Bryant, James Hardy

Birth Name Bryant, James Hardy
Gender male
Age at Death 34 years, 10 months, 7 days


Corrections and additions, documentation, photographs are appreciated. My notes and sources are too lengthy to include all of them here, but I am happy to share with fellow researchers.

The Stones and Potters are planning a family reunion in June 2005 in Oklahoma. Contact for information.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1881-11-17      
Death 1916-09-24 Barksdale, Edwards County, Texas    

Age: 34y 10m 7d

Christening 1910 Young County, Texas; Hardy and Stella Bryant    
Census 1910 Young County, Texas; Hardy and Stella Bryant    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bryant, James Thomas “Tommy”1856-09-171901-01-08
Mother Spivey, Annette “Nettie” Rebecca1863-08-241898-03-22
         Bryant, James Hardy 1881-11-17 1916-09-24
    Sister     Bryant, Mary Elizabeth “Lizzie” 1884-11-24 1969
    Brother     Bryant, Guy Octavius 1887-07-10 1969-07-13
    Sister     Bryant, Hattie Lena 1890-02-22 1903-04-00
    Brother     Bryant, Leo Neal 1892-05-14 1912-11-03
    Sister     Bryant, Eunice Cornelia 1894-02-26 1962-12-16
    Sister     Bryant, Ida Allie 1897-03-31 1902-11-27


Family of Bryant, James Hardy and Dowell, Stella

Married Wife Dowell, Stella ( * 1892 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1908-01-16   Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bryant, Eunice Mae1909
Bryant, Leo Newton1911-07-021988-09-14
Bryant, Cecil Lee1913-09-271978-11-27