DUNCAN, Joseph James Sr. 1a 2

Birth Name DUNCAN, Joseph James Sr.
Gender male
Age at Death 68 years, 8 months, 5 days


Will of Joseph Duncan, middle name is probably James, lists wife, Mary & childre, Mary, George, Frances, Joseph, Jenny Johnson, Lucy Threlkeld, Elizabeth Rout & Sally Yancy. Son George and Benjamin Ferguson , Executors. Selaed 8/1801.


Parents on FamilySearch are William Duncan (1692-1781) and Ruth Floyd Rawley (1701-1781)


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1732-12-12 Culpeper, Virginia, British Colonial America   2
Death 1801-08-17 Culpeper Co., VA.    

Age: 68y 8m 5d

Christening 980BABE511EE45E8914FEFB206636AD689B0 16 Sep 2008    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father DUNCAN, William J. IV1726-04-291801-09-00
Mother Norman, Roseanna1735about 1801
         DUNCAN, Joseph James Sr. 1732-12-12 1801-08-17
    Brother     DUNCAN, William V 1756
    Brother     DUNCAN, Benjamin 1760
    Brother     DUNCAN, Frederick about 1761
    Sister     Duncan, Sarah 1761 1840
    Brother     DUNCAN, James about 1769 1820


Family of DUNCAN, Joseph James Sr. and Browning, Mary

Married Wife Browning, Mary ( * 1740 + 1807 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1772   Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Duncan, Sarah1761
DUNCAN, George
DUNCAN, Francis
DUNCAN, Joseph Jr.
DUNCAN, Elizabeth

Source References

  1. Darlene Berchtold: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=hearts2&id=I1322 CLEMONS-NORMAN-BERCHTOLD ANCESTRY
      • Source text:


        ID: I1322
        Name: Roseanna "Rose" NORMAN
        Given Name: Roseanna "Rose"
        Surname: NORMAN
        Nickname: Rose
        Sex: F
        Birth: 1735 in Culpeper, Virginia Colony
        Death: Abt 1801
        _UID: EAEAE7B733854E77A215B3F5DD74D8F66DAD
        Change Date: 19 Mar 2010 at 23:58
        From History of the Culpeper County Normans:
        Rose Norman witnessed her father's deed of 1740. Culpeper County records contain several deeds of Rose and William Duncan. William Duncan's will of 1790 recorded in 1801, mentioned his "beloved wife Rosanna," and four sons - William, James, Frederick, and Benjamin. Some of their descendants remained in Culpeper County and have been prminent citizens. Others migrated west. Nancy Reba Roy of California has written a hsitory of the Duncan family.




        Father: Isaac **** NORMAN b: 1 Feb 1682 in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Co., Virginia Colony c: 1 Feb 1682 in Abingdon Episcopal Church - Gloucester Co., VA. Colony
        Mother: Frances C. **** COURTNEY b: 17 Jan 1686 in Spotsylvania, Gloucester, Virginia Colony

        Marriage 1 William J. DUNCAN b: 29 Apr 1726 in Culpeper, Virginia Colony
        Married: Abt 1755 in Culpeper, Virginia Colony
        Change Date: 16 Sep 2008
        Has Children Joseph James DUNCAN b: 1755
        Has No Children William DUNCAN b: 1756 in Culpeper, Virginia Colony
        Has Children Benjamin DUNCAN b: 1760 in Culpeper, Culpeper Co., VA.
        Has Children Sarah "Sally" DUNCAN b: 1761 1764 in Culpeper, Virginia Colony
        Has No Children Frederick DUNCAN b: Abt 1761
        Has Children James DUNCAN b: Abt 1769 in Culpeper , Culpeper Co., VA.

      • Citation:

        e-mail: dberchtold35@msn.com

  2. L29D-Q1M