Yaroslavna of Kiev, Anastasiya Agmunda

Birth Name Yaroslavna of Kiev, Anastasiya Agmunda
Gender female
Age at Death 39 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1035 Kiev, Ukraine   1a
Death 1074     2

Age: 39y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Rurik of Kiev, Jaroslav I9791053-02-20
Mother Olafsdottir, Ingigerd10011049-02-10
    Brother     Yarolsavich, Vladimir 1020 1052-10-04
    Sister     Jaroslavna, Ellisif of Norway 1022
    Brother     Yaroslavich, Izyaslav Dmitrij I 1025 1078-10-03
    Brother     Yarolsavich, Svyatopolk I 1027 1076-12-27
    Brother     Rurik, Vsevolod Yaroslavovicy I 1030 1093-04-13
         Yaroslavna of Kiev, Anastasiya Agmunda 1035 1074
    Sister     Yaroslavna Of Kiev, Ann Agnesa 1036 1076


Family of Arpad of Hungary, Andras I and Yaroslavna of Kiev, Anastasiya Agmunda

Married Husband Arpad of Hungary, Andras I ( * 1001 + 1060-07-06 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1037     2
Name Birth Date Death Date
of Hungary, Adelaida10381062-01-27
of Hungary, Salamon1052
of Hungary, David1054

Source References

  1. Errol Bevan: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=bevangenealogy&id=I6850 @ RootsWeb Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including REINHARDT and BLOCKER Cousins and more
      • Source text:

        # ID: I6850
        # Name: Yaroslav I "The Wise"Vladimirovich Grand Duke Of KIEV
        # Surname: KIEV
        # Given Name: Yaroslav I "The Wise"Vladimirovich Grand Duke Of
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 0980 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        # Death: 20 Feb 1054 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        # Burial: 1054 , Russia
        # Ancestral File #: 952M-GV
        # LDS Baptism: 3 Mar 1931
        # Endowment: 11 Mar 1931 Temple: SLAKE
        # Sealing Child: 16 Feb 1932
        # Note:

        Grand Duke of Kiev And Duke of Russ
        !-Royal Ancestors- by Michel Call, 1989, chart # 11412, # 11425,# 11497, # 11699.

        Yaroslav the Wise

        Upon the death of Vladimir in 1015, his dominions were divided among his sons, and strife immediately developed. Vladimir's eldest son, Svyatopolk, called The Accursed (reigned 1015, 1018-1019), held the supreme power and, to secure his position, murdered his brothers Boris and Gleb. Svyatopolk was, in turn, defeated and deposed by his brother Yaroslav the Wise, prince of Novgorod. Yaroslav attempted to recreate the empire of his grandfather, Svyatoslav, and by 1036 had succeeded in making himself ruler of all Russia. With him, the Kievan Rus state reached its greatest power. Yaroslav made Kiev an imperial capital with magnificent buildings, including the notable Hagia Sophia of Kiev (Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom). Schools were opened, and the grand duke revised the first Russian law code, the Russkaya Pravda (Russian Truth). To consolidate the position of his heirs, Yaroslav devised a system of precedence, grading the various principalities from the smallest to Kiev, the most powerful, so that, as a grand duke of Kiev died, each vassal below him was moved to a larger principality, ending with the throne of Kiev.

        # Change Date: 3 Apr 2007 at 01:00:00

        Father: Vladimir I "The Great" Grand Duke Of KIEV b: 0960 in , Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        Mother: Rogneda Princess Of POLOTSK b: ABT 0962 in Of Polotsk, Polotsk, Byelorussia

        Marriage 1 Ingrid (Ingegerda) OLAFSDOTTER PRINCESS OF SWEDEN b: ABT 1001 in Of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

        * Married: 1019 in Of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
        * Sealing Spouse: 21 Sep 1931 in SLAKE
        * Note: _UID06EC017A00F534488A737BB918BEC58A342D


        1. Has Children Vsevolod I YAROSLAVOVIC b: 1030 in Of Pereyaslavl, Kiev, Ukraine
        2. Has No Children Igor YAROSLAVICH b: ABT 1036 in Of Vladimir Volynskiy, Volyn, Ukraine
        3. Has Children Vladimir YAROLSAVICH ;[DUKE OF NOVGOROD] b: 1020 in Of Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia
        4. Has Children Izyaslav I Dmitrij YAROSLAVICH b: 1025 in Of Turov, Polesye, Byelorussia
        5. Has Children Svyatopolk I (II) YAROSLAVICH (GRAND DUKE OF KIEV) b: 1027 in Of Vladimir-Volynsk, Volyn, Ukraine
        6. Has No Children Elizaveta Yaroslavna Queen Of NORWAY b: ABT 1032 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        7. Has Children Anastasiya Agmunda YAROSLAVNA PRINCESS OF KIEV b: ABT 1035 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        8. Has Children Anna Agnesa (Grand Duchess Of Kiev) YAROSLAVNA b: 1036 in Of Kiev, Ukraine
        9. Has No Children Vyacheslav YAROSLAVICH b: Bet 1034 and 1036 in Smolensk, Smolensk, Russia



        1. Repository:
        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA
        Title: Ancestral File (R)
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998



      • Citation:


  2. Errol Bevan: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=bevangenealogy&id=I8436&style=TABLE @ RootsWeb Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including REINHARDT and BLOCKER Cousins and more