Bulmer, Stephen 1 2a 3 4

Birth Name Bulmer, Stephen
Gender male
Age at Death more than about 77 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1103 Durham, England   5a
Death after 1180     5b

Age: 77y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father de Bulmer, Ansketilabout 1070after 1128
Mother Powther, Humez1094
         Bulmer, Stephen about 1103 after 1180
    Sister     de Bulmer, Sibyl 1112
    Brother     de Bulmer, Ralph 1115
    Brother     de Bulmer, Burtram 1119


Family of Bulmer, Stephen and Muschamp, Cecily

Unknown Partner Muschamp, Cecily ( * 1130 + 1180 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
de Bulmer, Agnesafter 11201198
de Bulmer, Robert1126after 1166
de Bulmer, Joan1130about 1154

Source References

  1. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=jdp-fam&id=I78173&style=TABLE
  2. Michael Neuman: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=michaelrneuman&id=I016982 Neuman-Smith-Goodale Family and Ancestors
      • Source text:

        ID: I016982
        Name: Ansketil de Bulmer
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1089 in Bulmer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England
        Death: 1122 in Brancpeth, Durhamshire, England

        Father: Alan de Bulmer b: ABT 1060 in Bulmer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England

        Marriage 1 Humez Powther b: ABT 1094 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
        Butram de Bulmer , Sheriff of Yorkshire b: ABT 1119 in Bulmer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England
        Stephen de Bulmer , Sheriff of Yorkshire b: ABT 1117 in Bulmer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England
        Sibyl de Bulmer b: ABT 1112 in Bulmer, North Riding, Yorkshire, England


      • Citation:

        Descendants and ancestors of George Smith and Eva Goodale


  3. Sir Charles Clay, Diana E. Greenway: Early Yorkshire Families edited by Charles Clay, Diana E. Greenway
  4. "Saxon Survivors? The Bulmers Thanes to Sheriffs and Knights A Continuing ... By P. R. D. Davison
  5. 9C66-968 FamilySearch.org
      • Source text:

        Keats-Rohan explains in his entry, "de Bulmer, Stephan":[1]
        "Son of Ansquetil de Bulmer."
        From a first marriage he had Robert de Bulmer "who married Joan, daughter and heiress of Hugh of Ellington".
        "Married secondly Cecily (d.c.1180) sister and heir of Ranulf Muschamp (d.a. 1154) of Wooler, Northumberland.
        Stephan died about 1171-1172.
        Her source for some of this is Hedley's Northumberland Families.

        "Muschamp (Feudal Barons of Wooler, co. Northumberland; descended from Robert de Muschamp, who obtained divers lordships from Henry I., left an only dau. and heir. Cicely Muschamp, m. Sir Stephen de Blumer, second son of Blumer, of Sheriff Hutton, co. York, and her descendants assumed the name of Muschamp; Robert de Muschamp, Baron of Wooler, great-grandson of Sir Stephen and Cicely, d. 1249, leaving three co-heiresses: Cicely, m. Odinel de Ford; Mary, m. Valise, Earl of Strathearn, in Scotland; and Isabella, m. William de Huntercombe)."[2]
        "Muschamp (Barmoor, co. Northumberland; descended from Sir William de Muschamp, Knt., of Barmoor, 1267, son of Stephen de Muschamp, third son of Thomas de Muschamp, Baron of Wooler, and grandson of Sir Stephen Bulmer by Cicely Muschamp, his wife)."[3]
        "The barony of Wooler was first granted to Robert de Muschamp by Henry I. There was a dispute with Ranulf Flambard, bishop of Durham, for in 1107-8, the king issued a writ to Robert de Muschamp concerning his possession of the manor of Ross in Islandshire. This Robert was probably the father of Thomas, Reginald and Cicely de Muschamp. Thomas entered the monastery of Durham, and in 1138, king Stephen ordered Reginald and Cicely to give Hetherslaw to the monks of Durham, which Thomas had given them. Reginald succeeded to the barony before 1131, for in that year, he made a payment of 20s. for a hunting hound. He must have died before 1158 for Stephen de Bulemer and another paid 10 marks for Wooler."[4]
        1[]↑ Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, p.359
        [2]↑ The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, pg 718 [1]
        [3]↑ The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, pg 718 [2]
        [4]↑ The knightly families of Northumberland: a crisis in the early 14th century., by Dixon, Marie Celeste [3]


        From : https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bulmer-71

      • Citation:


      • Source text:

        Keats-Rohan explains in his entry, "de Bulmer, Stephan":[1]
        "Son of Ansquetil de Bulmer."
        From a first marriage he had Robert de Bulmer "who married Joan, daughter and heiress of Hugh of Ellington".
        "Married secondly Cecily (d.c.1180) sister and heir of Ranulf Muschamp (d.a. 1154) of Wooler, Northumberland.
        Stephan died about 1171-1172.
        Her source for some of this is Hedley's Northumberland Families.

        "Muschamp (Feudal Barons of Wooler, co. Northumberland; descended from Robert de Muschamp, who obtained divers lordships from Henry I., left an only dau. and heir. Cicely Muschamp, m. Sir Stephen de Blumer, second son of Blumer, of Sheriff Hutton, co. York, and her descendants assumed the name of Muschamp; Robert de Muschamp, Baron of Wooler, great-grandson of Sir Stephen and Cicely, d. 1249, leaving three co-heiresses: Cicely, m. Odinel de Ford; Mary, m. Valise, Earl of Strathearn, in Scotland; and Isabella, m. William de Huntercombe)."[2]
        "Muschamp (Barmoor, co. Northumberland; descended from Sir William de Muschamp, Knt., of Barmoor, 1267, son of Stephen de Muschamp, third son of Thomas de Muschamp, Baron of Wooler, and grandson of Sir Stephen Bulmer by Cicely Muschamp, his wife)."[3]
        "The barony of Wooler was first granted to Robert de Muschamp by Henry I. There was a dispute with Ranulf Flambard, bishop of Durham, for in 1107-8, the king issued a writ to Robert de Muschamp concerning his possession of the manor of Ross in Islandshire. This Robert was probably the father of Thomas, Reginald and Cicely de Muschamp. Thomas entered the monastery of Durham, and in 1138, king Stephen ordered Reginald and Cicely to give Hetherslaw to the monks of Durham, which Thomas had given them. Reginald succeeded to the barony before 1131, for in that year, he made a payment of 20s. for a hunting hound. He must have died before 1158 for Stephen de Bulemer and another paid 10 marks for Wooler."[4]
        1[]↑ Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, p.359
        [2]↑ The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, pg 718 [1]
        [3]↑ The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, pg 718 [2]
        [4]↑ The knightly families of Northumberland: a crisis in the early 14th century., by Dixon, Marie Celeste [3]


        From : https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bulmer-71

      • Citation:
