Standish, Thomas 1 2

Birth Name Standish, Thomas
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Downloaded from the Nick Hayes-Sue Drake family tree


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1515 London, Middlesex, England    
Christening 99A5CDA41ECB9B4791C9FF9447A1908564FC 18 APR 2009    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Standish, Robertabout 14951539
Mother Croft, Margaretabout 14801529
    Sister     Standish, Elizabeth 1504 1576
    Sister     Standish, Alice 1506 1542
    Brother     Standish, Hunan I about 1510 before 1572
         Standish, Thomas 1515
    Brother     Standish, John 1518
    Brother     Standish, Hugh 1520