Birth Name WADSWORTH, Peter
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Peter is listed 19 years old on the 1850 Daviess Co. IN Censusin thehousehold of his mother who is listed as a widow and headof thehousehold. Peter and Martha are listed on the 1860Davies Co. INCensus in Van Buren Township. It reads asfollows: Peter Wadsworth28, Martha P. 21, Leander 4, Charlotte2, and Sara 6 months, all bornin IN. They are listed on the1870 Davies Co. IN Census with thefollowing information: PeterR. Wadsworth38, Martha 32, Leander 13,Charlotte 11, Sarah 10,Jane 7, John 5, Ida 4, and David 1. They arelisted on the 1880Daviess Co IN Census with the following information: Peter 48,Martha E. 43, Leander 24, Jane 17, John 15, Ida 12, David10,Oscar 9, Annie B. 7, Francis 5, James 3, and Flora 1, all borninIN. Peter's occupation is listed as a farmer and a coalminer. Theyare listed on the 1900 Daviess Co. IN Census. Itreads Peter Wadsworth69, Martha E. 61, Jane Nancy 37, Francis24, Albert 18, and Elsie 9 whois listed as a granddaughter. Allare born in IN.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1831-07-22 Orange Co. IN    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father WADSWORTH, Thomas1782-01-021841-08-30
Mother SKAGGS, Nancy1788after 1850-11-12
    Brother     WADSWORTH, Robert 1807
    Sister     WADSWORTH, Margaret 1809-04-15
    Sister     WADSWORTH, Unknown Female 1810
    Brother     WADSWORTH, John Wesley 1815
    Brother     WADSWORTH, Silas 1823-12-01 1864-09-19
    Brother     WADSWORTH, Joseph 1824 before 1880
    Brother     WADSWORTH, Thomas 1828-06-30 1908-11-14
         WADSWORTH, Peter 1831-07-22
    Sister     WADSWORTH, Elizabeth 1832


Family of WADSWORTH, Peter and CROOKE, Martha

Married Wife CROOKE, Martha ( * 1838-07-00 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1854-11-06 Martin Co. IN Religious Marriage 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
WADSWORTH, Leanderabout 1856
WADSWORTH, Charlotteabout 1859
WADSWORTH, Sarahabout 1860
WADSWORTH, Jane Nancy1863-09-00
WADSWORTH, Johnabout 1865
WADSWORTH, Idaabout 1868
WADSWORTH, Davidabout 1870
WADSWORTH, Annie B.about 1873
WADSWORTH, Francis1875-07-00
WADSWORTH, Jamesabout 1877
WADSWORTH, Floraabout 1879
WADSWORTH, Oscar Albert1881-01-00

Source References

  1. Linda Kaye Cope Lanier: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=lkcopelanier&id=I31955 FROM EUROPE TO AMERICA AND WEST TO OKLAHOMA
      • Source text:


        ID: I31955
        Name: Solomon SKAGGS
        Sex: M
        Birth: 15 JAN 1766 in Washington Co. VA 1
        Death: AFT 19 OCT 1817 in IN
        Note: Solomon is mentioned in the Archibald Thompson Diary. The diarybeginsNovember 8, 1796 where Archibald says he started with hisfamily fromthe Little River in Montgomery County (VA) and wastraveling toKentucky. He tells about places the family stayedover the next weekwhen they reached the plantation of Mr.Stephen Yets (could be Yeats)where they took up winterquarters, leaving on March 8, 1797 and then"pressed our journeyfor Green River...The 20th of March 1797 we layall night atdutchman plantation 5 miles from the Crab Orcherd. The21stlodged in the woods at the Nob lick. The 22nd lay in a verykindmans house. The 23rd lay all night at Mr. McColgens andthe 24th gotto Mr. Solomon Skaggs house. There we livedplentiful upon free cost.



        Father: Henry SKAGGS b: 08 JAN 1723 in Maryland
        Mother: Mary THOMPSON b: 18 AUG 1739

        Marriage 1 Rhoda THOMPSON b: 23 OCT 1767 in Montgomery Co. VA
        Married: 1787 in Washington Co. VA
        Has Children Nancy SKAGGS b: 1788 in VA
        Has Children Wesley SKAGGS b: AUG 1794 in KY
        Has No Children Sylvia SKAGGS b: ABT 1797 in Green Co. KY
        Has No Children Robert SKAGGS b: ABT 1800 in Green Co. KY
        Has No Children Margaret SKAGGS b: ABT 1801
        Has No Children Susannah SKAGGS b: ABT 1803 in KY
        Has No Children Marian SKAGGS b: ABT 1808 in TN
        Has Children John Wesley SKAGGS b: 29 NOV 1813 in KY

        Author: Archibald Thompson
        Title: Diary
        TYPE: Book

      • Citation:

        e-mail: lkcopelanier@hotmail.com

  2. Indiana Marriage Collection 1800-1941