • Citation:

        e-mail: rhremme@gmail.com