, Ava

Birth Name Ava
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death       1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father of Carcassone, Oliba II827880
    Brother     of Carcassone, Acfrid 882 934
         , Ava

Source References

  1. Richard Ervin Davis: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=red53&id=I21633 Davis - not a tree but a forest
      • Source text:


        ID: I21633
        Name: Oliba II Of Carcassone
        Given Name: Oliba II
        Surname: Of Carcassone
        Prefix: Count
        Sex: M
        Birth: Abt 835
        Sources for this Information:
        date: abt 835 [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72], parents: [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68, Settipani Nobles p72], father: [Ref: ES II #68, Moriarty Europe1955 p175]
        Sources with Inaccurate Information:
        mother: Ermentrud (#21631), first wife of Oliba I [Ref: ES II #68]
        Death: 879
        Sources for this Information:
        date: [Ref: ES II #68] after 877 [Ref: Settipani Nobles p72] before 880 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68]
        Event: Ancestral File Number Es:Ii-68
        _UID: E1168645FF464BC982DF5A0491B58FB766B5
        Change Date: 14 Sep 2012 at 20:42
        Moriarty, G Andrews, Genealogical Research in Europe, NEHGR v109 (Jul 1955) pp174-182.

        Moriarty, G Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III And Queen Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555.

        Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten, New Series. II: Die Ausserdeutschen Staaten Die Regierenden Hauser der Ubrigen Staaten Europas. Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1984.

        Settipani, Christian, La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien, Etudes sur quelques grandes familles d'Aquitaine et du Languedoc du IXe au XIe siecles. Oxford: Unit for Prosopographical Research, 2004. NYPL JFG 04-785.
        Count of Carcassone 873-877 [Ref: Moriarty Plantagenet p68]




        Father: Oliba I Of Carcassone b: Abt 800
        Mother: Richilda b: Abt 810

        Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
        Sources for this Information:
        child: [Ref: ES II #68, Moriarty Plantagenet p68, Settipani Nobles p72]
        Change Date: 9 Nov 2009
        Has Children Ava
        Has Children Acfrid Of Carcassone b: Abt 870

      • Citation:

        e-mail: redccd1@juno.com