Roberts, Owen Theodore 1

Birth Name Roberts, Owen Theodore
Gender male
Age at Death 81 years, 2 months, 8 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1924-05-05 Granville Co, NC    
Baptism 8876A7F49B99498CA27DBD0D3525A349D189 Census 1930    
Death 2005-07-13 Oxford, Granville Co, NC    

Age: 81y 2m 8d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Roberts, Victor Caravan1891-05-111967-05-06
Mother Goss, Naomi B.1902-09-021981-10-09
    Brother     Roberts, William T. 1920-01-21
         Roberts, Owen Theodore 1924-05-05 2005-07-13
    Brother     Roberts, James Warren 1926-08-30 2001-01-24
    Brother     Roberts, Vexter Bryant 1928-09-12 2004-06-06
    Brother     Roberts, Gilbert Gene 1933-12-24 1996-06-19
    Sister     Roberts, Betty 1938-01-19 1938-01-21
    Sister     Roberts, Sally 1938-01-19 1938-01-21


Family of Roberts, Owen Theodore and Thaxton, Mary E.

Unknown Partner Thaxton, Mary E. ( * F5E7C5C361C6408E86504F1197E5EE3932C1 + ... )