von Oldenburg, Christian I 1a

Birth Name von Oldenburg, Christian I
Gender male
Age at Death 55 years, 3 months, 20 days


King of Denmark, Norway & Sweden


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1426-02-01 Oldenburg    
Death 1481-05-21 Copenhagen , Denmark    

Age: 55y 3m 20d

Christening 7E0A4E39F0ADDA118CED00036D1D1806BB96 I    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father von Oldenburg, Dietrich13801440-01-22
Mother , Hedwig of Holstein13951436
         von Oldenburg, Christian I 1426-02-01 1481-05-21


Family of von Oldenburg, Christian I and von Brandenburg, Dorothea

Married Wife von Brandenburg, Dorothea ( * 1431 + 1495-11-10 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1449-10-28   Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
von Oldenburg, John
von Oldenburg, Frederick I
von Oldenburg, Margaret14561486

Source References

  1. David A. Blocher: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dblocher&id=I388989 Family of Legends (and The Unknown)
      • Source text:

        # ID: I388989
        # Name: Heilwich (Edith) VON FROHBURG
        # Given Name: Heilwich (Edith)
        # Surname: von Frohburg
        # Sex: F
        # _UID: 4E887FF030CD45A2AB7F87B71B65E6D4CB36 1
        # Birth: 1145



        Father: Hermann VON FROHBURG b: 1123

        Marriage 1 Berthold VON ZÄHRINGEN b: 1134

        * Married:


        1. Has Children Agnes VON ZÄHRINGEN b: 1174 in Zähringen, Germany
        2. Has Children Anna VON ZÄHRINGEN



        1. Abbrev: [Ancestry of David A. Blocher]
        Title: "Ancestry of David A. Blocher"
        Author: David A. Blocher
        Text: "Ancestry of David A. Blocher" by David A. Blocher
        A notification of David A. Blocher's Ancestry. Used for personal purposes, no book was published.
        Quality: 1


      • Citation:

        e-mail: dblocher52@yahoo.com