of Saxony, Gerberga 1

Birth Name of Saxony, Gerberga
Gender female
Age at Death 71 years, 4 months, 4 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 913 Nordausen, Saxony, Prussia   1
Death 984-05-05 Reims, Marne, Champagne, France   2

Age: 71y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father of Germany, Henry I876936-06-02
Mother Of Ringleheim, Matilda892967-03-14
    Sister     of Germany, Hedwiga 910 964-03-14
    Brother     of Saxony, Otto I 912-11-23 973-05-07
         of Saxony, Gerberga 913 984-05-05
    Brother     of Bayern, Heinrich I 922 955


Family of de Hainault, Gislebert and of Saxony, Gerberga

Married Husband de Hainault, Gislebert ( * 915 + 939-10-02 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 929     3a
Name Birth Date Death Date
of Lorraine, Alberade930
de Lorraine, Henri932
de Lorraine, Gerberga935978
de Lorraine, Wiltrudede939
von Dagsburg, Ludwig II939980
de Soissons, Adelaide9501047-03-31

Family of of France, Louis IV and of Saxony, Gerberga

Unknown Partner of France, Louis IV ( * 921-09-10 + 954-09-10 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
of France, Lothaire941
of Lower Lorraine, Charles942994-05-21
de France, Matilda943980-01-27
of France, Hildegarde944
of France, Carloman945
of France, Louis948
of France, Raingarde950
of France, Alberade952
of France, Henri953

Source References

  1. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=jdp-fam&id=I66525&style=TABLE
  2. Michael Neuman: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=michaelrneuman&id=I013577&style=TABLE Neuman-Smith-Goodale Family and Ancestors
  3. Michael Neuman: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=michaelrneuman&id=I008951 @ RootsWeb Neuman-Smith-Goodale Family and Ancestors
      • Source text:

        ID: I008951
        Name: Gislebert De Hainault , Duke of Lorraine 1 2 3
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 915 in Hainault, Flanders, Belgium
        Birth: ABT 915 in Hainaut, Belgium 1 2 3
        Birth: ABT 915 in Reims, Lorraine, France
        Death: 2 OCT 939 in Andernach, Rhineland, Germany
        Death: 2 OCT 939 in Andernach, Rhineland 1 2 3

        Father: Régnier II, Count of Hainault b: ABT 885 in Hainault, Flanders, Belgium
        Mother: Adélaïde de Bourgogne b: ABT 890 in Autun, Bourgogne, France

        Marriage 1 Gerberga von Saxony b: 916 in Nordhausen,Saxony, Germany
        Married: 929 1 3
        Alberade de Lorraine b: ABT 930 in Moselle, Lorraine, France
        Gerberga de Lorraine b: ABT 935 in Moselle, Lorraine, France
        Henri de Lorraine b: ABT 932 in Moselle, Lorraine, France
        Wiltrudede de Lorraine , Duchess of Bavaria b: ABT 937 in Moselle, Lorraine, France
        Count of Dagsburg Ludwig b: ABT 939 in Moselle, Lorraine, France

        Title: Emma of Brittany.ged
        Media: Other
        Text: Date of Import: 12 Feb 2005
        Title: Geoffrey Ferole.ged
        Media: Other
        Text: Date of Import: 13 Feb 2005
        Title: Gervais de Rethel.ged
        Media: Other
        Text: Date of Import: 26 Feb 2005


      • Citation:

        Descendants and ancestors of George Smith and Eva Goodale
