REFN: 5641AN
Joseph Alexander as well as Brevard, Knox, McKnitt, Polk,Wallace and
Wilson f amilies settled at the headwaters of the Manokin River now
Princess Anne. Als o on the Manokin were the two sisters, Elizabeth the
wife of Matthew Wallace a surveyor who had helped layout the boundaries
of Somerset, and Jane married to John McKnitt afarmer whose land was
named Glasgow after his ancestral Sco ttish home.Joseph Alexander married
Abigail McKnitt. DAR Evans "Elizabeth Ale xander appears to have married
Matthew Wallace who is on of thoes listed as " Iriish men" who took land
in the New Munster Strip in Northern Cecil Co.,Md."
Elkton, Cecil Co. Md. Land records Vol 2 Folio 280
This indenture made this 18 day of May 1715 between Thomas Stevenson of
Co. Province of Penn. a nd Nathan (meant to be Matthias or Matthew)
Wallace, Yeoman, James Alexander, farmer, Arthur Alexander, farmer,David
Alexander, weaver, James Alexander, w eaver and Joseph Alexander,etc.This
tract of land contained 1150 acres being on the east siDe ofthe main
branch of the Elk river in Cecil County in the Pr ovince of Maryland; part
of said tract to James Alexander, weaver and his son Moses Alexander,
joint purchasers etc. In the presence of John Wallace, Elia s Alexander,
Thos. Stevenson and Sarah Stevenson
Rent Rolls "William Alexand er's Brother-in Law Matthew Wallace was
Matthew Wallace m Elizabet h Alexander)
DAR Evans "Wiilliam Alexander . Settled in Somerset Md.abt 1665.A quired
"Hunting Qurter" (100 Acres) in Nov 12,1687 (Somerset Co. Deed Liber
06,p.879) and " Hogg Quarter" (100 acres) at the headwaters of Wicomoco
Cree k (at that time called river) and Monilin River,Was surveyed for him
25 April 1689.(Rent Rolls) In 1692 he was assistant to the court in
laying out the bo undaries for the original parishes in Somerset, as was
also a neighbor of his sister Elizabeth and brother in law William
Wallace (Old Somerset, 153) It i s believed that his wife was Ann Liston
of Letterkenny,Ireland, the dau. ofWi lliam Liston,minister of the Laggan
Presbytery in Northern Ireland.
Lee Park err " Elizabeth Alexander b. 1663 Raphoe, Donegal,Ulster,Ireland
d 1692 Scotl and m. Matthew Wallace, 1675, Raphoe,Donegal,Ulster Ireland.
Alex Kin pg 305 " Elizabeth Alexander m. Matthew Wallace from Scotland and
Ireland in Somerset Co Md,. "
Pa Genol mag " Elizabeth Alexander b 1650 Scotland moved to Ulster
Ireland d. Cecil Co Md
Lee Parkerr " Elizabeth Alexander b. 1663 Raphoe, Done gal,Ulster,Ireland
d 1692 m. Matthew Wallace, 1675, Raphoe,Donegal, Ulster Ir eland.
There is conflicting information as to the father of Elizabeth either t he
Rev James Alexander or William Alexander, I believe James is correct as
William is listed as the brother-in-law of Mathew Wallace.