Perry, Richard Ankrum

Birth Name Perry, Richard Ankrum
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


NOT proven that he is son of Obadiah Perry


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1775 VA or NC   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Perry, Obadiah1755
Mother , Elizabeth
    Brother     Perry, Ebenezer 1766 1835
    Sister     Perry, Catherine 1775
         Perry, Richard Ankrum 1775
    Sister     Perry, Martha Patsy 1804
    Brother     Perry, John
    Sister     Perry, Elizabeth
    Sister     Perry, Becka
    Sister     Perry, Jane


Family of Perry, Richard Ankrum and Pierce, Rebecca

Married Wife Pierce, Rebecca ( * 1787-04-20 + 1870-08-16 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1803-11-04 Green County, KY Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Perry, Nancy A.1805
Perry, Elizabeth1806-12-151903-08-20
Perry, Nathan1810after 1887
Perry, Catherine1815-12-251908-02-28
Perry, Stephen1816-12-311868-11-08
Perry, Richard Ankrum18191883-05-30
Perry, Obadiah Stephen1820
Perry, Ebenezer18231901-10-01
Perry, Rebecca Mahala1825-09-291908-02-04

Source References

  1. Gene Perkins: @ RootsWeb LaRue, Green, and Taylor Counties, Kentucky Genealogy
      • Source text:

        # ID: I01608
        # Name: Obadiah Perry
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: BET 1745 AND 1765
        # Note:

        There was an Obadiah Perry, b. 1-19-1722 MA, died 1803 MA, married Elizabeth Kimball; was a Drummer in Massachusetts in the Rev War. Whether he is related to the Obadiah in KY is unknown.

        There is no direct evidence that Obadiah is the father of the people shown here as his children. Some of them, particularly Catherine, Richard and Ebenezer, may be his siblings.

        The 1820 Green County, KY, lists Obediah Perry with 5 white males(2,2,0,0,0,1) and 7 white females(2,1,3,1,0).
        The (2,2,0,0,0,1) translates to 2 boys under 10 (i.e., born 1811-1820);
        2 boys 10 to 15 years old (1805-1810);
        1 male 45 or older (1775 or earlier) - this would be Obadiah.
        The (2,1,3,1,0) translates to 2 girls under 10 (1811-1820);
        1 girl 10 to 15 (1805-1810); 3 girls 16-25 (1795-1804);
        1 female 26 to 44 (1776-1794) - probably Obadiah's wife, name unknown.

        From: <>
        To: <>
        Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 3:01 PM
        Subject: Perry update
        I have been going over the Kentucky tax records for Obadiah Perry.1805 and 1808 in Green Co KY and again in 1814. found him in Barren Co in 1817-need to go back and check the earlier Barren Co tax lists to see when he went to Barren. By 1819 he's back in Green Co. He is in the 1810 Cumberland Co census, looks like he moved alot. Barren Co doesn't have a 1818 tax list anymore but I think that my William Perry born 1791-1799 was his son and explains why he was married in Barren Co in 1819. Also in the 1817 tax list Odadiah list 2 males over 21 (maybe himself and William). This is a work in progress-just wanted to let you know.
        Debra Barnes
        From: Gene Perkins <>
        To: Russell Perkins <>
        Subject: Fw: Perry
        Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 12:11 PM

        Debi may be on to something. Without birthdates on most of these Perrys it is difficult to know how they could have been related.
        I think, for time being, I will just put a note in my file that this is in doubt.
        I have nothing on the John Cruse & Elizabeth Holbrook Perry that she mentions.
        ----- Original Message -----
        Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 7:34 AM
        Subject: Re: Perry
        I have been troubled for some time about the Elisabeth Holbrook Perry that married John Cruse in Green Co KY on Oct-28-1805. She was the d/o William Holbrook. then I looked again at Catherine's marriage bond. It was signed by Elisabeth Perry in Aug 1805. Obadiah Perry was a testor-not a father as well as Jeremiah Black. It is not uncommon for the bonds to be made between other male family members. I think Obadiah was Catherine's brother-not her father or his signature would have been located above Elisabeth (Holbrook) Perry. It is interesting that in Catherine marriage the permission slip was written Elisabeth and in the permission slip for Elizabeth Holbrook Perry her name was spelled Alisabeth. The bond was actually made out between John Cruse and Elizabeth Holbrook Perry and then Elizabeth Holbrook Perry crossed through it and Henry Skaggs wriiten by it.
        I am still looking for the father of Catherine, Obadiah, Richard and Ebenezer. I have located a Joseph Perry in the 1799 tax info from Green Co., KY, but he is not in the 1800 census nor any other tax record after that.
        All My Best





        Marriage 1 Elizabeth ?


        1. Has Children Richard Ankrum Perry b: 1775 in VA or NC; NOT proven that he is son of Obadiah Perry
        2. Has Children Catherine Perry b: 1785 in Monroe County, Ky
        3. Has Children Ebenezer Perry
        4. Has No Children John Perry
        5. Has No Children Elizabeth Perry
        6. Has No Children Becka Perry
        7. Has No Children Jane Perry
        8. Has Children Martha Patsy Perry b: ABT 1804 in KY

      • Citation:
