Mauser, Han Michael

Birth Name Mauser, Han Michael
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


German Speaking People...p 298, This Hans Michael Mauser and his wife
Agatha along with his two children, Johannes and Agnes, because they
wanted to go to the new world, have all four (even Agnes, because she has
been confirmed) received Holy Communion publicly in the Church after
Vesper readingMay 2, 1751. Ship Nancy 16-Sept-1751 at Philadelphia.
Northhampton Co., PA 27-July-1752, Michael Mouser received a survey fee
for 25A. By 1760, all Mausers were in Bucks Co. PA. etc.
For more: see A Genealogy of the Mouser Ancestryby Lafonte Foshee Mouser of Spade Tx.
Sara Mouser signed a deed in 1816. previously considered a wife of
Frederick but after consideration is most likely his daughter. The
relationship has not been definitively established.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1707-06-11 Oechslingen   1


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Mauser, Casper1669-09-13
Mother , Maria
         Mauser, Han Michael 1707-06-11


Family of Mauser, Han Michael and Gomminger, Agnes

Unknown Partner Gomminger, Agnes ( * 1711-08-12 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Mauser, Johan Frederick1740-09-26
Mauser, Johann Jacob1743-04-12
Mauser, Anna Maria1744-01-02
Mauser, Nicholas1749-05-28
Mauser, Sarah Sally17511845-04-02