Eysteinsson, Halfdan

Birth Name Eysteinsson, Halfdan
Nick Name The Meek
Gender male
Age at Death 50 years


# Note:

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.

# Note: [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]

# Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
# Note: Page: 121e-14
# Note: Text: Halfdan, the Old


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 750 Holtum, Vestfold, Norway   1
Death 800 Borre, Vestfold, Norway   1

Age: 50y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Halfdansson, Eysteinn I725780
Mother Eriksdatter, Hildi725
         Eysteinsson, Halfdan 750 800
    Brother     of Haithabu, Harald Oysteinsson 750 804
    Sister     Eysteinsdottir, Geva 750


Family of Eysteinsson, Halfdan and Dagsdottir, Hlif

Married Wife Dagsdottir, Hlif ( * 753 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage   Vestfold, Norway Religious Marriage 1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Halfdansson, Ivar Oplaendinge770
Halfdansson, Gudrod780811