Hinson, Charles

Birth Name Hinson, Charles
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1674 Charles Co., Maryland   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hinson, Joseph16521703-03-22
Mother Hoyle, Elizabeth16591697
         Hinson, Charles 1674
    Brother     Hanson, Robert 1680
    Brother     Hinson, Edmund 1682 1742-11-13
    Brother     Hinson, Joseph 1686

Source References

  1. Michael: http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=mrmarsha&id=I28263 1658-1758 Charles County MD Familes "The first 100 years": Wills, Court, Church, Land, Inventories & Accounts;
      • Source text:

        ID: I28263
        Name: Joseph Hinson
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1652 in Charles County, Maryland
        Death: 22 MAR 1703/04 in Stafford County, Virginia
        James Hughes 2006-01-15 13:02:52
        The Hensons of Stafford County, Virginia

        Bk. 5, p. 173. Mr. Thomas Elzey of Stafford Co. has 268 A. in said Co. formerly granted Mr. Gerrard Fowke at James City 15 May 1660 who assigned to John Rosier who assigned to Charles Wood who gave by Will to Joseph Hinson of said Co. Elsey bought of Hinson. Adj. land of Acton {Ashton} & JOHN BROWN, Potomack Cr., Thomas Fowke, Gent. 29 Dec. 1717.
        Stafford County, Virginia Order Book, Page 88 At Court held 9th September 1690
        826. Ordered that JOHN McCULLOUGH Servant to JOSEPH HENSON shall serve his Master two months after his service by Custom or Indenture is Expired for the running away and fugitively absenting himself out of his Masters Service the said JOSEPH NEWTON (sic) paying this costs ..
        p. 86 KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOSEPH HINSON of Stafford have sold unto THOMAS SHAW two Cowes and their alfes the Cowes are marked as followeth two Staples on ye left ear and Cropt on ye Right ye one Cow called Pretty and ye other Blossom and ye said Cows I doe warrt. unto sd THOMAS SHAW from all claime off persons whatsoever. As Witness my hand this tenth day of February 1686/7 Testes ROBERT WARREN JOSPEH HINSON
        Recorded in ye County Court Records of Stafford this 14th day of March 1687/8.

        I THOMAS SHAW doe assigne all my right of the within menconed Bill of Sale unto STEPHEN SMITH or his assignes for a full consideracon received. As Wittnesse my hands this 30th day of January 1687.

        P. 86 I NOW ALL MEN by these presents that 1 THOMAS SHAW of Stafford Doth sett over and deliver all my right of five head of hoggs with Slit on ye Right Ear and a hole on left wch said hoggs I doe warrn, unto STEPHEN SMITH of ye said County from any persons whatsoever. As Wittness my hande this 30th day of January 1687/8.
        p. 107 THOMAS MARSHALLs Estate is Dr. to RICHARD AYLIFF Trustee for JOSEPH HENSON per Judgmt; For RICHARD AYLIFFE per Bill, to Mr. EDWARD MASON p Order of Court; appraizers fees; accomdacon for appraizers, Ceres fees; Sheriffe for summons four appraisers; to R GIBSON for Sheriffe dues. to Mr. JOHN WITHERS for Sheriffe dues; to THOMAS BARTON oyl bill; to Mr. DAVIES by his Bill; to RICHARD RICHIE for Funerall charges & worke done; to Sallarie: to ye Ballance due for wch MR. HEARSE hath Judgmt Total 8484
        Contra By ye whole Amt of ye inventorte rendered in this Court
        8484 Errors Excepted per RICHARD AYLIFFE
        pp. 219a-220 IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen. I HENRY THOMPSON of Stafford County Gentl, beinge sicke of body but of sounde & pfect memory the Lord & praise be to Allmighty God doe make & nominate this my last Will and Testament in manner & forme followinge
        Impmis. I committ my body to ye Earth to be buried in a decent Christian manner & my Soull to God Allmighty who gave it in certaine hope of a joy-full resurreccon to eternall life, first of all my worldly Estate be it whatsoever may bee found I hereby appoint my trustie friende JOHN WAUGH Clarke, my whole & sole Executor to this my last Will and Testament
        Imprimis I devise & bequeath three hundred acres of land lyeinge & beinge upon POHICKE CREEKE to bee equallie divided between RICH: & ALEXR. WAUGH, Sons of JOHN WAUGH abovesaid to them and their heires for ever. Also I give bequeath that plantacon & tract of land at COCK PITT POYNT to ANN WAUGH Daughter to JOHN WAUGH abovesaid & to ye heires of her body begott & for want of such to RICHD. & ALEXR, WAUGH abovesaid & to ye heires of their bodies, I alsoe give & bequeath that tract & Evident of land Iyeinge upon POWELLS RUN containinge about three hundred acres unto ye three Eldest Sonns now liveinge of JOHN SIMPSON in OCOUIA CREEKE Scotchman to them & their heires for ever.
        I Will and bequeath two Rings a Mourninge Ringeh wth ye posie (prepare as follow), & ye other wth ye posie (My love to ye shall Endless bee) these two abovesaid I devise and give to ELIZA, Wife of JOHN WAUGH abovesaid, Likewise I will and Bequeath to MARY WILLIAMS now resideinge upon this Plantacon my horse Turk wth bridle & Saddle & two thousand poundes of good Tobacco to bee instantley & conveniently paid her after my decease.
        I give & Will to HENRY MAN Son of JAMES MAN two young Heifers two yeares old
        Item l give to Mr. ROBERT COLLE one barren Cow and what Sows 1 have now pastureinge upon this Plaantacon.
        Item I give to Mr, COLLES one Cow Mare & one Steal- of three yeares old runninge on EDWARD HOLMES Plantacon next Springe
        Item I give & bequeath to WILLIAM HURDY my gunne &small chest
        Item 1 give will &devise to ye CHURCH of STAFFORD CHURCH ten £1 pounds Sterl to bee by ye Minister & Church Wardens laid out in plate for ye BLESSED SACRAMT. & other necessaries for ye Service of God & ornament of ye abovesaid Church att ye head of POTOMACK CREEKE
        Item l give and bequeath to THOMAS KEMP what Tobacco he is indebted to me & one pott & one fryinge pan
        Item I give & bequeath to PATRICK HUME my Horse named Tobie branded "DM" Item I give and devise to JOHN GOWRY one beaver hatt light colored stuffe mans coate & pr of plush breeches
        Item unto JOHN SIMPSON Scotchman abovesaid one Broad Cloth co ate darke coloured, one pair of frieze breeches
        Item I give to THOMAS ELZEY JUNR one halfe of my bookes and ye other halfe I give to ye Wife of Mr. ROBERT COLLES,
        Item I give to WM. (blank) one serge Coate, one prof leather drawers, one prof shoes, one prof stockings seven yards of blew linnen.
        I further give to JOHN SIMPSON abovesd one Horse named Spete branded wth ye figure upon ye shoulder
        Item I will & bequeath to JOSEPH HENSON one Semiter with a black hilt
        Item I give & bequeath to THOMAS ELZEY SENR. one case of Pistolls & holsters & one semiter wth a place hilt & heft belongings to it wth plate buckles
        Item I give & Will to Capa. GEORGE MASON my Cane wth a Silver head
        Item I will & desire that one large Seale tinge off twentie shillings price be delivered to JOSEPH ye Son of JOHN WAUGH abovesaid
        item I give to RICHARD MARTYNE one Mare wch I bought of JAMES GALLAWAY branded with three brands
        In Wittness whereof I sett my hande & Seale this twenty third day of October 1691 In presence of ROBERT COLLES, HEN. THOMPSON JOHN GOWRY. MARY WILLIAMS
        The above said Will of ye aforesaid HENRY THOMPSON was sufficiently proved in Court by Mr JOHN WAUGH Clerke Exror appointed & nominated in ye said Will on ye oathes of ROBERT COLLES. JOHN GOWRY & MARY WILLIAMS Wittnesses to ye said Will Subscribed on ye 13th day of November 1691 and was then recorded
        STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1699 - 1709; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 273-276 This Indenture made the 22d day March 1704 between EDWARD (sic) HINSON of Parish Overwharton in county Stafford of the one part & ROBERT CARTER of Christ church Parish in county Lancaster .. Witnesseth that EDMOND HINSON for sum 7000 pounds of Tobo. & cask .. have sold Robert Carter 391 acres of land upon North side Potomack Run and bounded .. beginning upon the Clift by the run side & extending thence N=45 degrees E=266 poles thence N=45 degrees W=276 poles thence South 45 degrees W.~188 poles to the run thence down the run according to the several courses S meanders thereof to the beginning the tract of 391 acres being granted unto JOSEPH HINSON the ffather of ye sd Edmond Hinson by deed from the Proprietors office bearing date ye 16th day March 1694/5 as by the sd deed relation being thereunto had .. tract of 391 acres given to Edmond by his ffathers will ..
        Presence Thomas Waller, Edmond x Hinson James Weathers, John Trammill
        At a Court held 13th June 1705 Edmond Hinson in proper person acknowledged this deed of land .. and EDWARD MOUNTJOY Attorney for Robert Carter reced the same and upon his motion the same was admitted to record & was recorded.
        Possession was delivered by Edmund Hinson into Robert Carter Esgr. by delivering by Turf & Twigg upon the land in the name of the whole this 12th day June 1705.
        Test Edward Mountjoy, Edmond x Hinson Thos. Garner
        Know all men .. I Robert. Carter of Lancaster County having lately made a purchase of 391 acres of land upon N=side of Potomack Run in county Stafford made over to me by Edmd. Hinson of county Stafford by deed bearing; date 22d day March 1704 .. do appoint my good friend Capt. Edward Mountjoy & Mr. THOS. WALLER both of county Stafford or either of them my lawful attorney .. to receive livery seism & possession of sd lands .. 11th day April. 1705. Presence Peter x Masterson,
        Thos. Hooper, Thos. Hudson Robert Carter
        At a Court hold 13th June 1705 The Letter of Attorney was proved .. and ordered to be recorded and was recorded.
        STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1699 - 1709; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 362-363
        To all Christian People Know ye that I JOSEPH HINSON of parish Overwharton in county Stafford .. for full sum 17000 pounds of good Tobo by me already reced of THOMAS ELLZIE of the parish Overwharton in county afsd .. sell 300 acres of land lying on North side Potomack Creek it being the lowermost part of a parcel of land conta. 600 acres formerly granted unto EDWD. ROGERS as by Pattent bearing date the 14th day October 1665 will more at large appear the land joining unto the land of CHARLES WOOD & extending up the said Creek side to the land of Mathews & so into the main woods for to contain the said 300 acres .. 6th March 1706.
        Presence Mary x Ballard, Joseph x Hinson 'Thos. Ballard
        At a Court held 12th March 1706 This deed of sale was acknowledged by Jos. Hinson in person unto Thos. Elzey & MARGARET HINSON in her on proper person relinquished her right of dower to the same which is ordered to be recorded and is recorded.


        Father: Robert Hinson b: ABT 1615

        Marriage 1 Margaret Hoyle b: ABT 1660 in Charles County, Maryland
        Married: ABT 1673 in Charles County, Maryland
        Charles Hinson b: ABT 1674 in Charles County, Maryland
        Robert Hinson b: ABT 1680 in Charles County, Maryland
        Joseph Hinson b: 1686 in Charles County, Maryland
        Edmund Hinson b: BEF 1685 in Charles County, Maryland


      • Citation:

        Includes early Northern Neck VA Records for counties bordering the Rappahannock & Potomac Rivers. Need TLC Genealogy CC Land Record Abstracts: 1743-1752, 1752-1756, 1756-1761, 1761-1765, 1782-1786, 1786-1790 & CC Wills/Inventories 1778-1810
