Plumlee, Statia Elizabeth 1 2

Birth Name Plumlee, Statia Elizabeth
Gender female
Age at Death 73 years, 1 month, 16 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1860-02-17 Berryville, Carroll Co, AR    
Death 1933-04-04 Vinita, Craig Co, OK    

Age: 73y 1m 18d

Burial   Blackjack Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll Co, AR    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Plumlee, William1826-02-141917-03-06
Mother Standlee, Mary Polly1829-11-191896-11-13
    Brother     Plumlee, Joel Marion 1847-01-21 1872-12-02
    Sister     Plumlee, Nancy Ann 1849-09-05 1872-09-17
    Brother     Plumlee, Infant 1853-01-06 1853-01-15
    Sister     Plumlee, Mary Rachel 1854-02-24 1930-04-04
    Sister     Plumlee, Martha Alice 1857-02-14 1935-01-10
         Plumlee, Statia Elizabeth 1860-02-17 1933-04-04
    Brother     Plumlee, Abraham Lincoln 1862-12-24 1950-12-04
    Brother     Plumlee, William Frank 1866-05-07 1927-03-07
    Brother     Plumlee, James Isaac 1869-04-06 1882-02-26
    Brother     Plumlee, John A. 1873-05-13 1874-01-18
    Brother     Plumlee, Cyrus Denton 1875-08-05 1939-02-01


Family of Russell, George Washington Jr and Plumlee, Statia Elizabeth

Married Husband Russell, George Washington Jr ( * 1861-01-03 + 1930-10-21 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1884-02-10 Berryville, Carroll Co, AR Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Russell, James Francis1885-08-181935-06-26
Russell, Nora Ellen1887-08-071917-01-03
Russell, Infant Son18901890
Russell, Monnie Denton1893-01-00