Simmons, Henry Joe 1

Birth Name Simmons, Henry Joe
Gender male
Age at Death 51 years, 11 months, 27 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1885-10-26 Coffee Co, TN    
Baptism   Census 1920    
Death 1937-10-22 Asbury, Coffee Co, TN    

Age: 51y 11m 26d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Simmons, William Anderson1859-05-141933-01-27
Mother Cole, Sarah Samatha1860-01-101940-01-00
    Brother     Simmons, Marion A. 1881-09-09 1957-05-26
    Brother     Simmons, James William 1883-03-01 1914-03-09
    Brother     Simmons, Marion Wiley 1883-08-00
    Sister     Simmons, Maggie 1885-08-00
         Simmons, Henry Joe 1885-10-26 1937-10-22
    Sister     Simmons, Alice 1888-01-00 1919-08-06
    Sister     Simmons, Clarinda E. ‘Clara’ 1890-11-01 1933-10-17
    Brother     Simmons, Grover Cleveland ‘Cleve’ 1892-11-01 1930-09-08
    Brother     Simmons, Sylvester 1895-06-25 1971-04-10
    Brother     Simmons, Mance 1899-01-16 1964-06-09
    Brother     Simmons, Herman 1901-11-01 1969-09-20
    Sister     Simmons, Mary 1903-05-00 2002


Family of Simmons, Henry Joe and Pratt, Mamie Jane

Unknown Partner Pratt, Mamie Jane ( * 1879-01-27 + 1954-07-30 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Simmons, Ruthie
Simmons, George1905
Simmons, Argie Bennett1909-08-012003-02-28
Simmons, Horace W.1912-03-031992-09-04
Simmons, Harvey1915-07-041998-04-23