de Mortimer, Maud

Birth Name de Mortimer, Maud
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1134 Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father de Mortimer, Hugh10871148-02-26
Mother Longespic, Maud1118
    Brother     de Mortimer, Hugh 1125
         de Mortimer, Maud 1134
    Brother     de Mortimer, Roger 1158 1215-06-24


Family of Malet, William I and de Mortimer, Maud

Married Husband Malet, William I ( * 1125 + 1169 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1150 Curry Mallet, Langport, Somersetshire, England Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Malet, Gilbert11521194

Source References

  1. H. Schluckbier: My Little Obsession
      • Source text:

        # ID: I14178
        # Name: Maud Longespic OF NORMANDY 1
        # Name: Maud Longespic DE MORTIMER
        # Sex: F
        # Change Date: 08 MAR 2004
        # Birth: ABT 1118 in Normandy, France
        # Note:

        Elizabeth (died Aug 1354), widow of 2nd Lord (Baron) Montagu ofthe 1299 creation and daughter of Sir Piers de Mo(u)ntfort, ofBeaudesert, Warwicks. [Burke's Peerage]


        He [William de Montagu] married, circa 1292, Elizabeth, daughterof Sir Piers DE MONTFORT, of Beaudesert, co. Warwick, by Maud,his wife, daughter and heir of Matthew de la Mare. He died 18October 1319, in Gascony. In May 1320 his widow renounced herdower in certain lands. She married, 8 June 1322, Sir Thomas DEFURNIVALLE, of Sheffield, Worksop, &c. (LORD FURNIVALLE], whodied shortly before 18 April 1332. She died in August 1354, andwas buried in the Prior of St. Frideswide (now Christ Church),Oxford, where her tomb is still to be seen in the Latin Chapel.See FURNIVALLE. [Complete Peerage IX:80-2, XIV:482, (transcribedby Dave Utzinger)]


        He [Thomas de Furnivalle] married, 2ndly (pardon for marryingwithout royal licence, 8 June 1322, for a fine of œ200),Elizabeth, widow of Sir William DE MOUNTAGU, Of Shepton Montagu,Somerset, Aston Clinton,, Bucks, &c. [LORD MOUNTAGU] (who died18 October 1319), and daughter of Sir Piers DE MOUNTFORT ofBeaudesert, co. Warwick, by Maud, daughter and heir of MatthewDE LA MARE. On 13 April 1325 he had licence to convey the manorsof Sheffield, Worksop, Grassthorpe, Eyam, and Brassington, tohimself for life, with remainders to Thomas and William hissons, in successive tail general, remainder to his own rightheirs. He died shortly before 18 April 1332. On 6 June 1332 hiswidow had livery of her dower, and of the knights' fees andadvowsons of her dower, all of which had been assigned to her bythe King. She died in August 1354, and was buried in the Prioryof St. Frideswide (now Christ Church), Oxford. [Complete PeerageV:581-2, XIV:332 (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]





        Father: William Clito OF NORMANDY b: ABT 1101 in Normandy, France
        Mother: Jeanne DE MONTFERRAT b: ABT 1103 in Montferrat, Italy

        Marriage 1 Hugh DE MORTIMER b: ABT 1090 in Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England

        * Married: BEF 1133


        1. Has Children Maud DE MORTIMER b: ABT 1134 in Wigmore, Ludlow, Herefordshire, England



        1. Title: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
        Abbrev: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
        Author: Jim Weber



      • Citation:
