TALMADGE, Henry Archibald 1a

Birth Name TALMADGE, Henry Archibald
Gender male
Age at Death 39 years, 5 months, 16 days


Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Record
Name: Henry A Talmadge
Death Date: 26 Aug 1931
County of Death: Cuyahoga
Source Citation:
Source Information:
Ancestry.com and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2006. Original data: Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit. Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1931 > August > 27
Headline: Cleveland Man, Native of City, Dies Wednesday
Text: Archie Talmadge, aged 39, of Cleveland, a native of this city, died in a Cleveland hospital Wednesday. His death was due to pneumonia. Mr. Talmadge was born and reared in this city, but had made his home in Cleveland for the last 16 years. There are surviving his widow, Martha, five sons, a daughter, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Talmadge of the Warsaw road; two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Saussler of Cleveland and Mrs. George Mohler, North Ninth st.; and three brothers, Grey and Irvin, both of Akron, and Frank of Attleboro, Mass. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock at the late home. Burial will be made in Cleveland cemetery.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1892-03-10 Coshocton, Coshocton Co., OH.    
Death 1931-08-26 Cuyahoga Co., OH.    

Age: 39y 5m 16d

Burial 1931-08-29 Cleveland Cem., Cleveland, Cuyhoga Co., OH.    
Christening 9B2915BD5AF140A8B425672D7D72A409D25A 19 Sep 2009    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father TALMADGE, Benjamin Franklin1858-07-161951-01-12
Mother BURRELL, Elizabeth “Lizzie”1860-07-161939-04-15
    Brother     TALMADGE, Grey 1878-10-12 1963-07-02
    Brother     TALMADGE, Franklin Benjamin about 1881 before 1951
    Brother     TALMADGE, Floyd Irvin 1883-02-25 1939-09-20
    Sister     TALMADGE, Laura Dorothy 1889-03-10 1970-09-04
         TALMADGE, Henry Archibald 1892-03-10 1931-08-26
    Sister     TALMADGE, Anna M. 1894-02-00


Family of TALMADGE, Henry Archibald and SCHICK, Martha E.

Unknown Partner SCHICK, Martha E. ( * about 1897 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
TALMADGE, Frank I.1916-02-252008-06-11
TALMADGE, Floydabout 1920
TALMADGE, Raymondabout 1923
TALMADGE, Henry R.about 1926-09-00
TALMADGE, Clarenceabout 1927-09-00

Source References

  1. Darlene Berchtold: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=hearts2&id=I1240 CLEMONS-NORMAN-BERCHTOLD ANCESTRY
      • Source text:


        ID: I1240
        Name: John C. **** NORMAN
        Given Name: John C. ****
        Surname: NORMAN
        Suffix: Sr.
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1732 in Hampshire Co., Virginia Colony
        Death: Abt 1824 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Burial: Virginia
        _UID: 9E22A31DEF6742D8BAF45D87D54A912052CF
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011 at 10:32
        There is a possibility that John was married 2 times. This is per Shirley Norman Gunn @ Norman @ Rootsweb.

        Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783, with his son, William..

        He inherited 1 shilling sterling from his father.

        Norman notebook: Indenture copy for the sale of land by Isaac Means & his wife Ann to John Norman for the sum of 2000 pounds (current money of Virginia). Document dated Nov. 9, 1779.

        Son William served as a Private with the Virginia Troops. From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment. William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.




        Father: Courtney C. **** NORMAN b: 1705 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Mother: Mary Frances **** BROWNING b: Abt 1721 in Orange Co., Virginia Colony

        Marriage 1 Sarah **** MCMURRIN b: in Hampshire, VA.
        Married: Bef 1760 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011
        Has Children Benjamin **** NORMAN b: 12 Apr 1760 in Culpeper Co., Virginia Colony
        Has Children John NORMAN b: 1761 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Has Children William NORMAN b: 23 Sep 1763 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Has No Children Isaac NORMAN b: 1767 in Virginia
        Has No Children Ann NORMAN b: Abt 1771
        Has No Children Sarah NORMAN b: Abt 1772
        Has No Children Mary "Polly" NORMAN b: Abt 1773
        Has Children Henry NORMAN b: Feb 1781 in Hampshire Co., VA.

      • Citation:

        e-mail: dberchtold35@msn.com