Williams, Margaret Elizabeth 1a

Birth Name Williams, Margaret Elizabeth
Nick Name Maggie
Gender female
Age at Death 73 years, 4 months, 18 days


This database consists of multiple trees. Most entries are related to my family, but there are also trees that I suspect may be related to my family but have not been proven as yet. I have uploaded all the people that I currently have. <br><br>

Not all information has been researched; this is the combination of many trees and sources, from many people who have been kind enough to share their work with me. If you see a problem with an entry that you are requesting that I CORRECT, please cite your source of facts when you contact me. I am happy to receive and make corrections that are backed up with facts and citations; otherwise, while I respect the fact that you may have different information than what I have, I have to have a reason before I change my database/tree, beyond a simple assertion that "this isn't right." I do not submit corrections more than once a month or so, as my file is very large, so please be patient.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1875-08-20      
Death 1949-01-07      

Age: 73y 4m 18d

Christening 34112B1507C947BB862FBD566A0CABA3E354 20 FEB 2010    
Residence 1930 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Williams, William Henry Harrison1840-08-311905-10-14
Mother Goldsby, Mary E1846-09-031930-11-27
    Brother     Williams, Elias Johnston 1871-10-05 1962-09-28
    Brother     Williams, William Alonzo 1873-08-11 1904-06-13
         Williams, Margaret Elizabeth 1875-08-20 1949-01-07
    Brother     Williams, Rufus Elvin 1884-07-01 1964-12-11
    Sister     Williams, Ruth Alvin 1884-07-01 1885-05-08

Source References

  1. Tricia: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=3257731&id=I36457 Jeff's Family - Intertwining Branches In A Forest Full of Trees!
      • Source text:

        # ID: I36457
        # Name: Deborah AKIN
        # Given Name: Deborah
        # Surname: Akin
        # Sex: F
        # _UID: 6AC5D22116D3D511A9644445535400002E95
        # Change Date: 22 MAR 2010
        # Birth: 1792 in North Carolina, USA
        # Residence: 1850 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA
        # Residence: 1860 Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA
        # Death: 7 OCT 1868 in Weakley Co, Tennessee, USA

        Father: James AKIN b: 1755 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA
        Mother: Mary MURPHY b: 17 APR 1760 in Culpeper Co, Virginia, USA

        Marriage 1 Stephen GOLDSBY b: 16 AUG 1791 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA

        * Married: 24 JUL 1812 in Green Co, Kentucky, USA


        1. Has No Children C B GOLDSBY b: 1813
        2. Has Children Cynthia Ann GOLDSBY b: 14 DEC 1816 in Kentucky, USA
        3. Has Children Nancy GOLDSBY b: 10 FEB 1819 in Kentucky, USA
        4. Has Children Elizabeth GOLDSBY b: 2 SEP 1823 in Tennessee, USA
        5. Has Children Elias Akin GOLDSBY b: 9 SEP 1823 in Henry Co, Tennessee, USA
        6. Has No Children Margret Ann GOLDSBY b: 14 AUG 1826
        7. Has No Children A H GOLDSBY b: 1830
        8. Has No Children J M GOLDSBY b: 1831
        9. Has No Children O Cornelius GOLDSBY b: 1833

      • Citation:

        e-mail: tricia_genealogy@comcast.net