, Walia

Birth Name Walia
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 395 Thuringen, Danube Valley, Germany   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father of the Visigoths, Alaric I370410-08-00
Mother Rome, Galla Placida450-11-27
    Brother     of the Visigoths, Theodoric I 390 451-06-24
         , Walia about 395
    Sister     , Basina about 398 about 418


Family of , Walia and Hrothildis

Unknown Partner Hrothildis ( * about 400 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Walia, Carateneabout 425506
von Thuringia, Bisinusabout 435

Source References

  1. Brian Starr: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=starrancestors2&id=I140645 Starr Ancestors with Saints
      • Source text:


        ID: I140645
        Name: Walia
        Surname: Walia
        Sex: M
        _UID: FCD647A9490E4ECF813A9293942D74509B12
        Change Date: 17 JAN 2015
        Birth: ABT 395 in Thuringen, Danube Valley, Germany
        Title: King of the Visigoths
        Death: Y



        Father: Alaric b: 370 in Peuce, Thuringen, Danube Valley, Germany
        Mother: Aelia Galla Placidia b: ABT 370 in Cauca, Coca-Segovia, Spain

        Marriage 1 Hrothildis b: ABT 400 in Romania
        Has Children Caratene Walia b: ABT 425 in Thuringen, Danube Valley, Germany
        Has Children Bisinus von Thuringia b: ABT 435 in Thuringen, Danube Valley, Germany

      • Citation:

        e-mail: bdanstarr@aol.com