Meynell, Elizabeth 1 2a

Birth Name Meynell, Elizabeth
Gender female
Age at Death 36 years, 8 months, 25 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1331-10-15 Whorlton, Yorkshire, England   3
Death 1368-07-09 Yarm, Cleveland, Yorkshire, England   3

Age: 36y 8m 24d

Christening 29408D8510EE4EADB2B0D2B4A53D64D6789B 4 Oct 2005    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father de Meynell, Nicholas Lord of Wherltonabout 13031341-11-20
Mother Ros, Alice deabout 13191344-07-04
         Meynell, Elizabeth 1331-10-15 1368-07-09


Family of Darcy, John 2nd Lord and Meynell, Elizabeth

Married Husband Darcy, John 2nd Lord ( * 1317 + 1356-03-05 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1344-01-07 Cleveland, Yorkshire, England Religious Marriage 4
Name Birth Date Death Date
Darcy, John 3rd Lord1362-08-26
Darcy, Philip 4th Lord; Lord Darcy and Meinill, Admiral1352-05-211399-04-24

Family of Mauley, Piers de and Meynell, Elizabeth

Married Husband Mauley, Piers de ( * about 1330 + 1382-03-20 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1356-11-18   Religious Marriage 3
Name Birth Date Death Date
de Mauley, Piers VIIabout 13501382-03-20

Source References

  1. Brower, Maitland Dirk: bright.ged bright.ged
  2. Richard Remme: Ancestors of R.H. Remmé, the Netherlands
      • Source text:

        # ID: I203126
        # Name: Marmaduke de Thweng
        # Given Name: Marmaduke de
        # Surname: Thweng
        # Suffix: of Kilton
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        # Death: Abt 1283 1 1
        # _UID: 7BC94D14645848888BBDA5E75BB23A0A56A5
        # Change Date: 4 Mar 2006 at 09:18
        # Note:


        a. Marmaduke de Thweng of Kilton (d c1283) m. (c1242) Lucy Brus (b 1216, d after 1282, dau of Peter de Brus of Skelton) <bruce01.htm>





        Marriage 1 Lucy de Brus b: 1216

        * Married:
        * Change Date: 4 Mar 2006


        1. Has No Children Margery Thweng b: Abt 1270
        2. Has Children Cecilia Thwenge b: 1215 in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        3. Has Children Robert de Thweng
        4. Has Children Marmaduke de Thweng



        1. Abbrev: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005
        Title: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005



      • Citation:


  3. H. Schluckbier: My Little Obsession
  4. H. Schluckbier: My Little Obsession