Darcy, Philip 4th Lord; Lord Darcy and Meinill, Admiral 1a

Birth Name Darcy, Philip 4th Lord; Lord Darcy and Meinill, Admiral
Gender male
Age at Death 46 years, 11 months, 3 days


PHILIP (DARCY), LORD DARCY, next brother [after John, b. 24 June 1350, dsp. 6 or 26 Aug 1362] and heir, born 21 May 1352, in the House of the Friars Preachers at York, and baptised in the Church of St. Nicholas. The King took his homage and fealty, and he had livery of his inheritance, 24 January and 31 January 1373/4. He served under the Duke of Lancaster in his raid into Picardy and Caux, July to November 1369, and under the Earl ofBuckingham in his raid into Brittany, July 1380 to April 1381. He did homage to Richard II at his Coronation, 16 July 1377. Appointed a commissioner to take the homage of the Count of Flanders and others, 20 June 1383. He was in the cxpeditions to Scotland under the Duke of Lancaster in April 1384, and under the King in person in August 1385. Appointed Admiral from ihe Thames, Northwards, 22 February 1385/6. In October 1392 he was sent to Ireland to recover the King's lordships and his own inheritance, and defend the same against the Irish rebels. He was summoned for Military Service, 13 June 1385, and to Parliament from 4 August 1377 to 5 November 1397, by writs directed Philippo Darcy or de Darcy. He was one of the Lords who swore on the altar of the shrine of St. Edward at Westminster, 30 September 1397, to maintain all the statutes, &c., made in the preceding session of Parliament.

He married Elizabeth, 2nd daughter of Sir Thomas GRAY of Heton in Northampshire, by Margaret, daughter of William DE PRESFEN of Middleton, Northumberland. He died 24 April 1399, aged nearly 47, and was buried in the Priory of Heynings, co. Lincoln. His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 13 June 1399. She died 11 August 1412. [Complete Peerage IV:61-3, XIV:234, (transcribedby Dave Utzinger)]


Title: British Roots of Maryland Families
Abbrev: British Roots of Maryland Families
Author: Robert W. Barnes
Publication: 1999
Title: British Roots of Maryland Families II
Abbrev: British Roots of Maryland Families II
Author: Robert W. Barnes
Publication: 2002
Title: AFN:
Abbrev: AFN:
Title: The Johns-Alexander Descendants of William the Conqueror
Abbrev: The Johns-Alexander Descendants of William the Con
Author: Nancy and Boyd Alexander
Publication: uploaded Jun 2, 2001
Title: Tudor Place
Abbrev: Tudor Place
Author: Jorge H. Castelli
Title: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Abbrev: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Author: Jim Weber
Title: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England between 1623 and 1650
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Genealogical Publishing, Inc. Sixth Edition, 1988
Title: Royal Genealogy
Abbrev: Royal Genealogy
Author: Brian Tompsett
Publication: 1994-1999


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1352-05-21 Knayth, Lincolnshire, England   2
Death 1399-04-24 Knaith, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England   2

Age: 46y 11m 3d

Christening EC824C60DB0D432F8773BC5E2FDFA3B8F170 30 Apr 2007    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Darcy, John 2nd Lord13171356-03-05
Mother Meynell, Elizabeth1331-10-151368-07-09
         Darcy, Philip 4th Lord; Lord Darcy and Meinill, Admiral 1352-05-21 1399-04-24
    Brother     Darcy, John 3rd Lord 312F817A90F24AB19BCF328A98E2BC508481 1362-08-26


Family of Darcy, Philip 4th Lord; Lord Darcy and Meinill, Admiral and Grey, Elizabeth dau of Sir Thomas Grey of Heton

Married Wife Grey, Elizabeth dau of Sir Thomas Grey of Heton ( * about 1356 + 1412-08-11 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1376 Chillingham, Northumberland, England   2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Darcy, John 5th Lord13771411-12-09

Source References

  1. Richard Remme: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=remme1007&id=I203126 Ancestors of R.H. Remmé, the Netherlands
      • Source text:

        # ID: I203126
        # Name: Marmaduke de Thweng
        # Given Name: Marmaduke de
        # Surname: Thweng
        # Suffix: of Kilton
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        # Death: Abt 1283 1 1
        # _UID: 7BC94D14645848888BBDA5E75BB23A0A56A5
        # Change Date: 4 Mar 2006 at 09:18
        # Note:


        a. Marmaduke de Thweng of Kilton (d c1283) m. (c1242) Lucy Brus (b 1216, d after 1282, dau of Peter de Brus of Skelton) <bruce01.htm>





        Marriage 1 Lucy de Brus b: 1216

        * Married:
        * Change Date: 4 Mar 2006


        1. Has No Children Margery Thweng b: Abt 1270
        2. Has Children Cecilia Thwenge b: 1215 in Flamborough Yorkshire England
        3. Has Children Robert de Thweng
        4. Has Children Marmaduke de Thweng



        1. Abbrev: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005
        Title: gen_bursonram_A.ged, downloaded de.2005



      • Citation:

        e-mail: rhremme@gmail.com

  2. H. Schluckbier: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=schluck&id=I9416&style=TABLE My Little Obsession