Greystoke, John 4th Lord Greystoke\Lord FitzWilliam 1a 2a

Birth Name Greystoke, John 4th Lord Greystoke\Lord FitzWilliam
Gender male
Age at Death 47 years, 7 months, 7 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1389      
Death 1436-08-08      

Age: 47y

Burial   Greystoke, Cumberland, England    
Christening 3E70A502BBA30E448B17A2E17972D4473098 26 DEC 2008    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Greystoke, Ralph 3rd Lord Greystroke1353-10-181418-04-06
Mother de Clifford, CatherineFBDF8CDE5A82554684AD4E756118223A84871413-04-23
         Greystoke, John 4th Lord Greystoke\Lord FitzWilliam 1389 1436-08-08


Family of Greystoke, John 4th Lord Greystoke\Lord FitzWilliam and Ferrers, Elizabeth

Married Wife Ferrers, Elizabeth ( * 1392 + 1434 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1407-10-28   Religious Marriage  
Event Note

Frederick Lewis Th.D. Weis, <i>The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215</i>, line 33.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Greystoke, Joan1472
Greystoke, Ralph 5th Lord Greystokeabout 14081487-06-01

Source References

  1. Wanda: Clark, Robinson, Nordheim from northern Kentucky
      • Source text:

        # ID: I7714
        # Name: William IV DE BOURGOGNE
        # Given Name: William IV
        # Surname: de Bourgogne
        # Suffix: Count d'Auxonne & Macon
        # Sex: M
        # _UID: FB6F407B6BD56A4B887B5072ED754870F9AC
        # Change Date: 20 MAR 2009
        # _COLOR: 1
        # Birth: 1097 in Vienne, France
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page 1
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page
        # VALUE: 2
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page
        # VALUE: 3
        # Death: 27 SEP 1155
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page
        # VALUE: 4
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page
        # VALUE: 5
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page
        # VALUE: 6



        Father: Etienne I DE BOURGOGNE b: 1062
        Mother: Beatrix (DE BOURGOGNE) b: 1072

        Marriage 1 Ponce DE TRAVES b: 1090 in Traves, Haute-Saone, France

        * Married: 1125 1 7 8


        1. Has Children Gerard I DE MACON b: 1132 in Vienne, France
        2. Has Children Etienne II DE BOURGOGNE b: 1138



        2. Page:
        Note: <b>COMPILER CITES:
        AR: Line 132[23-25], Line 113[24-28], Line 108[24], Line 144[22-23], Line 45[26], Line 101[24], Line 110[28], Line 114[25-28], Line 116[25-26], Line 133[26], SGM: Richard Borthwick [ref: Europaiche Stammtafeln, Vol II, 59-60, Vol VII, 6; Sword, Miter, and Cloister: Nobility and the Church of Burgundy 980-1198, Cornell Univ. Press, 1987].


        Text: <b>William III of Macon</b>, <i>Count of Macon and Auxonne</i>, b abt 1097
        3. Page:
        Note: <b>LEO CITES:
        Europäische Stammtafeln, Band II, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von, Reference: Page 27
        The Plantagenet Ancestry, Baltimore, 1975 , Turton, Lt.Col. W. H., Reference: 80


        Text: Birth 1090/1095 Sex Male Lived In France
        4. Abbrev: Tompsett Royal Database
        Title: Online Database at:
        Version: 7 Mar 2005
        Copyright 1994 - 2005
        Maintained by Brian Tompsett
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Hull
        Hull, UK, HU6 7RX
        Name: Footnote
        Text: Died: 27 Sep 1155
        5. Page:
        Note: <b>COMPILER CITES:
        AR: Line 132[23-25], Line 113[24-28], Line 108[24], Line 144[22-23], Line 45[26], Line 101[24], Line 110[28], Line 114[25-28], Line 116[25-26], Line 133[26], SGM: Richard Borthwick [ref: Europaiche Stammtafeln, Vol II, 59-60, Vol VII, 6; Sword, Miter, and Cloister: Nobility and the Church of Burgundy 980-1198, Cornell Univ. Press, 1987].


        Text: d 27 Sep 1155
        6. Page:
        Note: <b>LEO CITES:
        Europäische Stammtafeln, Band II, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von, Reference: Page 27
        The Plantagenet Ancestry, Baltimore, 1975 , Turton, Lt.Col. W. H., Reference: 80


        Text: Died 1155
        7. Page:
        Note: <b>COMPILER CITES:
        AR: Line 132[23-25], Line 113[24-28], Line 108[24], Line 144[22-23], Line 45[26], Line 101[24], Line 110[28], Line 114[25-28], Line 116[25-26], Line 133[26], SGM: Richard Borthwick [ref: Europaiche Stammtafeln, Vol II, 59-60, Vol VII, 6; Sword, Miter, and Cloister: Nobility and the Church of Burgundy 980-1198, Cornell Univ. Press, 1987].


        Text: He md <b>Ponce de Traves</b> abt 1125.
        8. Page:
        Text: Family <u>Poncette de Traves </u>


      • Citation:


  2. Michael Neuman: Smith-Goodale-Chase
      • Source text:

        # ID: I07783
        # Name: Petronille Adelaide DE JOINY
        # Sex: F
        # Birth: ABT 1000 in Joinville, France



        Father: III FROMOND , Count of Joinville b: ABT 960 in Joinville, France
        Mother: Manfrede DE MONSTIER-RAMEY b: ABT 965 in Monstier-Ramey, France

        Marriage 1 IV ENGILBERT , Count de Brienne b: ABT 995 in Brienne, France


        1. Has Children Adelaide DE BRIENNE b: ABT 1015 in Brienne, France
        2. Has Children Walter GAUTHIER I, Count de Brienne b: ABT 1030 in Brienne, France

      • Citation:
