Wade, Floyd W. 1 2

Birth Name Wade, Floyd W.
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Contact Jan Westmorland at jnjwestmorland502@att.net for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <lwbldb@charter.net> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1887-11-13 CA    
Baptism 32CD4841DAF94ADA9F8702A4AB4CD3D5EACD Draft Info    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Wade, Richard ‘Frank’ Franklin1867-03-181934-06-02
Mother Hall, Mary Ann1866-12-001932-02-15
         Wade, Floyd W. 1887-11-13
    Sister     Wade, Eunice J. 1889-08-00
    Brother     Wade, Onie E. 1890-08-26 1972-08-00
    Brother     Wade, Earl Andrew 1890-08-26 1945-08-12
    Sister     Wade, Dora M. 1892-09-00
    Brother     Wade, William Wallace 1894-09-05 1975-02-08
    Sister     Wade, Ida B. 1896-07-00
    Sister     Wade, Lila D. 1898-09-00
    Brother     Wade, Earnest 1901-01-24 1970-10-00
    Brother     Wade, Everett 1901-01-24 1974-12-00
    Brother     Wade, Thomas E. 1901-11-23 1970-09-00
    Sister     Wade, Gladys 1903
    Brother     Wade, Jay 1903
    Sister     Wade, Jessie 1906
    Sister     Wade, Trecie 1906


Family of Wade, Floyd W. and Rice, Margaret

Unknown Partner Rice, Margaret ( * 1889 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Wade, Chester Ishmel1908-06-051957-11-16
Wade, Beatrice1910
Wade, Opal L.1912
Wade, Richard Floyd1915-10-131976-10-15
Wade, Marjorie Winona1923-04-071994-12-07