Meador, Isham 1 2a

Birth Name Meador, Isham
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1762-03-20 Cumberland or Bedford County, Virginia   2b
Death EITHER 02 MAR 1840 OR 25 NOV 1840 Smith County, Tennessee   2c
Christening 2003-01-07      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Meador, Joelbetween 1725 and 1738
Mother Clark, Susannah17301818-02-11
    Brother     Meador, Jesse 1750 1821-11-05
    Brother     Meador, Jonas 1758-02-03 1839
    Brother     Meador, Joel 1760-03-08 1834-04-18
         Meador, Isham 1762-03-20 EITHER 02 MAR 1840 OR 25 NOV 1840
    Brother     Meador, Job 1764 1834-04-07
    Sister     Simmons, Anna about 1768
    Brother     Meador, Joseph 1772 1832-10-00
    Brother     Meador, James 1774 1854-09-11
    Sister     Blankenship, Rhoda 1775-03-10 1862-05-04
    Sister     Clibourn, Emily 1776 between 1850 and 1860
    Brother     Meador, John Watts between 1751 and 1758 1809
    Sister     Martin, Susannah between 1751 and 1764 before 1818
    Sister     Simmons, Frances Mary between 1760 and 1765 between 1820 and 1827


Family of Meador, Isham and Meador, Obedience

Married Wife Meador, Obedience ( * about 1762 + before 1817 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1782-11-25 Bedford County, Virginia Religious Marriage 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Meador, Ephraim1787-05-231852-02-15