Holbrook, Elizabeth 1a 2

Birth Name Holbrook, Elizabeth
Gender female
Age at Death 32 years, 3 months, 22 days


REFN: HWS15837
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 84T1-PV


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1588 Glastonbury, Somerset, England   2
Death 1620-04-23 Glastonbury, Somerset, England    

Age: 32y

Christening 1935-05-23 27 May 1936    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Holbrook, Williamabout 1562about 1626
Mother Saunders, Edith15621612-06-11
    Sister     Holbrook, Joan 1587 1643-11-14
         Holbrook, Elizabeth 1588 1620-04-23
    Brother     Holbrook, John 1595 1644
    Sister     Holbrook, Rebecca 1597 1688
    Brother     Holbrook, Thomas 1599-03-01 1677-03-10
    Brother     Holbrook, William 1600
    Sister     Holbrook, Basell 1602-03-25 about 1683
    Sister     Holbrook, Julia 1603


Family of Tylye, Thomas and Holbrook, Elizabeth

Married Husband Tylye, Thomas ( * 1583 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1611-09-12 St. John the Baptist, Glastonbury, Somerset, England Religious Marriage 2

CHAN20 Mar 2001

Source References

  1. Kirk Larson: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:2640299&id=I545352893 Hohelohe, Bethune Research
      • Source text:

        # ID: I545352893
        # Name: John KNIGHTLEY
        # Given Name: John
        # Surname: Knightley
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: Abt 1393 in <, Gnosall, Stafford, England> 1 2
        # Death: 1431 1 2
        # Christening: 1 2
        # Burial: Austin Friars, London, Middlesex, England 1 2
        # Residence: , Calais, Pas-de-Calais, France 1 2
        # LDS Baptism: Done
        # Endowment: Done
        # Sealing Child: Done
        # Change Date: 8 Jan 2002
        # Note:

        REFN: HWS97642
        Ancestral File Number: GCQB-L0





        Father: Richard KNIGHTLEY b: Abt 1364 in <, Gnosall, Stafford, England>
        Mother: Joan GIFFARD b: Abt 1368 in <, Thewborough, Devon, England>

        Marriage 1 Margaret LEWKNOR b: Abt 1399 in

        * Married: Abt 1421 in 1 2
        * Note: CHAN8 Jan 2002


        1. Has Children Margaret KNIGHTLEY b: Abt 1422 in Cralle Manor, Warbleton, Sussex, England



        1. Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral File™ v4.19"
        Publication: 3 Feb 2001
        Name: SLC - Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, UT 84150 U.S.A.
        SLC - Family History Library
        25 N. West Temple Street
        Salt Lake City
        2. Author: Larson, Kirk
        Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
        Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Descendants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
        Name: Kirk Larson
        Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 U.S.A.
        Kirk Larson
        23512 Belmar Dr.
        Laguna Niguel



      • Citation:

        e-mail: larsonkg@earthlink.net

  2. Larson, Kirk: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"