, Berenice I of Macedonia 1a

Birth Name Berenice I of Macedonia
Gender female
Age at Death 65 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 340 B.C.E.      
Death 275 B.C.E.      
Christening 1ACE48E07A8A84488ECC8C25F20DA5DD6C73 25 Aug 2003    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father , Lagus of Macedonia354 B.C.E.
Mother , Antigone of Macedoniaabout 375 B.C.E.
         , Berenice I of Macedonia 340 B.C.E. 275 B.C.E.


Family of , Philip of Macedonia and , Berenice I of Macedonia

Unknown Partner , Philip of Macedonia ( * C21A7068FAFBC8449D24C62C773A9D661C51 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
, Megas of Cyrene0318 BC/0325
, Theoxina of Cyrene

Family of Soter, Ptolemy I of Egypt and , Berenice I of Macedonia

Unknown Partner Soter, Ptolemy I of Egypt ( * about 340 B.C.E. + 285 B.C.E. )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Philadelphos, Ptolemy II of Egypt308 B.C.E.249 B.C.E.

Source References

  1. poepria@comcast.net: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3237609&id=I442 My Family Tree
      • Source text:

        # ID: I442
        # Name: Alexander I of Macedonia
        # Given Name: Alexander
        # Suffix: I of Macedonia
        # Prefix: King
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 0515 BC
        # Death: ABT 0450 BC
        # _UID: E6722D5BFD17274BAD464A2F1E3C2876CA10
        # Note: King of Macedonia
        # Change Date: 3 Aug 2003 at 16:48:51



        Father: Amyntas I of Macedonia b: ABT 0550 BC

        Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown


        1. Has Children Amyntas of Macedonia b: ABT 0480 BC
        2. Has Children Perdiccas MACEDONIA II
        3. Has Children Arrhabaeus of Lyncestae