Olafsson, Harold

Birth Name Olafsson, Harold
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death       1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Sitricsson, Olaf10001034
Mother O'Muirdag, Maelcorcre ingen Dunlaing1000
    Sister     O'Olaf, Rhanullt 1031
    Sister     of Dublin, Maclmuir ingen Olafr 1021
         Olafsson, Harold

Source References

  1. Randy: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=randyj2222&id=I1702 The Jones Families of Virginia
      • Source text:

        # ID: I1702
        # Name: Amlaib mac Sihtric [Óláfr Sitricson]
        # Given Name: Amlaib mac Sihtric [Óláfr Sitricson]
        # Suffix: dvp King of Dublin
        # Name: Auloed of DUBLIN
        # Given Name: Auloed
        # Surname: of DUBLIN
        # Sex: M
        # Change Date: 19 MAR 2006
        # Note:

        F.L. Weis, Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists (6th Ed.). p.197.
        Burke, Landed Gentry of G.B. (1939), p.982
        TAG 41:74

        # Death: ABT 1000
        # Death: of killed by Saxons while on pilgrimage to Rome 1034



        Father: Sihtric Olafsson "silkbeard"
        Mother: Slani ingen Brian

        Marriage 1 Máelcorcre ingen Dúnlaing O'MUIRDAG b: ABT 923

        * Married:


        1. Has Children Maclmuir ingen Olafr (Amlaib) of DUBLIN
        2. Has Children Ranult (Radnailt,Ragnhildr) b: ABT 1031
        3. Has Children Harold Olafsson

      • Citation:

        e-mail: randyj2222@yahoo.com