Hendrix, Martin 1

Birth Name Hendrix, Martin
Gender male


Contact Jan Westmorland at jnjwestmorland502@att.net for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <lwbldb@charter.net> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Baptism 283EE6B598A747FE89B9EC7635F30961BB35      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hendrix, Arthur Alvin1887-12-141950-05-31
Mother Taylor, Amanda Pearl1887-12-111928-04-15
    Sister     Hendrix, Nola Geneva 1911-02-11 1988-07-30
    Brother     Hendrix, Charles ‘Charlie’ Ray 1913-05-18
    Sister     Hendrix, Theda Aquilla 1917-04-15 1984-03-00
    Sister     Hendrix, Lucille 1919-08-30 1985-09-00
    Brother     Hendrix, Edwin Dyatt 1921-07-10 1967-07-04
    Sister     Hendrix, Bonnie Sue 1924-12-17 1997-03-22
    Brother     Hendrix, Lee Duncan 1926-08-07 1978-02-00
    Brother     Hendrix, Taylor between 1907 and 1910 between 1907 and 1910
    Brother     Hendrix, Arthur between 1907 and 1910 between 1907 and 1910
         Hendrix, Martin 283EE6B598A747FE89B9EC7635F30961BB35
    Brother     Hendrix, Mark 340164534F5A421E95ACEF097D4B2E5C80E2