Anderson, Martha

Birth Name Anderson, Martha
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1715     1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Anderson, George16901778
Mother , Elizabeth16901753
         Anderson, Martha 1715
    Sister     Anderson, Elizabeth 1718
    Sister     Anderson, Anna 1725
    Sister     Anderson, Sarah 1725
    Brother     Anderson, Jacob 1731-11-03
    Brother     Anderson, George 1740

Source References

  1. Errol Bevan: @ RootsWeb Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including REINHARDT and BLOCKER Cousins and more
      • Source text:

        ID: I135441
        Name: George ANDERSON
        Surname: ANDERSON
        Given Name: George
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1690 in of Ulster, Ireland
        Death: 1778 in Bedford, Virginia
        Notes from

        George Anderson is very likely the brother of John Anderson whose four sons settled in Augusta County. Accordingly the familiy traditions of that John state that he had a brother George and was reputedly born in Scotland and moved to Ulster, Ireland before coming to Philadelphia. George and John were likely then still residents of Philadelphia when they patented lands in the area of central Virginia and shortly thereafter relocated there.
        Caution, George Anderson moved through the Augusta County Region and his records may become confused with his allegded nephew and grandnephew of Augusta who had lands in Augusta and were referred to as George Sr. and George Jr. Spotsylvania Co VA deed Cpl3, In 1734 Wm. Crawford made a deed of gift to Benjamin Coward & wife Elizabeth! 100 acres on upper side of Elk Run joining Thos Jackson, Wm. Crawford jun, & Thos Crawford. Witnesses were D. Bryne, George Anderson (his mark), William Crawford jun. (The mark George Anderson d1778 used was not an 'x', but was a rather elaborate capital 'A'. This 'A' appears as the mark on Spots deed Cpl3).George Anderson 01/10/1736 Orange Co. 350a fork of Robinson River beginning at Elk Run adj Nicholas Ware Virginia patents 16/407 Importation Records Orange Co, VA Order book 2 1739-1741 page 158 George Anderson came into court and made oath that he imported himself Elizabeth his wife, William Anderson, Margaret, John and Frances Andeson from Ireland to Philadelphia and from thence into this colony at his own charge and that this is the first time of his proving his rights in order to obtain land. May 22 1740. Order book 2 p 158 for his importation from Ireland of himself and wife and others including brother William. Culpeper Co VA deed BpP55-57, 1753, When George Anderson (mark 'A') wife Ann sold 100 acres to George Thompson in 1753 (on or near Elk Run), the deed said the patent was made to George Anderson in 1735. Witnesses were Nathan Underwood, Thomas Cofer (mark "T"), & George Eastham. 1742 George Anderson (SR?), Nathan Underwood, & George Anderson (Jr.?) were all in the same company of Augusta militia. VA COLONIAL MILITIA By Crozier p92 (eiditor note: this record may belong to George Sr. and Jr. of Augusta County.] 1744 George Anderson, Henry Dooley etc. were viewers of a road from the south side of the Shenandoah to the Falls of the Rappahannock. Orange Co VA order 4p218. In 1745 Thomas Cofer bought 70 acres on Elk Run in Madison Co VA, which tract joined the 1735/6 patent of George Anderson d1778. 1745 George Anderson proved a deed from Nathan Underwood to Christian Clement. Augusta Co VA order lpl 1746 George Anderson was constable on South River of the Shenandoah. Augusta order, one page before the entry of 13 May 1746 1749/50 Feb. George Anderson d1778 (mark 'A') sold 330 acres on the south branch of the Shenandoah. Augusta deed 2p514-515 1753 George Anderson d1778 sold 100 acres to George Thompson and sold 100 acres to Nathan Underwood. These tracts were part of his 1735/6 patent of 350 acres on Elk Run in present Madison Co Va. Culpeper Co VA deeds Bp55,57,59 1756 George Anderson d1778 "of Orange County" (i.e. probably present Greene) sold to John Powell 150 acres (the remainder of his grant on Elk Run).Culpeper Bp480 1760 George Anderson d1778"of Bedford County" bought about 200 acres, Bedford lp393 1768 George Anderson d1778 sold the same tract to Moses Dooley, probably his grandson. Bedford Co VA deed 3p189 The will of George Anderson d1778 mentions??my wife's son Thomas Cofer". Josias Cofer s/o Thomas Cofer d1791 was named executor. 1778, May: Will of George Anderson proved in Bedford Co., VA. Names children Jacob, George, Pattey Duley, Elizabeth Underwood, Anna Beazly, Sarah Early. Names his wife's son Thomas Cofer. (3) Will dt d 1778. Bequeathed his land to his son Jacob. ____________________________________ These notes on the Bedford County Anderson family kindly provided by: Mrs. A. Christine Davidson Kraft 611 Southcrest Court, St. Joseph, MO 64506 ! (1) "Over the Mountain Men - Their Early Court Records In Souther n Virginia," by Anne Lowry Worrell. Wills of Bedford Co. 1763-1803, p .35. (2) Carolyn Tayloe Davidson Carey, Greenwood Village, CO. Cites: (a ) Bible Records of Campbell, Bedford, Pittsylvania Co., VA. (3) "Campbell Chronicles and Family Sketches, Campbell Co., Virgini a 1782-1926," by R.H. Early (1927) p.345. ! Marriage to Anna __: (2) Marriage to __ __: (3) Appears to have married twice, the 2nd tim e to a widow, Mrs. Cofer. Death: (1) Will proved May 1778, Bedford Co., VA. (3) 1742-1758: A member of Augusta District Militia, though he had moved to Bedford Co., VA. (1) 1778, May: Will of George Anderson proved in Bedford Co., VA. Names children Jacob, George, Pattey Duley, Elizabeth Underwood, Anna Beazly, Sarah Early. Names his wife's son Thomas Cofer. (3) Will dt d 1778. Bequeathed his land to his son Jacob. ___________________________________________________ Subj: Lawrence Anderson Date: 10/21/99 10:19:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: (mike marshall) To: Hi Patrick, [snip] I have been researching the Cof(f)er/Copher family for many years but have hit a brick wall with a Thomas Cofer who died testate in Culpeper County, VA (will proved there 1791). It is known that Thomas' mother's name was Ann(e). Some time after the death of Thomas Cofer's father (name unknown), Ann(e) married George Anderson of Culpeper. This George Anderson later moved to Bedford County, VA where he died testate. I have some information on the movements of George Anderson and he may be the George Anderson who was in St. Anne's parish, Essex County, VA in the late 1720s. I live in Essex County, having moved here about 4 years ago. In fact, I attend Vauter's Episcopal Church (completed in 1731) which is the upper church of St. Anne's parish. In any case, I've spent a good deal of time trying to link my Thomas Cofer (d.c.1791) to the Cof(f)er line of Charles County, MD. The progenitor of the Charles County lines appears to be a John Cofer who was transported to VA by Nathaniel Pope probably in the 1660s. He was claimed as a headright in 1666 by Thomas Pope (Nathaniel's son) and John Washington of Westmoreland County, VA. John Cofer was in Charles County, MD by at least 1673 according to the MD records. Interestingly, the Charles County Cofer line had a connection to Thomas Plunkett who died in Charles c.1717 (year his will was proved). This Thomas Plunkett did not seem to have any children. I have done some work on Virginia Plunket(t) lines trying to find a link to the Cof(f)er line. When I saw your post on Lawrence Anderson and a Mary Plunket, I became very interested, especially since you note their children were born in Maryland. I'd be very appreciative of the sources of your information on Mary Plunket, and the Maryland connection. Also, are you familiar with the George Anderson of Orange/Culpeper/Bedford I mentioned? I have some further information on him from a book on the Underwood family. Sincerely, Mike Marshall ____________________________________________ Subj: [ANDERSON-L] Fw: ANDERSON/william H. /Green Co. Virginia Date: 98-12-04 00:20:50 EST From: (Sarah Kincaid) To: This is the only way I knew how to get this on the list without taking alot of time typing, I wanted to run this through the group and see if anyone from the Anderson list might like to add to it, this is the Anderson family I am searching for, this information was given me by a dear friend who I met through Rootsweb ,and is searching Anderson's also ,I would like to thank rootsweb and also Eugene Powell,again thanks to Rootsweb for making this possible. Sarah [editors note: informant reports information as above for George Anderson]
        Change Date: 11 Sep 2007 at 01:00:00

        Father: George ANDERSON b: ABT 1654 in Skye,Scotland c: in of Ulster, Ireland
        Mother: Mary MATTHEWS b: 1658 in Skye,Scotland c: in of Ulster, Ireland

        Marriage 1 Mrs Elizabeth ANDERSON b: BEF 1690 in Ulster, Ireland
        Married: ABT 1715 in Ulster, Ireland
        Martha ANDERSON b: ABT 1715
        Anna ANDERSON b: 1725/1745
        Elizabeth ANDERSON b: 1725/1745
        Sarah ANDERSON b: 1725/1745
        Jacob ANDERSON b: 3 Nov 1731 in Virginia
        George ANDERSON b: ABT 1740 in Orange , Virginia

        Marriage 2 Mrs Ann ANDERSON b: BEF 1710
        Married: BEF 1753


        Title: Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants
        Author: Library of Virginia
        Source Media Type: Electronic


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