Underwood, Elizabeth J. 1a

Birth Name Underwood, Elizabeth J.
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Elizabeth is head of household #125 in the 1910 Green County Upper Brush Creek census. She is 62 years of age and listed as the mother of 9 children, 6 living. The only child at home is George, age 24, and single.
In the 1920 Taylor County census, Elizabeth is living with her step-son, John R. Warren in family # 12 in the Oak Hill district of the county. Her age is given as 73 years and her name is given as Bettie.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1848-01-00 Green County, Kentucky. The 1870 Green County Census has her age as 17    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Underwood, Joshua18231870
Mother Carlisle, Mary1830
         Underwood, Elizabeth J. 1848-01-00
    Sister     Underwood, Melvina 1849
    Brother     Underwood, James T. 1852
    Brother     Underwood, George W. 1854 1929
    Sister     Underwood, Matilda 1856
    Brother     Underwood, William T. 1858-09-10
    Sister     Underwood, Martha E. 1869


Family of Warren, Richard Thomas and Underwood, Elizabeth J.

Married Husband Warren, Richard Thomas ( * 1843-02-00 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1877-03-01 Taylor County, Kentucky at R. T. Warren’s by W. T. Underwood. Witnesses Lewis Underwood and Hugh Warren. His third marriage Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Warren, Joseph1878-01-201948-02-25
Warren, George T.1880-05-00
Warren, Andy1882-07-00
Warren, Rosseau1883-10-00
Warren, Mary B.1884-03-00
Warren, Mary E.1885-03-00
Warren, George E.1886-12-001957-12-06
Warren, Nancy J.1887-02-00
Warren, Ernest L.1889-07-00

Source References

  1. Gene Perkins: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=gene-perkins&id=I15817 LaRue, Green, and Taylor Counties, Kentucky Genealogy
      • Source text:

        # ID: I15817
        # Name: Mary Carlisle
        # Sex: F
        # Birth: 1830 in KY



        Father: James S. Carlisle b: 1800 in KY
        Mother: Jane Reeves b: 1805 in KY

        Marriage 1 Joshua Underwood b: ABT 1823

        * Married: 13 NOV 1845 in Green County, KY


        1. Has No Children Melvina Underwood b: ABT 1849
        2. Has No Children James T. Underwood b: ABT 1852
        3. Has No Children Matilda Underwood b: ABT 1856 in KY
        4. Has No Children William T. Underwood b: 10 SEP 1858
        5. Has No Children Martha E. Underwood b: ABT 1869
        6. Has Children Elizabeth J. Underwood b: JAN 1848 in Green County, Kentucky. The 1870 Green County Census has her age as 17
        7. Has Children George W. Underwood b: ABT 1854 in Taylor Co, Ky

      • Citation:

        e-mail: Gene.Perkins@att.net