de Carcassonne, Ermensinde

Birth Name de Carcassonne, Ermensinde
Gender female
Age at Death 82 years, 2 months


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 975     1
Death 1057-03-01     1

Age: 82y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father of Carcassone, Roger I9351019
Mother of Rouergue, Adelaide9291011
    Brother     of Carcassone, Bernard Rodgar 971 1037
         de Carcassonne, Ermensinde 975 1057-03-01


Family of Borrel, Raymond III and de Carcassonne, Ermensinde

Unknown Partner Borrel, Raymond III ( * 972 + 1017-02-25 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
de Foix, Estefania922
de Barcelona, Godehut9901077
of Barcelona, Adele10041051
Borrel, Berengar Ramon10051035