Basset, Ralph

Birth Name Basset, Ralph
Gender male
Age at Death 51 years


# Note:

Few families in the early annals of England can boast of a more eminent progenitor than the Bassets, and the descendants of few of the Anglo-Norman nobles attained a higher degree of power than those of Ralph Basset (son of Thurstan, theNorman), who was justice of England under King Henry I. We find his son Ralph, in the reign of Stephen, "abounding in wealth and erecting a strong castle upon some part of his inheritance in Normandy." Ralph Basset, the justice of England, required none of the artificial aids of ancestry to attain distinction; he had within himself powers sufficient at any period to reach the goal of honour, but particularly to the rude age in which he lived. To his wisdom we are said to be indebted for many salutary laws, and among others for that of frank pledge. Like all the great men of his day, he was a most liberal benefactor to the church. He d. in 1120, leaving issue, Thurstine, Thomas, Richard, Nicholas, and Gilbert. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 26, Basset, Barons Basset, of Welden]

# Note:
# Note: ------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: sent in a e-mail from Bill Barton,
# Note:
# Note: Basset family in the "Dictionary of National Biography," 1:1293-1306. It has a Ralph Basset who died in
# Note: Northampton ca. 1127. He was a justiciar (chief political & judicial officer of the Norman & later kings of England until the 13th century) for Henry I and left "several sons from whom descended the great house of Basset" of Cornwall.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1076 Drayton, England   1
Death 1127 Abbey Adingdon, Berkshire, England   1

Age: 51y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Basset, Thurston1050
Mother , Thurstine
         Basset, Ralph 1076 1127
    Sister     Basset, Maud 1088


Family of Basset, Ralph and de Bruce, Agatha

Unknown Partner de Bruce, Agatha ( * 1079 + 1142 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Basset, Thomas10991182
Basset, Thurston1110

Family of Basset, Ralph and de Buci, Alice

Unknown Partner de Buci, Alice ( * 1080 + 1167 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Basset, Richard10951144
Basset, Thurstonabout 10971175
Basset, Gilbert11031166