Staton, Thomas

Birth Name Staton, Thomas
Gender male
Age at Death about 49 years


Records not imported into INDI (individual) Gramps ID ind4288517401:

Line ignored as not understood Line 3084621: 2 DATA
Skipped subordinate line Line 3084622: 3 TEXT Halifax Wills, Vol 1-2, 1759-1781



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1720 Cambridge, Dorchester, Maryland, British Colonial America   1
Death 1769 Halifax, North Carolina, British Colonial America   1
Event Note

p. 258
In the Name of God Amen this first day of June in the year of our lord Christ One thousand seven hundred sixty and nine I Thomas Staton of Coneto and county of Halifax in the province of North Carolina being very sick & weak of Body but of sound and perfect mind & memory blessed be god for it. Therefore calling to mind the mortality of body and knowing that it—appointed for all men once to die Do make ordain constitute and appoint this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I recomend (sic) my soul to all mighty god who gave it one hoping to be saved thru the only merits and mediation of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my body I commit to the Earth from Whence it was taken to be buried in a Christian and Decent manner by my Exrs: hereafter named not Doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the Mighty Power of god and as Touching those Worldly goods and Estate-Wherewith it hath Pleased god to Bless one with I give Bequeath and Dispose of them in the following Manner and form I will that all my Just Debits and Funeral Charges be Descharged (sic) in a Convenient-Time after my Deceas (sic) by my Executors — I make Ordain Constitute and Appoint my Dearly beloved Wife Kiseah (sic) Staton and Nehimiah Staton my Well beloved son to be Joynt (sic) Exors of this my Last Will and Testament

I give Bequeath to my well beloved son Nehimiah Staton Two Hundred Acres Of land Joyning (sic) Mr James Mathews line and Thomas Grimes line Including the Clearing Over the swamp King the upper part of that land to him and his heir forever —

Item I give and Bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Ann Staton one hundred & Forty acres of land Joining my son Nehimiah Statons line it-being the lower part of the sdy Track of land Joining Mr Jos: Jno. Williams line lying in the fork of Conelo to his & her heirs forever.

Item I give and Bequeath to my well beloved son Jesse Staton two hundred and seventy acres of land it being part of the land & plantation that I bougtht of Mr . Henry Kellin to him and his heirs forever—

p. 259
I give and Bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Sarah Staton one Hundred & fifty acres of Land Joyning My son Jesse Statons line Margret Conaways & Jno Jones as it being the Remaining part of the said land that I had of Mr Henry Killin to her and her heirs for ever—

Item. I live and Bequeath to my Well beloved son Ezekiel Staton the plantation where John Turner did live with 2 hundred and fifty acres of land belonging to it Joyning my son Jessee (sic)
Staton line and Margret Conaways line to him and his heirs for ever—

Item I give and Bequeath to my Well beloved son Arthur Staton the plantation Where on I now live with Three hundred acres of land Belonging to it Joying my son Ezekiel Staton to him and his heirs for ever—

Item I Give and Bequeath to my well Beloved son Zadok Staton 2 hundred and & seventy three acres of land Joyning my son Arthur Staton lying below the plantation on the same swamp to him and his heirs for Ever—Item my will Desire is that the rest of My Land shall be sold and my Right of the Negroes that is in Maryland and the money and ****Estate-to be Equally Divided among my children after my Just Debts is Discharged—

Item I Give & Bequest to my Well beloved Daughter Rebeckah Turner one shilling starting money—and I do hereby Revoke & Disanulall (sic) former and other Wills by me heretofore made if any are found Ratying & Confirming this and non other to be any last will & Testament Witness Here if I have hereunto - set my hand and seal the day and year first above Writen (sic) Thomas X Staton (seal)

Signed sealed and Delivered to K the las will ad - aTestament of the said Thomas Staton in the presents of us
Thomas GrimesTalifory County Jct Lehy Comt
Daniel Murris1770 then this will wasExhibited in ***Court by the Extra and

Jn Teroelling
Duly proved by the oath of Daniel Murris one of the subscribbing Witness there to—Who on his oath did say that his son the Rest (sic)

p. 260/261
Thomas Staton sign publish and Dech*** the same to be his last Will and Testament and that he together with the other Witnesses subscribed severally their respective Names as Witnesses there to in the presence of the Testator and at his request whereupon the the said will was ordered to be recended
Jns: Montful-CC


Age: 49y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Stanton, James Fleming16901743-03-07
Mother Beavens, Esther16901744-05-02
         Staton, Thomas about 1720 1769


Family of Staton, Thomas and Fowler, Keziah

Unknown Partner Fowler, Keziah ( * 1725 + 1779 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Staton, Ezekiel17601815-11-12

Source References

  1. LCJN-F4T