Hopkins, Thomas

Birth Name Hopkins, Thomas
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1660     1a

Relation to the center person (verch Gwrgeneu, Gwerfyl) : fifth cousin nineteen times removed (down)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hopkins, Robert16351677-05-06
Mother Sanford, Katherine1642-08-191677-05-06
         Hopkins, Thomas 1660
    Brother     Hopkins, Robert 1662
    Brother     Hopkins, George 1664
    Sister     Hopkins, Katherine 1668
    Sister     Hopkins, Jane 1668
    Sister     Hopkins, Margaret 1670

Source References

  1. Rosemary West: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=rkwest&id=I4435 R.K. West's Master List
      • Source text:

        # ID: I4435
        # Name: Robert Hopkins
        # Given Name: Robert
        # Surname: Hopkins 1
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: Abt 1635 in Old Rappahannock Co. VA 1
        # Death: 6 May 1677 in Old Rappahannock Co. VA 1



        Father: William Hopkins b: Abt 1600 in St. Martin, Westminister, London

        Marriage 1 Katherine Sanford

        * Married:


        1. Has No Children Thomas Hopkins b: 1660
        2. Has No Children Robert Hopkins b: 1662
        3. Has Children George Hopkins b: 1664
        4. Has Children Katherine Hopkins b: Abt 1668 in Richmond Co VA
        5. Has No Children Jane Hopkins b: 1668
        6. Has No Children Margaret Hopkins b: 1670



        1. Media: Website
        Title: RootsWeb
        Publication: rootsweb.com



      • Citation:

        e-mail: newcombs@rosemarywest.com