Frothingham, Nathaniel 1 2 3

Birth Name Frothingham, Nathaniel
Gender male
Age at Death 50 years, 5 months


Downloaded from the Nick Hayes-Sue Drake family tree


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1698-12-07 Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts   4
Death 1749-05-07 Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts   4

Age: 50y 5m 0d

Christening   18 APR 2009    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Frothingham, Nathaniel1671-07-021730-07-31
Mother Rand, Hannah1672/3-02-21 (Julian)1760-04-23
    Sister     Frothingham, Hannah 1695-06-08 1714-08-15
         Frothingham, Nathaniel 1698-12-07 1749-05-07
    Brother     Frothingham, Joseph 1703-07-15 1752-09-25
    Sister     Frothingham, Sarah 1705-12-08 1781
    Brother     Frothingham, Benjamin 1708-04-06 1765-07-24
    Sister     Frothingham, Ruth 1712-08-10 1795-11-29
    Sister     Frothingham, Mary 1700/1-01-19 (Julian)
    Sister     Frothingham, Elizabeth 1696/7-01-20 (Julian) 1747-08-31
    Brother     Frothingham, Thomas 1708/9-01-03 (Julian) 1776-01-01