Bryant, Eunice Cornelia

Birth Name Bryant, Eunice Cornelia
Gender female
Age at Death 68 years, 9 months, 19 days


Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated. My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma. Contact for information.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1894-02-26 Kemp, Kaufman County, Texas    
Death 1962-12-16 Dallas, Texas    

Age: 68y 9m 20d

Burial   Oak Grove Cemetery, Irvin, Texas    
Christening 1910 Boswell, Choctaw County, Oklahoma, living with sister    
Census 1910 Boswell, Choctaw County, Oklahoma, living with sister    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bryant, James Thomas “Tommy”1856-09-171901-01-08
Mother Spivey, Annette “Nettie” Rebecca1863-08-241898-03-22
    Brother     Bryant, James Hardy 1881-11-17 1916-09-24
    Sister     Bryant, Mary Elizabeth “Lizzie” 1884-11-24 1969
    Brother     Bryant, Guy Octavius 1887-07-10 1969-07-13
    Sister     Bryant, Hattie Lena 1890-02-22 1903-04-00
    Brother     Bryant, Leo Neal 1892-05-14 1912-11-03
         Bryant, Eunice Cornelia 1894-02-26 1962-12-16
    Sister     Bryant, Ida Allie 1897-03-31 1902-11-27


Family of Dixon, Loyd and Bryant, Eunice Cornelia

Married Husband Dixon, Loyd ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1944-06-12   Religious Marriage  

Family of Curtis, Carl “Jack” Garrett and Bryant, Eunice Cornelia

Unknown Partner Curtis, Carl “Jack” Garrett ( * 1894-12-28 + 1967-09-01 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Curtis, Jewel Elizabeth03 JAN
Curtis, Martha Jane1920-11-181983-08-12
Curtis, Mary Ruth1930-07-201996-04-07