CARTER, Giles 1 2 3 4 5a
Birth Name | CARTER, Giles |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 68 years |
[Michele Lee Grant.ged]
Virginia County Records, X Index to Land Grants Henrico County. Book No. 12.
Original Source Page Name: 301
Name: Giles Carter
Date: 1725
Comment: 48 acres
The Valentine Papers, Vol 1-4, 1864-1908 Pleasants Family Codicil.
NOTE; "John Pleasants , eldest son of John and Jane Pleasants succeeded his father both in place and business and was in a good degree faithful to the measure of Grace he had received which enabled him to suffer persecution for the cause of truth and to be serviceable in his day and station.
He married Dorothy the daughter of Thomas Cary , of the County of Warwick and left three sons and three daughters.
He was a good neighbor, a Loving Husband, a kind master and a tender Father.
When it pleased God to call from works to Rewards in the prime of life in the year 1713 and about the 42 ? of his age and was buried in Friends Burying Ground at Curles Meeting House" (Smith Manuscript, Ridgeway Library, Philadelphia ) 1692 , Levy to John Pleasants, junr . for 1 wolf's head, killed pr Gun, 200 lbs. tobacco and casq.
(Henrico Records 1688-97, p. 353)
1 Feb. 1698/9 John Pleasants of Henrico Co. to his brother Joseph Pleasants , for 10,000 lbs. tobacco and cask he conveys the said Joseph two tracts of land known as Pequienocka, in Henrico Co. one containing 320 acres purchased by my father John Pleasants, decd. of Henry Wyatt, of New Kent Co. by deed April 1, 1697. The other containing 100 acres purchased by my said father of Giles Webb, by deed 24 March 1696.
(Henrico Records 1697-1704, p. 133)
6 June 1699, John Pleasants, patent, 732 acres on branches of Chickahominy Swamp at a place called Half Sink; formerly granted Mr. John Woodson, Jr. 23 Oct. 1690 and since granted to John Pleasants by order of the General Court 15 Oct. 1698, and is further due said Pleasants for the importation of 15 persons (Registry of the Land office, Book 9, p. 191) 6 June 1699, John Pleasants patent for 3087 acres 3r. 4p. in Henrico Co. on N. side of James River on S. side Chickahominy Swamp, adjoining land formerly granted to Mr. Thomas Cocke, Oct. 4, 1675 and by him deserted and since granted to said Pleasants by order of the General Court Oct. 15, 1698, and is further due for the importation of 62 persons (Registry of the Land office Book 9, p. 192) 1 Feb. 1699-1700, Amos Lead of Henrico Co. to John Pleasants, for ?12 sterling conveys 30 acres on N. side Four mile Creek, Henrico Co. part of a greater dividend taken up and patented by my father John Lead, decd. 24th 7ber (Sept) 1667.
(Henrico Records 1697-1704 , p. 159)
1 August 1699, John Pleasants, consignee of Peter Paggen & Co. vs John Hudlesy, in an action of Debt.
Neither party appearing dismissal with costs
(Henrico Records 1682-1701 , p. 234)
1 Mar. 1699, John Lynes petitioned against his present master John Pleasants for non compliance of an indenture between said Lynes and Francis Henson Taylor, dated 24 July 1699. Pleasants appearing, answered that the indenture not produced "is rased-put out-" altered in the place where sum ought to be for wages and prays time until next shipping to procure counter part of said Lynes indenture. Pleasants is granted liberty as desired (Ibid. p. 25)
1 May 1700 Mr. Pleasants acknowledgeth ye Rect. of ye estate given him by ye last will & Testament of his decd. father Mr. John Pleasants & upon ye motion of Mrs. Jane Pleasants ye Exer. ordered that ye same be entered upon Record (Ibid. p. 268).
1 May 1700 Received of my Mother Jane Pleasants all the goods and chattles bequeathed to me in the last will and testament of my decd. father .... (signed) John Pleasants . May ?1700 . Mr. John Pleasants appears as consignee of Peter Paggen & Co. of London, Merchants (Ibid)
25 April 1701. John Pleasants patent for 2994 acres 2r. 35p. in Henrico Co. , S. side Chickahominy Swamp , Call. Owen's Quarter Run and crosses Pamunkey Path and Cowtall Quarter Run ; 901 acres thereof in forks of Cattail Run, was formerly granted to John Beauchampe and Richard Cocke, Sr. June 21, 1664, by them deserted and since granted to said Pleasants by order General Court Apr. 15, 1701, and for transporting of 60 persons (Register of Land office Book 9, p. 323)
2 June 1701. (date recorded) William Porter jr. and Margaret, his wife of Parish and county of Henrico, to John Pleasants, of same for ?22:10s. conveys tract of land on S. side Chickahominey Swamp, N. side James River "Known by ye name of Forkes of Ca (ttail) (r)un " bounded as mentioned in a patent granted John Beauchamp and Rich Senr. , dated 20 June x x x x
(Henrico Records 1697-1704 , p. 225)
1701. John Pleasants, of Henrico Co. Gent. to John Ellis, same Co. planter for 5000 lbs. tobo. conveys a tract of land included in patent to Mr. Wm. Glover, of same Co. Gent. (containing 217 acres) bearing date 28 Apr. 1691 ), and by him sold to John Ellis, of same Co. and by him sold to John Pleasants; said land on N. side James River, Henrico Co. bounded N. E. by lands of John Davis and Robert Burton; N. by Miry Swamp; S. W. by land of William Ballew (Ibid. p. 234)
1st 9ber (Nov.) 1701. Mortgage by William Morris of Henrico Co. to John Pleasants, consignee of Peter Paggen' Co. (Ibid. p. 242) 1 Dec. 1701. John Pleasants for 1000 lbs. tobo. assigns to Hugh Jones the patent for 732 acres granted the said Pleasants 6 June 1699, and Dorothy Pleasants wife of said John Pleasants, gives power of attorney to her brother Joseph Pleasants to relinquish her dower rights therein (Ibid. 254)
17 Jan. 1701-2 Stephen Cocke of Parish and County of Henrico conveys to John Pleasants of same, (consideration 10-000 lbs. tobo. and cask and ?45 curr) 56 acres whereon stands an old mill, with appurtenances in parish and county aforesaid, on N. side James River , which said land and premises were given the said Cocke by his father Thomas Cocke, Senr. decd. beginning at a corner tree on the creek, being deviding line between said Cocke and his brother Thomas Cocke; along a straight line &c to a hickory, standing near the plantation of William Cocke, decd. (Ibid. 257)
2 Mar. 1701. Theodorick Carter, of Henrico Co. conveys to John Pleasants of same, for 10-000 lbs. tobo. and cask, 50 acres in Henrico Co. whereon said Carter dwells on N. side of James River, in place known as the Low ground adjoining land of said Carter 's father Giles Carter, decd. running along Turkey Island Run, and given said Carter by his father Giles Carter (Ibid. 270)
2 Mar. 1701 . John Pleasants, Henrico Co. to Theodorick Carter, same Co. for 10-000 lbs. tobo. and cask, conveys 75 acres on S. side of Chickahominey Swamp on place known as the Round Hills (Ibid. 271)
2 Mar. 1701 . James More, Henrico Co. planter, mortgage to John Pleasants, consignee of Peter Paggen & Co. (Ibid. 274)
2 Apr. 1703 . John Pleasants, Henrico Co. conveys to Henry Hatcher same county, for 1000 lbs. tobo. 331 acres 3r. 24p. in Henrico Co. S. side James River, on Procters Brook, adjoining land of Thomas Jefferson, and granted said Pleasants by patent 28 Oct. 1702 (Ibid. 318)
March 1703 . Benjamin Hatcher, Sr. and Elizabeth, his wife (Daughter and heir at law of John Greenhaugh, late of Henrico Co. decd) of Henrico Co. to John Pleasants, for 7000 Ibs. tobo. and cask, conveys 100 acres adjoining the plantation whereon the said Pleasants now dwells and on James River in Henrico Co. (Ibid. 319)
1st April 1703. John Pleasants, conveys to Benjamin Hatcher, Sr. Henrico Co. for 7000 lbs. tobo. and cask, 100 acres in Henrico Co. on N. side James River, beginning above a small valley on the N. side of said Pleasants lands (Ibid. 322).
27 July 1703 . Thomas Powell, of Henrico Co. planter, to John Pleasants and John Woodson, conveying goods and chattells to said Pleasants as consignee of Peter Paggen & Co. and John Woodson, on account of Richard Marsh, and other Merchants in London (Ibid. 344)
1 Aug. 1704 . John Pleasants again appears as consignee of Peter Paggen and Co. in Conveyance of land from John Burgenny, of Henrico Co. planter (Ibid. 418)
20 Oct. 1704 . John and Joseph Pleasants patent for 286 acres Henrico Co. on the head of Little White oak Swamp. Paid Wm. Byrd Esqr. auditor for 6 rights (Register of the Land office Book 9, p. 628)
31 Oct. 1707 . John Pleasants of Henrico Co., and Dorothy, his wife, to Richard Cocke, of Weynock Parish, Charles City Co. ?15 curr. convey 126 acres in Henrico Co. N. side James River, in possession of Tho. Williamson, of said Co. bounded as by said Cocke's deed to him, 11 Aug. 1694, also 500 acres Henrico Co. N. side James River, both sides White Oak Swamp in possession of Elizabeth Warrenier, widow, Anne Gartright, widow, and Richard Freeman, tenants of said Cocke, father of this Richard Cocke and John Beauchamp, Merchant, and which said Cocke hath held ever since he came of age, "and as it was divided by him and his brothers, Richard and Thomas Cocke, decest, of the aforesaid (county) of Henrico (Henrico Records 1706-9 , p. 62)
8 Feb. 1707, Darby Enroughty (son and heir at law of Darby Enroughty, late of Henrico , decd) of parish and county of Henrico, planter, for 6000 lbs. tobo. and cask conveys to John Pleasants, of same parish and county, 160 acres N. side James River parish and Co. aforesaid, whereon my mother now lives, on S. side Fourmile Creek, adjoining Nicholas Perkins and Robert Sharpes land, and purchased by my father from Robert Sharp (Ibid. p. 79)
28 Feb. 1707. John Pleasants, Henrico parish & Co. Gent. to Darby Enroughty, of same, planter, for 4000 lbs. tobo. and cask, 195 acres in same parish and Co. on Meadow Run of Four Mile Creek, N. side James River, adjoining land of Henry Pew (Ibid. 81)
1 May 1708 . John Pleasants, of Henrico parish and Co. to Humphrey Smith, for 535 lbs. tobo. and cask conveys 100 acres in parish and Co. aforesaid, S. side Chickahominey Swamp bounding on lines of John Pleasants, Sr. and Thomas Cocke, Sr. decd. (mentions dividing line formerly of said John Pleasants, Sr. now belonging unto Joseph Pleasants ); which said land was granted to Alexander Mackeny by said Cocke, Sr. decd. and by him sold to said Humphrey Smith (Ibid. 95)
1 Nov. 1708 . John Pleasants, of Henrico parish and Co. releases to Benjamin Thomas and William Bridgwater (sons of Samuel Bridgwater , decd.) plantation on N. side James River near the falls which was mortgaged to John Pleasants, Sr. decd. father of John party to these presents by deed 7 Aug. 1689 -reserving privilege of building mill or mills on any part of land with 5 acres thereof where said Pleasants, his heirs, etc., shall think most convenient. Boundries mentioned are forks of Gilly's Creek, branch commonly called Henry Brazeale's Branch (Ibid. 125)
16 Nov. 1708 John Pleasants, Henrico Co. to William Cocke, same Co. for 22 lbs. tobo. conveys land, part of tract granted said Pleasants by patent 6 June 1699, on S. side Chickahominey Swamp, Henrico Co. including 1600 acres (except 100 acres sold unto Humphrey Smith by said Pleasants) Dorothy wife of John Pleasants, by her attorney "her trusty and well beloved brother James Cocke "relinquishes her dower (Ibid. 132)
1 Mar. 1708 John Pleasants, Gent. Henrico Co. for ?30 curr. conveys to John Burton, same Co. Merchant, 340 acres. Henrico Co. S. side James River, lower side Falling Creek, at place called Elam's Quarter -part of a greater tract formerly granted Gilbert Elam and Edward Ward
(Ibid. 152)
1 June 1710 . Joseph Pleasants appears (in account Estate of Jacob Ware , decd) as consignee of Isaac Millner & Co. (Henrico Records 1710-14 , p. 16) 1709 A list of surveys made in Henrico returned and recorded 1 July 1710.
Mar. 10, 1709 , Mr. John Pleasants one Survey, qt. 463 acres.
May 10, 1709 , Mr. John Pleasants, one Survey, qt. 258 acres (Ibid, pp. 16, 17)
7 Jan. 1711, John Pleasants, Henrico parish and Co. for 5000 lbs. tobo. conveys to Giles Carter same parish and county, 94 acres in same parish and county S. side Chickahominey Swamp (Ibid. 110)
10 Oct. 1711. William Dodson, Sr. Henrico Co. Bristol Parish and Elizabeth, his wife, for 2500 lbs. tobo. and cask. conveys to John Pleasants of same county, 100 acres N. side Swift Creek, parish and Co. aforesaid, purchased of Col. William Randolph by Wm. Benen and by him sold to Nicholas Dixon who sold the same to said Dodson; adjoining George Hunt's line, the line parting this land and the land formerly of James Franklin sold to Major Peter Field (Ibid. 121)
Nov. 1711. Thomas Totty Sr. of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co. and Mary, his wife, for ?6-18s-curr. conveys to John Pleasants, of same county, 59 acres N. side Swift Creek, S. side James River, which was patented by William Greenfield in 1684 and by him sold to James Franklin who sold it to Thomas Totty; being plantation whereon said Totty formerly lived and adjoining George Hunt's land (Ibid. 122)
1712 September, John Pleasants was guardian to Samuel Tucker Woodson (Ibid. 174)
1712 July. John Pleasants, a Quaker, presents in court upon his solemn affirmation his account against David Minitree, late of James City Co. decd. (Ibid. 155)
1712 Nov. John Pleasants vs. Thomas Nichols, action of Debt. Dismissed by non appearance of parties (Ibid. 195)
1712 March. John Pleasants vs Anne Enroughty, administratrix of John Enroughty, decd. Due by bill. (Ibid. 222)
1713 June. Mr. John Pleasants, being a Quaker, solemnly affirmed an indebtedness due him by Henry Turner who had privately departed this county (Ibid. 243)
13 Nov. 1713. John Pleasants patent for 1385 acres Henrico Co. N. side James River and adjoining the river below the mouth of Beaver Dam Creek, also adjoining Mr. John Woodson and Amos Ladd. For importation of 28 persons (Register of the Land office Book 10, p. 94) John II or John III ?
1714 June. Dorothy Pleasants relect of John Pleasants, dec by her petition prays that administration on the estate of her said Decd. husband may be granted her with his will annexed; and she thereupon, being a Quaker, presents the said Will upon her Solemn affirmation, and John Scot and Elizabeth Cocke two of the witnesses thereto make oath that the said will was worded according to the directions of the said decd. That at the time he gave those directions he was of sound mind and memory and that it was read to him after it was writt Joseph Pleasants another witness to the said Will being a Quaker makes his solemn affirmation that the said will was worded according to the directions of the said decd. That at the time he gave those directions he was of sound mind and memory and that the same was read to him after it was writt whereupon the said will is admitted to Record and administration with the same annexed is granted the said Relict according to the prayer of her petition Joseph Pleasants and William Randolph entering themselves her securities and ordered that she do present to the next court an Inventory of the said decd's estate. Ordered that John Worsham, John Bolling, Richard Cocke and John Redford Gent. or any three of them (being first sworn by Mr. John Archer ) do appraise the estate of John Pleasants, decd. and make return thereof to the next Court (Ibid. 288).
[James H. Maloney.ged]
7 Apr 1653 - Virginia Land Office Patents No. 3, 1652-1655, p 192 - William Fry, 750 acres near the head of Chickahominy River, on the southwest side. Beg.g at Fleets Quarter, including a small Indian field, "being due unto the said William Fry - transportation of fifteen persons into this Colony..." First listed of fifteen is Giles Carter.
May 1, 1662. John Rowen of Henrico Co. willed to Giles Carter a cow and the use for one year of a house and land on Rowen's Turkey Island estate.
[John Rowen was the stepfather of John Price III and Daniel Price, having married the widow of John Price, Jr. Daniel Price received a suit from the will of James Crews in 1676, and married Susannah, daughter of Giles Carter, in about 1691. Daniel Price died in about 1692; and Susannah married secondly Thomas Williamson.] One of the witnesses of this will was Margaret CREWS, daughter of Daniel LLEWELLYN and considered by some to have been the wife of James CREWES; if so, she must have died before 1676. Henrico Records p 229
10 Dec 1677 Giles CARTER brings the will of Capt. James CREWS, dec'd, to Court p 143 (Index to Colonial Records [D&W] 1677-1692, Vol. 1, p 30)
30 Apr 1679 Under "an act for the defence of the country against the incursion of the Indian Enemy" a tithe was levied to fit out men, horses, and arms. Giles CARTER of Turkey Island was listed with 6 tithes. (Order Book & Wills 1678-1693, pp 38/39) p 143
[This poll tax included the taxpayer, his sons, and his servants.]
Apr 1680 Deposition of Giles CARTER, aged about 46. p 143 (Order Book & Wills 1678-1693, p 57)
28 Feb 1684 William COCKE recorded a deed for land sold to Giles CARTER. On Turkey Island Mill Run beginning at upper beaver dam
24 Aug 1684 - "Wm. RANDOLPH of Varina Parish, Henrico Co. Gent. from Giles CARTER & Hannah(X), his wife, of Parish & C. afsd. 20 pounds strl., 60 a. which was by the last will & testament of Capt. James CREWES (dated, 23 AUG 1676) given unto sd. Giles & Hannah CARTER being part of ye dividend of land or plantation at Turkey Island of which sd. Crewes died seized, wch. Tract of land or plantation is since purchd. by sd. Wm. Randolph of ye heir & exor. of Sd. Crews, decd. as by conveyance dated 24 Augt 1684. Recd. 1 April 1685 Vol. 3, p 1380 6
(Henrico Co. Records 1677-1691, p 302)
[The Avant book (p 145) gives the date as 25 Feb 1684/5, and says 50 acres.]
25 Aug 1684 William RANDOLPH acquired the entire 500-acre plantation from the heirs of James CREWES in exchange for "three acres and fifteen pounds of lawful money of England."
(Henrico Co. Records 1677-1691, p 303) Vol. 3, p 1380 6
15 Mar 1685? Deed from Wm. COCKE to Giles CARTER for 59 acres, between Wm. COCKE and his brother Jno. p 145 5
15 Mar 1685? Deposition of Robt BULLINGTON as to a game of dice in which Giles CARTER won 500 lbs. of tobacco from Chas.STEWARD p 1
4 Feb 1686 Upon the petition of Giles CARTER, one of ye surveyors of the highways, that he is ancient, weak and sickly and therefore uncapable of performing his sd. office. It is ordered that he be released and discharged from ye same. p 149 5
(Henrico Co Colonial Records, Vol. 2, p 229)
[He would have been 52 years of age if he was born in 1634]
1 Jun 1686 Payments to Giles CARTER as his legacy from the estate of James CREWES, dec'd p 146
(Henrico Co. Colonial Records [D&W] 1677-1692, Vol 1, p 369)
1 Jun 1687 The will of Wm. Humphrey decd. proved by oath of Capt. Wm. RANDOLPH,a witness thereto; & order for probat thereof granted Margarett, wife of Maurice FLOYD, ye Exectrx. therein named. Robt. POVALL & Jno.WATSON enter themselves securities. Giles CARTER, John ANOT, Robert POVALL & Danl. PRICE appointed appraisers of p. 1299
June 1, 1687. Certificate granted to Giles Carter for 800 acres of land for the importation of 16 persons. (p 41)
August 1, 1694. Giles Carter, Senr. acknowledged a conveyance of 550 acres of land unto John Cocke. Hannah acknowledged her Right of Dower.
August 1, 1694. Giles Carter and Theodorick Carter [father and son] witnessed a deed of Richard Cocke, Jr. of Charles City County to Thomas Williamson of Henrico County.
In the name of God, Amen, I Giles Carter, Sr., being of a weak and infirmed body, yet (blessed by God) of a sound and perfect memory, and considering the frailty and uncertainty of man's life, and not knowing the time of my departure of life;
I do make, constitute, and appoint this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made whatsoever.
Imprimis, I commend my soul into the hands of my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, relying only upon his merits for salvation. My body I commit to the earth to be decently therein interred and for what worldly goods and possessions God hath bestowed upon me, it is my will and desire they may be disposed of in form and manner following:
I give and bequeath to my son Theodorick Carter five shilling sterling to be paid by my dear wife Hannah either in silver or to the full value thereof as to her shall seem most convenient.
Item. I give to my daughter Susanna, now WifeofThomas Williamson, five shilling sterling to be paid as above said.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary, now WifeofThomas Davis, five shilling sterling to be paid as above said.
Item. I give to my daughter Ann, now the wife of James Davis, one feather bed and bolster, one rug, one blanket, and one cow.
Item. I give to my son Giles one mare called Nanny with her increase forever, it being a mare formerly given to him by William Sewell, she then being but a filly.
These legatees being paid and also any debts however shall be lawfully by me indebted being fully satisfied, it is my will and desire that what of my estate shall remain (one feather bed and furniture only excepted for my wife Hannah which I give unto her), may be equally divided to five parts, the one part whereof to belong to my wife Hannah, the other to my son Giles, it not being my intent or design in any way to hereby disannul or make void a deed of gift formerly by me made to my son Giles and entered upon record. But, I do by this, my last will and testament, reaffirm and confirm the same.
Item. It is my will and design that what estate shall appertain to my son Giles that he may retain the land where he shall arrive on by age of
eighteen years and also enjoy the benefit of his labor. My wife Hannah not being any wise molested or disturbed upon the plantation we now live upon during her life.
and lastly, I make constitute and appoint my dear and loving wife Hannah full and sole executor of this my last will and testament, the which I own to be my last, all others being hereby disannulled and made void. As witness my hand and seal this 14th day of December 1699.
Giles (seal of red wax) Carter.
Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of us: Thomas Smythes, William Sewell, James Davis.
Henrico Co., February 2, 1701.
Proved in open court by the oaths of the subscribed witnesses to be the last will and testament of the subscribed Giles Carter.
James Cocke, County Clerk.
(Henrico Co., Virginia, Records, p. 256)
February 2, 1702. Hannah Carter granted probate of the will of her husband Giles Carter.
(Henrico Co., Virginia, Records, p. 279)
December 10, 1701. John Cocke sold 550 acres to Thomas Williamson. The land was described as a parcel sold to Cocke by Giles Carter, Sr. (p 43)
[Joe W. Stout.ged]
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr
REFN: 1836
At the time of Bacon's Rebellion, he was a c lose friend of a Colonel James Crewe of Turkey Island
, Henrico Co., Virgin ia. Colonel Crewe, for his participation in Bacon's Rebellion, was Court M
ar shalled and sentenced to hang. By an Indenture made February 25, 1684/5, Giles Carter, "Planter
" and his wife, Hannah, transferred their rights in a parcel of land pertaining to Turkey Island Pl
antation of Colonel Crewe to a William Randolph. In his will, Colonel Crewe had transferred the la
nd to Giles Cart er during his lifetime for "one grain of Indian corn." In his will, James Crew e al
so gave a Negro maid to Hannah Carter and in case of their death to their son, Theodrick. In the r
ecords of Henrico Co., Virginia, is a list of Ty thables in 1679 residing in the old settlement o
f Bermuda Hundred, Curls and Turkey Island. At the last the list includes:
William Randolph .............. .. 5
Giles Carter.......................... 6
An account of the several 44 Tythables ordered by the worshipful court to "fit out a man and hors
e and ar ms, etc., according to art." This act referred to the requirement that a man a nd a horse s
hould be provided for service in the Militia by each 44 Tythables . The numbers opposite each nam
e indicate the number of persons for whose po ll tax each was responsible. Giles Carter's will wa
s executed December 14, 1 699 in Henrico Co., Virginia. It lists his wife and children. The wil
l w as probated February 2, 1701. At the time the will was probated, Giles, III, w as under 18 year
s old.
For the purpose of stimulating immigration and the se ttlement of Virginia, the London Company ordai
ned that any person who paid hi s own way to Virginia should be assigned 50 acres of land "for his o
wne perso nal adventure" and if he transported "at his owne cost" one or more persons, he should, fo
r each passage, be paid, be awarded 50 acres of land. This was ca lled Head rights. Another Gile
s Carter arrived in Virginia in 1653 by this m ethod. He had been jailed in England for stealing a h
orse and went before the Privy Council to be freed and transported to Virginia. A William Fry rece
iv ed 750 acres near the head of the Chichamony River on the southwest side for tr ansporting 15 peop
Le on April 7, 1653. The people were Giles Carter, Ralph Sp endlowe, Jane Walker, Miles Noble, Ann
e Williams, William Brooke, Ralph Burto n, Adrew Miller, Alice Archer, Willilam Hoccadie, William Fr
y's wife, his thr ee children and himself.
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1634 | Henrico Co, Virginia, USA | 1 | |
Baptism | 1635-04-24 | Cirencester, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England | 6 | |
Death | 1702 | Henrico Co, Virginia, USA | 4 | |
Age: 68y |
Burial | 1702-02-00 | Turkey Island, Charles City Co, Virginia, USA | 6 | |
Christening | to Virginia | ABT 1651 | ||
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Carter, Theodor | 1608 | 1681 | |
Mother | TRACY, Elizabeth | 1610 | 1641 | |
Sister | CARTER, Mary | 1633 | ||
CARTER, Giles | 1634 | 1702 | ||
Sister | CARTER, Joane | 1636 | ||
Sister | CARTER, Elizabeth | 1638 | 1639-05-01 | |
Sister | CARTER, Margery | 1641 | ||
Brother | Carter, Sonne | 1640-09-00 | ||
Sister | Carter, Cecill |
Source References
- Michele Lee Grant: Michele Lee Grant
- Shaun Porter: Ancestors of Porter
- James H. Maloney
- Charlene Montoya
John D. Newport: Ancestry of John D Newport
Source text:
# ID: I50030
# Name: Brian Stapleton Sir 1 2
# Sex: M
# Birth: ABT 1355 in Carleton, Yorkshire, England 2
# Occupation: Sir Knight 3 1
# Ancestral File #: 15CD-SHD 3
# Death: d.v.p. before father ABT 1391 3
# Name: Brian "Junior" Stapleton Sir Knight 4 3
# Birth: ABT 1335 in Carleton, Yorkshire, England 3
# Death: dvp 2Father: Brian Stapleton Sir of Carlton
Marriage 1 Elizabeth Aldeburgh b: ABT 1360 in Harewood Tower, Yorkshire, England
* Married: ABT 1383 in Harewood, Yorkshire, England 3
* Married: 1st husband 1 2Children
1. Has Children Brian Stapleton Sir Knight b: ABT 1382 in Carleton, Yorkshire, England
2. Has No Children John Stapleton b: ABT 1384 in Flamborough, Yorkshire, England
3. Has Children William Stapleton Sir b: ABT 1385 in Edenhall, Cumberland, EnglandSources:
1. Author: G.E. Cokayne, with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden
Title: Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant, 2000
Publication: Name: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1910-1959; Location: Gloucester, U.K.; Date: 2000;
Page: I:102
Text: QUAY 3
2. Author: Eileen McKinnon-Suggs
Title: Our Kingdom Come
Our Kingdom Come
McKinnon-Suggs AncestorsText: Date of Import: Feb 7, 2009
3. Title: Brent Ruesch
Note:Text: Date of Import: Sep 7, 2009
4. Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Title: Ancestral File (TM)
Publication: Name: July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 Repository: Family History Library 35 N West Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA;
ABBR Ancestral File (TM) -
Source text:
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Ancestral File (TM)