of Chalons, Lambert of Dijon

Birth Name of Chalons, Lambert of Dijon
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Borthwick, Richard, Adelaide wife of Lambert. Posting to soc.genealogy.medieval (email list GEN-MEDIEVAL) on 12/1/1996-170720. Subject: Re: Gerberga, wife of Adalbert (was re. Welfs). Available at http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/1996-12/0849431240. Author address: rgbor at CYLLENE dot UWA dot EDU dot AU.

Brandenburg, Erich, Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen, Faksimile-Nachdruck von 1935 (Facsimile reproduction of 1935), mit Korrekturen und Erganzungen versehen von (with corrections and additions provided by) Manfred Dreiss und Lupold v. Lehsten. Neustadt an der Aisch:Verlag Degener, 1995. NYPL ATH (Charlemagne) 96-4768.

Farmerie, Todd, Burgundy, Gerberga, Manassas, etc.. Posting to soc.genealogy.medieval (email list GEN-MEDIEVAL) on 5/22/1997-010102. Subject: Burgundy, Gerberga, Manassas, etc.. Available at http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/1997-05/0864277262. Author address: taf2 at PO dot CWRU dot EDU.

Moriarty, G Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III And Queen Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555.

Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten, New Series. II: Die Ausserdeutschen Staaten Die Regierenden Hauser der Ubrigen Staaten Europas. Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1984.

Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten, New Series. III.1 (#1-#200): Herzogs und Grafenhauser des Heiligen Romischen Reiches Andere Europaische Furstenhauser. Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1984.

Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten, New Series. III.3 (#401-#600): Andere Grosse Eurpaische Familien, Illegitime Nachkommen Spanischer und Portugiesischer Konigshauser. Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1985.

Settipani, Christian, Nos Ancetres de L'Antiquite, Etudes des possibilites de liens genealogiques entre les familles de l'Antiquite. Paris: Editions Christian, 1991. NYPL #ARB-93-7430.
Count of Chalons, Viconte of Dijon [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p10]

In her discussion of the counts of Chalons CBB [Constance Brittain Bouchard *Sword, Mitre and Cloister: Nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198* (Ithica NY & London, Cornell University Press, 1987)] says: "Lambert married a woman named Adelaide (*). While there is no evidence of her origins in the sources, scholars have repeatedly tried to tie her to the family of Giselbert, count of Burgundy, both because Giselbert did have a daughter named Adelaide and because they feel a need to explain how Lambert could have LEGITIMATELY** succeeded to Chalon#. I prefer to leave Adelaide's origins unknown; since Lambert's succession to Chalon was recognised by the king, he did not need a hereditary claim by his wife to legitimize his rule(##).
"Lambert died in 978, and his wife Adelaide quickly married Geoffrey Greymantle, count of Anjou. Geoffrey acted as count of Chalon from 979 until his own death in 989 (*). ..." p.307f. * Source regerences. ** She uses italics to make the emphasis # A long footnoted discussion of who has said what on the subject. ## Reference. [Ref: Richard Borthwick SGM 12/1/1996-170720]


Event Date Place Description Sources
Event Note

Sources for this Information:
parents: [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p38]

Death 979-02-22     1
Event Note

Sources for this Information:
date: [Ref: ES II #189 (as replaced in III.1), ES III.1 #49, ES III.3 #433] 978 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p10, Moriarty Plantagenet p38, Richard Borthwick SGM 12/1/1996-170720, Settipani LGA p6]


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father of Auton, Robertafter 960
Mother , Engeltrudeafter 960
         of Chalons, Lambert of Dijon 979-02-22


Family of of Chalons, Lambert of Dijon and de Chalon, Adelais Wera

Married Wife de Chalon, Adelais Wera ( * about 920 + 967-08-19 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 950     1
Event Note

Sources for this Information:
date: before 950 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p38] before 960 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p10] second marriage of Adelaid [Ref: ES II #189 (as replaced in III.1), ES III.1 #116, ES III.1 #49, ES III.3 #433], names: Lambert & Adelaide (parentage unknown) [Ref: Richard Borthwick SGM 12/1/1996-170720], child: [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p38, Settipani LGA p6, Todd Farmerie SGM 5/22/1997-010102]

Name Birth Date Death Date
of Chalons, Mahautabout 1016
of Auxerie, Hugh
of Chalons, Adelheid